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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. hey fabpig - gotta like it. gotta take a stab. EDIT: certainly no apologies needed. looking forward to having the chance to be on the guessing side.
  2. hey Wilson - not it, this one is a little different than the others. think it needs an alternative clue - stiff knob
  3. plainglazed


    SCORN - if 2 then last letter is N; not SC R from SCORE - 1 which is the O. If SCORN - 1 then A is the first letter; ACORN - 2 the O and one other but not the C RN if SCORN - 1.
  4. plainglazed


    SHOPS - if 1 then O is the third letter; not the SH PS from SHIPS - 0. if 0 then T is the second letter; not S OPS yet STOPS - 1. EDIT: nevermind - too slow/too many distractions. da mn k ids (mine, that is...really)
  5. plainglazed


    P O S I T BREAK - 0 CORED - 1 STEEP - 0 GOOSE - 1 EVERY - 0 ROAST - 2 TODAY - 1 ROOST - 2 TRICK - 0 TOAST - 2 BONES - 1 VOMIT - 3 BOXES - 1 POSIT - 5 COUGH - 1 BOUGH - 1 SEXES - 0 [/code] +30 maurice +15 plainglazed EDIT: yes, your logic for T was correct as well. missed that. sorry maurice. Scores: Glycereine - 788 plainglazed - 699 maurice - 684 Cherry Lane - 532 Maquis - 445 araver - 426 Izzy - 386 Vineetrika - 384 Unreality - 284 dawh - 225 t8t8t8 - 190 NickFleming- 180 Framm - 177 golfjunkie - 170 woon - 141 Fabpig - 116 JarZe - 96 Blablah99 - 89 Harvey45 - 77 MollyMae - 46 Hirkala - 36 yuiop - 21 Abhisk - 20 PVRoot - 20 Filly - 19 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 phaze - 15 Kac_cotu - 5 Panther - 5
  6. what's shakin' Shakee. you've been missed. had to say something. will keep a ponderin. cheers
  7. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ BREAK - 0 CORED - 1 STEEP - 0 GOOSE - 1 EVERY - 0 ROAST - 2 TODAY - 1 ROOST - 2 TRICK - 0 TOAST - 2 BONES - 1 VOMIT - 3 BOXES - 1 COUGH - 1 BOUGH - 1 SEXES - 0 [/code] +5 maurice a fair presumption my good friend, fabpig, but wrong postulate
  8. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ BREAK - 0 CORED - 1 STEEP - 0 GOOSE - 1 EVERY - 0 ROAST - 2 TODAY - 1 ROOST - 2 TRICK - 0 BONES - 1 BOXES - 1 COUGH - 1 BOUGH - 1 SEXES - 0 [/code] +5 maurice
  9. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ BREAK - 0 CORED - 1 STEEP - 0 GOOSE - 1 EVERY - 0 ROAST - 2 TODAY - 1 TRICK - 0 BONES - 1 BOXES - 1 COUGH - 1 BOUGH - 1 SEXES - 0 [/code] +5 maurice
  10. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ BREAK - 0 CORED - 1 STEEP - 0 GOOSE - 1 EVERY - 0 TODAY - 1 TRICK - 0 BONES - 1 BOXES - 1 COUGH - 1 BOUGH - 1 SEXES - 0 [/code] +5 maurice
  11. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ BREAK - 0 CORED - 1 STEEP - 0 EVERY - 0 TODAY - 1 TRICK - 0 BONES - 1 BOXES - 1 COUGH - 1 BOUGH - 1 SEXES - 0 [/code] +5 maurice
  12. yes, that's the one. good thing you combed thru the posts. as to the last one, may need another clue but will let it go for now. cheers!
  13. tee hee hello there rsn - so good to see you here. your answer though is not my intended not that, DD sorry to steer you wrong there, fabpig. fwiw - kinda hinted at these in response to plasmid.
  14. yes inDD! Sorry Wilson, that answer clashes with mine own.
  15. sideways? half is kinda half right. with three left this one is tough but good I think. the other is only so so I fear but with a theme puzzle like this one it may come from working backwards. used almost every phrase I could come up with that qualified for this one as opposed to "And Another Thing..." where I only used a quarter of the possible ones I quickly jotted down. and the last one is a little different...
  16. and now my turn to wish you a happy belated... and too a fabulous holiday season. cheers

  17. neither of those Thalia, sorry. hey t_l - no on the second one above but yes on the first. three out of four ain't bad. had used your answer for the second one on my last puzzle. well done as always DD
  18. tenacity does indeed pay off. right on! hey Thalia - yes, and yes indeed. nicely done good stuff as always Wilson. I have different ones in mind for "permanent pass" and "fill in the blank" hey hey plasmid - not what I have in mind but one of the ones above, funny enough, is mismatched to my intended answer. the first is a close alternative and the second is good but these are connected more synonomously than associatively. also want to say I like your last one and maybe wouldnt be beyond doing something kinda similar...
  19. plainglazed


    _ O _ _ _ BREAK - 0 STEEP - 0 EVERY - 0 TODAY - 1 TRICK - 0 BONES - 1 BOXES - 1 COUGH - 1 BOUGH - 1 SEXES - 0 [/code] +5 maurice
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