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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. @China: Am I not obvious enough? @mo: Keep it a secret. @curr: Check BTSC. @Sak: I only brought you into this conversation to distract from what's really happening. *Shrug*
  2. Six more. I start cutting roles tomorrow night. So if you're not signed up, please do so today.
  3. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Hurray! "There is a thing...."
  4. first, hot, powder - cream? corn, apple, cane - ?
  5. Okay, curr. Listen carefully and you can also join Maurice's happy family. If you know who Grouse is, you'll probably need him tonight. Watch Sak. She "knows" the baddies won't kill her? Only one of two reasons for that, and I know which is true.
  6. USERNAME: Molly Mae NAME: Libronalah the Scholar RACE: Human APPEARANCE: A jolly, balding old man with a short gray beard garbed in a plain green travelers cloak. He carries with him a large leather-bound book. PROFESSION: Scribe, linguist, former librarian of The Great Archives of Demlur OTHER INFO: A non-combatant, but a very informative fellow.
  7. I'm a magician, Sak. I say one thing and wave my left hand. While you're following it, I'm stabbing you with my right. @Mo: Operation Quiet Storm is initiated.
  8. Come off it. You're making me happy with your strange humour. There are only a few people who would be made happy by your humour this game. Think about it. And when you're scratching your head because it doesn't make sense...it does. Don't act on it yet. Just wait. And don't target Sak tonight. =P
  9. It would be pretty funny for exactly the reason I'm thinking.
  10. Heh. I think I know why. EDIT: If the redirect is still alive, he should redirect Sak to Sak. It'll be cute.
  11. Good idea, Sak. Players: 1. Bong 2. Molly Mae - voting for Shadow7, Sakura, Bong, Maurice, and Akriti 4. Akriti 5. tolecnal 6. Sakura-chan - voting for Yodell 7. Aura 8. maurice - voting for Molly Mae 9. KlueMaster - trapped N2 by Mr. Bliss 10. curr3nt - voting for Yodell 11. darth nox 12. Thalia - voting for Molly Mae (see post 194 for reason) 13.Yodell - voting sakura 14. Shadow7 15. DarthMask DEAD: 3. EDM - the Grotesquery - Killed N1 by Springheeled Jack
  12. Is that why he asked me to sit on his lap?
  13. slu* - ? GD filter The first letters are SL and the last two are UT - ? EDIT: Your search - define:slu* - did not match any documents. Is that slang? I thought....wait....
  14. Ho ho ho! She's got records on you, mo. @Sak: You're playing with fire, sweetheart.
  15. wedding, short, yellow- dress? change, watch, corner - ?
  16. @Sak: Wait...did your spy result come back and say "Mo is Finbar" or something?
  17. gdi. See? This is what happens when you guys go all Molly Hunt crazy. I get outed as an Indy every time....
  18. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    The above has been modified with punctuation.
  19. bullet, model, steam- train boxing, diamond, telephone - ? EDIT: Nana beat me to Wilson's by a minute. But I only had to rearrange my clues! Whoopee!
  20. Well, you'd need three people to be inactive because of powerplaying, so even if YoDell and I were baddies, there'd still be one more. From my perspective, there has to be at least two more inactives (I can't vouch for YoDell). I have no idea why they would have elected to not act unless it was to cause WIFOM.
  21. Where did I ask China to our herself? I think you're spinning words. I just said that someone can vouch for me and advised her to not out me. Careful where you step. The wrong people might learn something. Same as above. Show me where I said anything along the lines of "Hey, China, make yourself known so everyone knows I'm good!" I just said that I have someone to vouch for me, should I need it. Voting for me seems like a ruse to get China to out herself whilst using the cover of my twisted words. It really doesn't matter where it is in the OOA. There's absolutely no change to how the action works except for self-saves (which are either allowed or aren't and imply how loops are broken). *Sigh* I thought you were better than that, Mo. Again, I ask of you three to show me where I told China to out herself. Buncha bandwaggonin' sobs. =P I know I've told you twice about scum rule (and it was used in TMM-VI). I've given you the link. Go read it. No. Day doesn't end when we reach majority. Read the transition from Scum to Den Mafia. I've given you that link already, too. I call BS, especially with curr3nt in this game (no offense buddy). He likes outing people. I have a theory about it giving him some sick pleasure. Not to mention any newbs who'd be like "Don't vote for Molly because she's ********* and stuff! LOL!" The number of *'s is not indicative of anything at all.
  22. @Sak: Yeah, weekends are scum. It's necessary.@Curr: I didn't discuss the game. Just mechanics. But China can vouch for me. (Don't out me, China, and I'll owe you one) Players: 1. Bong 2. Molly Mae - voting for Shadow7 4. Akriti 5. tolecnal 6. Sakura-chan 7. Aura 8. maurice 9. KlueMaster - trapped N2 by Mr. Bliss 10. curr3nt - voting for Yodell 11. darth nox 12. Thalia 13.Yodell 14. Shadow7 15. DarthMask DEAD: 3. EDM - the Grotesquery - Killed N1 by Springheeled Jack Haven't heard from Shadow yet. Let's get on that now. You're #1 on my hit list since you're usually active.
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