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Everything posted by plainglazed

  1. plainglazed

    Hold me ever tighter This moment's oh so fleeting For since the earliest memory Seems I constantly have been beaten Down from mountains high Passed from river and stream And to the ocean's shores My journey's been, a dream Weaving is my man's design Bringing happiness a glory But only the smallest piece of me Is truth within this story.
  2. plainglazed

    Nevermind that's what I get for not understanding my own puzzle. Please leave line 8 as before.
  3. plainglazed

    I have found an error. So much for precision, eh. Line 8. should read: Look, man, twin Vipers TOTALLY mirrored in previous subcutaneous drip. with "totally" replacing "move over".
  4. plainglazed

    Close enough. I had "on" simply meaning on top and being your typical Ameican liken from bottom up to from left to right as culturally standard. Two down. Good work. Better go check now and see how many more you have done.....
  5. plainglazed

    Ha, Ha Chicory is exactly right. Slow weekend so am guessing you will have quite a headstart if you care to/are able. Back to some yardwork for me. Have fun. Well done chicory.
  6. :huh: Started off this post in support of your answer
  7. plainglazed

    Perfect reasoning and a good example of how these work but your answer is not a part of this grouping. All ten of these are part of a list the theme of which will become immediately apparant once the first one is solved. The title may give you a clue as to what kind of list. This one is the perfect one to start on. Thanks for launching this game. I know you can get this one. And then the others will be much easier.
  8. plainglazed

    Literally just now woke up thinking And now see Bong has been awake and baked this thought already.
  9. Oops, already see the error of my method. Still thinking.
  10. plainglazed

    Well it has been a while.
  11. plainglazed

    It's wonderfully challenging to follow your riddle.
  12. plainglazed

    Ok, I know I promised but blame it on Scottie, or the late lunch, or the unbelievably long line at the bank on a Friday afternoon before a three day weekend. Also inspired by the slew of lists seen here most recently. Well here goes. You kids play amongst yourselves for a while. 1. Understands about greeting nary one existing question. (7) 2. Behold,you and me on the cross. (5) 3. Barely passing and the next one coming and going before crazy old sailor. (9) 4. Most elementary question in an Old World grouping one inside a shortened many. (7) 5. Asp and arch shapes around kid, that is. (7) 6. Roach before an exclamation, not outerspace existence. (6) 7. Total reversal of afterthought is more average sized. (4) 8. Look, man, twin Vipers move over mirrored in previous subcutaneous drip. (11) 9. Small spelling error encircled. NOTE: mass abreviated passport. (7) 0. Be quiet, alias last listed. Not me surrounding urban transit. (9) The theme of the list and the "answers" will most likely come pretty quickly. The fun? is figuring out the rationale behind the translation. For those new to these Play on Word Quickies: Each word or two (generally speaking) of the puzzle corresponds to a letter or two (generally speaking) "spelling" out the answer. Other descriptors can be thrown in refering to the relation of individual letters. The letters will "read" left to right as presented unless there is a descriptor that directs otherwise. For the most part, punctuation is not part of the answer but rather to make the clue read better. Other than that, the clues are very precise. There are no unnecessary words in the clues or extra letters in the answers. Have a nice long weekend Scottie.
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