Thanks to all who played. Here's a recap.
1. Understands about greeting nary one existing question.
- Understands = sees = CC
- greeting = HI
- about = direction for location of CC about or around HI = C HI C
- nary one = zero = O
- question = why = Y
2. Behold, you and me on the cross.
- Behold = LO
- you and me = US
- the cross = + shaped = T
- on = direction for location of US on T = T US
3. Barely passing and the next one coming and going before crazy old sailor.
- Barely passing (as in grade at school) = D
- and the next = next letter = E
- one = an = AN
- coming = direction for AN forwards = AN
- and going = direction for another (and) AN backwards (going) = NA
- old sailor = TAR
- crazy is a direction to jumble the word = ART (in this case)
4. Most elementary question in an Old World grouping one inside a shortened many.
- Most elementary = Hydrogen (double pow!) = H
- question = why = Y
- an Old World grouping = European Union = EU
- in = direction that Y is in EU = E Y U
- one = A
- a shortened = a direction to abbreviate many
- many = plural; a shortened many = abbreviated plural = PL
- inside = direction that A is inside of PL = P A L
5. Asp and arch shapes around kid, that is.
- Asp = snake shape = S
- arch shape = C
- around = a round = O
- kid = tease (as in to make fun of) = TT
- that is = ie = IE
6. Roach before an exclamation, not outerspace existence.
- Roach before = joint = J
- an exclamation = OH
- not outer = in = N
- space = _
- existence = B
John B
7. Total reversal of afterthought is more average sized.
- Total reversal of = direction that all the following (total) will be reversed
- afterthought = p.s. = PS
- is more = is plural = are = R
- average sized = medium = M
- PS R M reversed = M R SP
8. Look, man, twin Vipers move over mirrored in previous subcutaneous drip.
- Look = see = C
- man = HE
- twin vipers = SS
- move over = space = _
- mirrored = a direction to reverse the following
- in = N
- previous = EX
- subcutaneous drip = IV
- N EX IV reversed = VIXEN
9. Small spelling error encircled. NOTE: mass abbreviated passport.
- Small spelling = spelling abbreviated = SP
- error is a direction meaning to use wrong or to bobble, juggle SP = PS
- NOTE = musical note like do, re, mi, fa... = LA (in this case)
- encircled = direction of the relationship of PS to LA = P LA S
- mass abbreviated = m. = M
- passport = identification = ID
10. Be quiet, alias last listed. Not me surrounding urban transit.
- Be quiet = SH
- alias = a.k.a. = AKA
- last listed = Z
- not me = you = U
- uban transit = el = L
- surrounding = direction for U to surround L = U L U