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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. haha! Sometimes I wonder....
  2. Ooohhh you are so close ..... keep thinking along the lines of the end of your statement...
  3. Where's Heyupal when you need him?
  4. deannaart

    So I'm dumb. What does that word mean?
  5. Aww. And I thought it was an easy one....
  6. Nope, keep racking those lovely Brainz of yours
  7. deannaart

    Man Brainz, it is much too early/ late for your head bangers. It'4:00 and I've still not gone to sleep. Now this? Your killing me! But you know I'm too addicted not to try. Give me a minute on this. in the meanwhile, try to take a stab at mine. (mY NEW FRIEND= THE REAL ONE)
  8. No, but this persone, when the answer is their choice, can be.
  9. Nope, sorry, Keep guessing!
  10. I am someone that speaks their own name On line, or in person It's always the same I refer to myself As this kind of person Some people get annoyed But funny to me is for certain Some can't help it To some, it's a game I hope these clues help but in guessing, there's no shame
  11. deannaart

    Happens to all if us, sweetie. Don't fret.. I've got one coming out...
  12. Great Answer! It does kinda fit, although it was not right, it would be super funny if it was!
  13. deannaart

    The answer's already been found, but if you wanna keep guessing, I'll be happy to oblige.(Since Heyupal is scarce tonight)
  14. deannaart

    YAY! A new riddle!
  15. deannaart

    What's the answer?
  16. deannaart

    Lotus, are you off dancing, or did the zombies get you too? RMZ AHOY!!!!!
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