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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae

    Goodies rely on the assistance of a majority of players. =P But it's 8-4.5* We're the Yankees of RSH... We take any challenge... You can't split us up... =P *Note: Angel 2 wasn't really a loss for me.
  2. Molly Mae

    Okay, my last two questions (for now): Finbar Wrong - A Sensitive, he has the power to envision the future. He can also steal the power of one player. Steal or borrow? Does Finbar choose a new power each night, or whichever one he chooses N1 he keeps? Does he choose by player or by role? Does the player/role he steal from lose the ability for that night/the game? Borrow. When he chooses the person, he does not block them, and the next Night cycle he can use the ability and choose a new player's role to use. So his abilities stack? Can he use more than one action per night? For example: N1 he steals the power of X. N2 He uses X's and targets someone (not knowing X's power) and steal's Y's power for N3, etc. He does not keep the same power, and he cannot target the same person more than once. What are the advantages to targeting a player if you don't know what your ability is? How does this work for stolen day actions? I don't know. Seriously, I have no idea. I guess he could target a (goodie) role N1 and use it N1, etc. but he cant use the same role twice. This.....should be interesting, at least. Have you considered role steal where the player targets a role instead of a player? What happens if Finbar chooses to steal the action of player controlling Dusk and uses the ability on Jack--is the Indy blocked? Recruited? If yes, to which team? Is there BTSC? Same question(s) for stealing Gordon's ability? Another query: Are players told that their actions is/was stolen? If so, when are they told (the night they were targeted by the role stealer or the following night when they don't get an action)? Gordon Edgley- An imprint of the real Gordon Edgely’s soul, he is only known to Valrykie. He has a silver tongue, and he can convince an Indy to join the BTSC and become a Goodie Is this a RID recruit? Or just a "choose-an-indy" recruit? If it's choose, can Gordon only choose one the whole game? If that's the case, when is the recruit chosen? RID Recruit. What I wrote was quite unclear about that, sorry. That might be a bit powerful, with three indies that can only be recruited to the goodies, especially if they gain BTSC. hmm, maybe I could give baddies 1 recruit? Or maybe Gordon can Recruit them, but not add them to the BTSC? *Shrug* That's your call. Perhaps making one Indy recruitable by the baddies wouldn't be terrible, as long as the indy hasn't been recruited (but the RID killer indy can't be recruited to the baddies?). I don't really know. I guess I could make Jack recruitable to the Baddies. Would Jack still be recruitable to the Goodies as well? If not, I'd list in the RDs which roles are recruitable by which faction. If so, what happens if both factions recruit him on the same night? What happens if he's recruited to one faction and the other tries to recruit him? Will recruits show in the post?
  3. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Everything is WIFOM excluding this statement.
  4. Putting scores in order: @Cube: FOUR - ?
  5. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    This would hurt my feelings, if I had any.
  6. Molly Mae

    Gordon Edgley- An imprint of the real Gordon Edgely’s soul, he is only known to Valrykie. He has a silver tongue, and he can convince an Indy to join the BTSC and become a Goodie Is this a RID recruit? Or just a "choose-an-indy" recruit? If it's choose, can Gordon only choose one the whole game? If that's the case, when is the recruit chosen? RID Recruit. What I wrote was quite unclear about that, sorry. That might be a bit powerful, with three indies that can only be recruited to the goodies, especially if they gain BTSC. hmm, maybe I could give baddies 1 recruit? Or maybe Gordon can Recruit them, but not add them to the BTSC? *Shrug* That's your call. Perhaps making one Indy recruitable by the baddies wouldn't be terrible, as long as the indy hasn't been recruited (but the RID killer indy can't be recruited to the baddies?). Finbar Wrong - A Sensitive, he has the power to envision the future. He can also steal the power of one player. Steal or borrow? Does Finbar choose a new power each night, or whichever one he chooses N1 he keeps? Does he choose by player or by role? Does the player/role he steal from lose the ability for that night/the game? Borrow. When he chooses the person, he does not block them, and the next Night cycle he can use the ability and choose a new player's role to use. So his abilities stack? Can he use more than one action per night? For example: N1 he steals the power of X. N2 He uses X's and targets someone (not knowing X's power) and steal's Y's power for N3, etc. He does not keep the same power, and he cannot target the same person more than once. What are the advantages to targeting a player if you don't know what your ability is? How does this work for stolen day actions? RID Recruit > Save > Goodie RID Kill > Baddie RID Kill > Indy RID Kill > Steal > Goodie Block > Baddie Block > Indy Block > Trap > Baddie NK > Indy NK > Baddie Spy > Goodie Spy Is the baddie NK blockable? And I assume that RID Kills are blocking kills, as they are listed separately (yet continuous) in the OOA. Maybe. I think I will add that every Night the Baddies choose a carrier that could be blocked As it is now, the game could come down to 11 vs 3 vs 1 where the goodies have 5 in BTSC (clearly this is worst case scenario). I would leave the NK alone and leave it outside the OOA (with the exception of ... > Save [ > NK] ).
  7. Molly Mae

