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Everything posted by deannaart

  1. deannaart

    Hey, you're supposed to be at work...
  2. Close enough! Yay! You win!!!!
  3. here's a clue: A path I wear through your brain From hearing me over and over again I'm now more than an annoying itch Can you guess this awful brain glitch?
  4. Haha. Nope! Have fun at work.
  5. I've got another verse ready if you guys feel you need it. Give me a yea or a nay.
  6. God I know. I get migranes. They're awful. And while yours is a good guess, sadly, it is not the right one. Think simple guys..
  7. no to all, and I don't know how to steer you in the right direction without giving it away. let me think...
  8. Nope, haven't had those in a while. man I'm loving these guesses!
  9. No, I try not to do that anymore...tee hee hee
  10. Nope. I have a night light haha
  11. No, sorry. Keep guessing, though. I love your guesses.
  12. deannaart

    Great riddle Pal! I love it when you get me thinking!
  13. What's that thing inside your head It goes on and on and springs you from bed "Come on!" you say, "Go on" Get out" But still it persists till you scream and shout Round and round like a car on a track Wish it would go away and never come back But it's just stuck, like cars in the mud What's worse is, usually, it's a total dud
  14. deannaart

    oh, I'm so dumb! Of course that's the answer! If it was a snake it would've bit me. Foiled again...
  15. deannaart

    Birth place?
  16. deannaart

    Yeah, but what about my answers. You were too caught up in images of dancing nighties...
  17. deannaart

    Till we meet again... Have fun thinking about nighties! (They really are the best)
  18. deannaart

    Now it's my turn to say, keep it clean ,kids.. But then, what would be the fun in that?
  19. deannaart

    I'm still in my nightie.. I might as well join the party, right? Pants - off - dance - off !!!!!
  20. deannaart

    Oh, man. You really DID let it out of the cage this morning didn't you? Heyupal- I take it you're feeling a bit better this morning?
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