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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. I'd cut the roles down to 10 and start immediately, if you wanna play.
  2. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    Beats me. I volunteered Hirkala and someone named Gregory (is there a Gregory among you?) to host. He probably won't host, though. There's no design yet.
  3. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    What is this I don't even
  4. So you know what you're doing in this game, right?
  5. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    My wife's cooking is so bad that it hopped off the counter, walked out the door, robbed three banks, and killed five policemen. And all before supper!
  6. Molly Mae

    *Shrug* If you're ready to go with it. I'm trying to fix scheduling conflicts, so Coup might go after Glitch 2 has slowed down (20+ pages that I didn't catch up with).
  7. I really doubt I or HG are going to lose sleep over this. You're not married, are you?
  8. Molly Mae

    I guess this doesn't work for the redirect, though. Hmm.. I donno... Maybe.... .... .....something.... ...there has to be a fix for this guy. =P Maybe the way you had it was good. He can't steal RID Kills or Redirect. Or role steals.
  9. I'm taking first in this game now. Will take a screenshot.

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Auramyna


      :wtf: How did this status turn into a Happy Birthday/shoot the breeze meeting place?!?!?! [wacko]

    3. Anon26


      I just saw it again, and I think i updated the wrong status.... oops.

      Stupid new theme.

      And sorry MoMa.

    4. Molly Mae
  10. Updated Queue In progress: Sholay On-Deck: Coup of Rhotus After that: TMM-VII?
  11. Host = Molly Mae 1. Hirkala 2. Lionheart 3. 4. 5. maurice 6. 7. Auramyna 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. Darth Nox 13. Shadow7 14. curr3nt 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. @Curr: You're good. =P
  12. Host = Molly Mae 1. Hirkala 2. Lionheart 3. 4. 5. maurice 6. 7. Auramyna 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Shadow7 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. Before signing up, please be sure that you understand the rules of the game and how it works. If you have any questions, post them here.
  13. Your first game and you've already joined the Died N1 Club... =P
  14. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    TMM-VII Host: Gregory && Hirkala 1.Bong 2.mboon 3.Canadola 4. 5. 6. 7. Zweefer 8.ethg242 9. A. ... Backup/ Mentor 1. MiKi 2. TheCube 3. Thalia Pure Mentor 1. Aaryan
  15. Molly Mae

    I'd say accept actions from Finbar in the form of a RID. If the RID is required, you have it. If it's not required, don't use it. Where would you break the loop, though? Read it this way: If A blocks A, does A's action show in the night post? If it does, his action was both successful (it shows in the post) and not successful (his target wasn't blocked). If it doesn't show, his action was both successful (his target was blocked) and not successful (his own action didn't show in the night post). Yes, it's a loop, but it isn't one you can really break by OOA.
  16. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Everything is WIFOM. For everything else, there's Mastercard.
  17. Molly Mae

    Just as a compilation to show how this is grouped in my mind. So there is no day action. That clears that up. But RIDs and redirect (in the event that Scapegrace is recruited and chooses the Redirect) EDIT: Where is the Redirect in the OOA? This was actually a big reason I asked about OOA.... Abilities that can be stolen (straight-forward): Billy-Ray Sanguine – (follow spy on odd nights, role spy on even) Dusk – (block). Tanith Low – Block China Sorrows – Role Spy Mr. Bliss – trap Kenspeckle Grouse – save The Torment – block The Grotesquery- NK Abilities that might be stolen (confusing): Baron Vengeous – RID Kill. Skulduggery Pleasant – RID Kill Vaurien Scapegrace - If recruited and chooses redirect. Springheeled Jack – RID Kill. Abilities that cannot be stolen: Valrykie Cain – Vanilla, Gordon Edgley- RID Recruit Indy to join the BTSC Vaurien Scapegrace (if not recruited) Abilities that, if stolen, would cause a paradox: Finbar Wrong - A Sensitive, he has the power to envision the future. He can also steal the power of one player.
  18. Molly Mae

    Finbar Wrong - A Sensitive, he has the power to envision the future. He can also steal the power of one player. Steal or borrow? Does Finbar choose a new power each night, or whichever one he chooses N1 he keeps? Does he choose by player or by role? Does the player/role he steal from lose the ability for that night/the game? Borrow. When he chooses the person, he does not block them, and the next Night cycle he can use the ability and choose a new player's role to use. So his abilities stack? Can he use more than one action per night? For example: N1 he steals the power of X. N2 He uses X's and targets someone (not knowing X's power) and steal's Y's power for N3, etc. He does not keep the same power, and he cannot target the same person more than once. What are the advantages to targeting a player if you don't know what your ability is? How does this work for stolen day actions? I don't know. Seriously, I have no idea. I guess he could target a (goodie) role N1 and use it N1, etc. but he cant use the same role twice. This.....should be interesting, at least. Have you considered role steal where the player targets a role instead of a player? What happens if Finbar chooses to steal the action of player controlling Dusk and uses the ability on Jack--is the Indy blocked? Recruited? If yes, to which team? Is there BTSC? Same question(s) for stealing Gordon's ability? I'll add that in the Signups. He blocks Jack. Only Dusk can Recruit. Another query: Are players told that their actions is/was stolen? If so, when are they told (the night they were targeted by the role stealer or the following night when they don't get an action)? *shrug* I dont know if they'll be notified. And they will get an action. Finbar uses their role, but they can still use their role too. Okay, seriously, last question--will you accept conditionals for this ability? Say I steal an ability from Cube on N1, but unbeknownst to me he has a day action (say vote mod x1-x3, as an example). I target Hirkala at night, but I'm also blocked (nothing happens). I don't know if I have a night or day action now. Can I say, "If applicable, make my vote x2" or would you not accept that, even if it was applicable? If yes, how many "if applicable" statements would you accept? If a RID Kill is stolen, will it always fail? Or will you accept a "target as role" (RID style) in case a RID ability is stolen? Can RID abilities be stolen? I'm gonna go read the RDs to see if this guy has any more strange conflicts...
  19. I just want to let everyone know that Anon hosted this game while I took a serious back seat. With the exception of putting up the OP (which Anon wrote), giving the spy his N2 result, and answering a few questions, Anon did everything and he did it very well. A very successful TMM, if I do say so (which I do because I just did).
  20. Host BTSC is a no, since Anon and I used our personal chat thread as the game info thread. I'll add you to ghost BTSC shortly.
  21. 1. Aaryan - Manuel Ávila Camacho 2. tolecnal - Jan Lucas 3. Nana7 - Franklin Roosevelt 4. TheCube - Bernard L. Montgomery 5. mboon - Joseph Stalin 6. Slick - Robert Menzies 7. Darth Nox - Charles de Gaulle 8. Aura - Brigadier General Joseph Bran 9. Bong - Finn Niklas A. Araver - Marian Rejewski Hope I got the replacements right....
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