    Have you seen my record as an Indy? 0-4...
  8. Molly Mae

    Some unexpected answers in there, especially regarding these roles: Gordon Edgley- An imprint of the real Gordon Edgely’s soul, he is only known to Valrykie. He has a silver tongue, and he can convince an Indy to join the BTSC and become a Goodie Is this a RID recruit? Or just a "choose-an-indy" recruit? If it's choose, can Gordon only choose one the whole game? If that's the case, when is the recruit chosen? RID Recruit. What I wrote was quite unclear about that, sorry. That might be a bit powerful, with three indies that can only be recruited to the goodies, especially if they gain BTSC. Finbar Wrong - A Sensitive, he has the power to envision the future. He can also steal the power of one player. Steal or borrow? Does Finbar choose a new power each night, or whichever one he chooses N1 he keeps? Does he choose by player or by role? Does the player/role he steal from lose the ability for that night/the game? Borrow. When he chooses the person, he does not block them, and the next Night cycle he can use the ability and choose a new player's role to use. So his abilities stack? Can he use more than one action per night? RID Recruit > Save > Goodie RID Kill > Baddie RID Kill > Indy RID Kill > Steal > Goodie Block > Baddie Block > Indy Block > Trap > Baddie NK > Indy NK > Baddie Spy > Goodie Spy Is the baddie NK blockable? And I assume that RID Kills are blocking kills, as they are listed separately (yet continuous) in the OOA.
  9. Molly Mae

    I'd guess two. King (appears as commoner) Royal Guard Assassin (appears as commoner) Commoner x2
  10. Molly Mae

    A few comments and questions regarding roles: Valrykie Cain – Still a novice sorceress, she cannot do much. Vanilla, but BTSC with Gordon. If Gordon dies, she gets his power. If she dies, the power is lost. Is the power lost if she dies while Gordon is alive? I imagine it isn't, but the wording is ambiguous. Gordon Edgley- An imprint of the real Gordon Edgely’s soul, he is only known to Valrykie. He has a silver tongue, and he can convince an Indy to join the BTSC and become a Goodie Is this a RID recruit? Or just a "choose-an-indy" recruit? If it's choose, can Gordon only choose one the whole game? If that's the case, when is the recruit chosen? Finbar Wrong - A Sensitive, he has the power to envision the future. He can also steal the power of one player. Steal or borrow? Does Finbar choose a new power each night, or whichever one he chooses N1 he keeps? Does he choose by player or by role? Does the player/role he steal from lose the ability for that night/the game? Vaurien Scapegrace- WinCon: Last man standing out of Valrykie, Skulduggery, and him. Calls himself the “Killer Supreme” but is really inept at murder. He has a grudge against Valrykie and Skulduggery for apprehending him. He is such a non-threat that it takes two lynches to kill him. If recruited, chooses between two-lynch or redirect. Assuming recruit isn't pre-N1 (although I assume it is), what if Vaurien is lynched once and then recruited? The Grotesquery- WinCon: Survival. Massive and almost indestructible. He has a NK and cannot die in the day. Cannot be recruited. Just an interesting indy. Does his wincon end the game? If not, I suspect that a Grotesquery + Baddie alliance would form. If I were a baddy, I'd out my faction to publicly recruit him. Do any indy wincons end the game? OOA? This is kind of important--the redirect might be powerful or it might be b/s. *Shrug* What are your rules on redirecting spies? For example, if A spies B and X redirects A to Y, some hosts will tell A that B is Y's role. Other hosts will tell the spy that he was redirected and that Y is Y's role. EDIT: Had a tag.
  11. Molly Mae

    And Z brings out the conservative, gun-owning, freedom-loving American in me. And I'm sure Hirk evokes some kind of emotion in someone.
  12. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Aw...really? I'm totally going to put this in my signature... Don't ask me...I follow the four rules when I write the post... You can never get enough of that stuff where you know what you're talking about and you're certain of things and stuff.
  13. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    Nope. Just helpful in keeping track of who is where.
  14. Molly Mae

    This is hilarious for reasons I don't care to share. Drummers are dead weight in a band. Believe it.
  15. Molly Mae

    Done. I'll put the thread together shortly. @Aaryan: When do we go?
  16. Due to a round of inactivity, many players have been replaced (including you). It's nothing personal, but games die quickly with a lot of inactives.
  17. The post is on it's way soon. No rush.
  18. Molly Mae

    Mozzy Mokala is accepting challenges of rematch. Careful. Mozzy Mokala might just turn into Mozzy Mokalaver.
  19. Molly Mae

    EDIT: Don't mind the gibberish...
  20. I like the new changes. You can copy/paste formatting. And editing/quoting PMs doesn't mess up the line breaks. @Dej: HOUR - ?
  21. But I like mod kills.... I'll let you know if we need any more replacements.
  22. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    He was so fast ring old I escort I solvent.
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