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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    When I lost my car keys, I knew I couldn't face another day. *Cue dramatic music* How could I face my friends? My family? I was so depressed. *Music begins to cheer up* But then I heard about Keyfinder, a one-of-a-kind device designed for people like me--people who, like millions of other Americans, can't control their memory when setting down their keys. I talked to my doctor and he agreed that using Keyfinder was in my best interest. So I picked up the phone and called 1-800-KEY-FIND and my life has never been better. *Cue hopeful music* You, too, can enjoy the comfort of never again losing your keys. Just call 1-800-KEY-FIND today. Keyfinder is a trademark of the Federal Bureau of Investigation and is not sold in stores. Those who are nursing, pregnant, or who may become pregnant should not use Keyfinder. Please consult your physician before using Keyfinder. Call now to have Keyfinder change your life. All major credit cards accepted. Sorry, no CODs.
  2. Molly Mae

    How do you have 0 posts when I am clearly quoting one of them? Welcome, Enigma... EDIT: Oh, right...posts in this forum don't count... =/
  3. Roles are out. Please confirm here or in your role PM. We won't be starting until HPY3 ends, but we'd like to have everyone confirm before we actually kick this off.
  4. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    The pilot came on the intercom and said, "I hope this thing still works when it's wet."
  5. Yes, yes. It comes from the word of the cow to which Lukas gave his testimony. Don't mind typos.
  6. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    In this (and many other things), I aim to please.
  7. Yes, yes. I missed the edit time. The last two baddies should be swapped in RD.
  8. Roles have been randomised, but won't go out yet. But they might soon, so we can get some confirmation from some people.
  9. Trainer Manual Mafia - Council of War PROLOGUE: -------------------------------------- From Dairy of Jan Lucas: -------------------------------------- ~~~ June 1942 London, I don't know how I got in there, neither would I ponder. Seems like a dream now. But a harsher path lay ahead. If all things go as planned, I would be able to take away the Allied Blue Document, the Battle plan. I am tired now. So tired. Only for the Motherland I had undertaken this journey. For my Comrades who in me have trust, and the very trust is my sole support now. The vile Churchill with his friend Franklin Roosevelt and Manuel Ávila Camacho are meeting. If reports are right, then Marian Rejewski, Joseph Stalin and Bernard L. Montgomery with their Australian friend Robert Menzies would be there as well. And yes, the Frenchman, De Gaulle, I presume would be there too.. And just to plan the destruction of the Motherland? Ha! it is their own destruction that they plan. Finn has already made it to the Council, and there would be Brigadier General Joseph Bran, a helpful fellow indeed. And I, the proud Nazi, Jan Lucas. Never was their a chance to serve the Motherland better. The very son of the soil would bring the doom of the enemies closer or ....Perish in the Attempt Baddies (Mafia): Nazi spies and sympathists. Have BTSC and a NightKill. WinCon: Send information back to Germany after systematically eliminating the allied council. - Brigadier General Joseph Bran: A British General who has secretly turned against his country and been severely affected by Nazi propoganda. When spied, he appears as a random living Goodie. - Finn Niklas: A silver-tongued advisor who specialises in subtle Nazi propoganda. His words may intrigue those he speaks with. (Block) - Jan Lucas: German supporter sent to keep Lucas safe. He may make his own vote count as x0 or x1. Goodies (Innocents): A dedicated war council headed by Winston Churchill in London planning a Allied Raid. WinCon: To get rid of the Baddies by lynching them all during the day. - Bernard L. Montgomery: A veteran officer of the British Army, skilled in military strategy. He had learned much throughout the war Ability: Ability: Can save a player each night. Can save self. (Save) - Franklin Roosevelt: American President and military planner. His opinion is regarded with much respect. He may make his own vote count as x1 or x2. (Self vote manip). - Marian Rejewski: Polish mathematician and cryptologist who cracked the Enigma Machine. Through his own efforts, he can see the true role of any player. (Role Spy) - Joseph Stalin: Premier of the Soviet Union who joined the Allies after Germany violated their non-aggression pact. Ability: No action (Vanilla) - Manuel Ávila Camacho: Mexican President and Allied supporter. Ability: No action (Vanilla). - Robert Menzies: Austrailian Prime Minister loyal to Churchill, but he refuses to directly contribute to any assault in Europe. Ability: No action (Vanilla) - Charles de Gaulle: The veteran of two wars, the grand figure head of France. Ability: No Action (Vanilla) Winston Churchill: Anon26 Queen Victoria: Molly Mae 1. Petrus 2. tolecnal 3. Nana7 4. TheCube 5. mboon 6. Slick 7. Zweefer 8. km1 9. Bong A. Artificial Backup: 1. Hidden G 2. Aaryan 3. Auramyna Mentors: 1. Auramyna 2. Akriti 3. Shadow7 4. Thalia 5. KlueMaster 6. Araver N1 will last 48+ hours, in order to give time for some players to confirm.
  10. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    Oh, right. We are going before you. =P I've confused myself! Haha. We have a theme for ours, so don't worry about that. OP is almost done, just need a decided cycle end time.
  11. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    Oh. Typically, TMM sign-ups go in this thread and Hirk isn't allowed to play in them. =P But if we're counting it as TMM-V, I'll change the game Anon and I are hosting to TMM-VI.
  12. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    TMM-VI Host: KM? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. ... Backup 1. 2. 3. Donno if KM is still planning on hosting TMM-VI. But here's signups for the next one. TMM-V is being posted shortly.
  13. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Football is a lazy sports gimmick that tries to keep Americans informed enough to watch a game of rugby, yet ill-informed enough to confuse the sh** out of them.
  14. I voted, as well, but I'm kinda in the same boat as Slick. I just don't have a lot of time. On top of that, when I do have time, it's rarely at a consistent part of the day. But if you ever need a self-guided NPC while I'm available, let me know. =P
  15. Updated Queue. Current order: 1. HPY3 - In progress 2. TMM-V 3. Sholay 4. Coup of Rhotus
  16. Molly Mae

    Newbie Mafia

    Yes. I actually have more wins as a baddie than losses.
  17. DISCLAIMER: Please remember that there are secret abilities in this game. While I won't answer direct questions about secret abilities, I'm not trying to hide what exactly the abilities are--I am, however, trying to keep the exact nature of these abilities a secret and the identity of the roles who hold those abilities. Oh, I just answered this in Sholay sign-ups. I'll update BD Queue. Current Order: HP3, TMM-V, Sholay, CoR 1. You are confusing RID Guessing (to gain BTSC) and Recruiting (to have independents join your faction). Successor is done by role, not by player. For more on RID Guessing for BTSC, see Titanomachy (the BTSCs are in the BD sub-forums above). RID Guessing will only be allowed for roles in your faction. 2. It will not be mass chaos. But the board might be sized down to prevent an endless hunt during the nights (which makes for very powerful day phases). 3. Gap? You are talking about two logically different actions. It's like movement and acting. They aren't the same. RID Guess is to gain BTSC. Recruiting is done in the style of Amber. 4. The numbers on the board are just standard hex notation (the way a standard plane uses x- and y-axis). I built the map away from 0,0 so it's a bit confusing. I'm looking to redraw it before the game (and hopefully just number the spaces 1-?) 1. Part of every action is luck, but it won't be entirely luck. It will act as a typical spy, though, in that you will choose a target (player X) and if that target is within your range, you learn his role/faction/whatever. As for location feedback: Not really. A lot of that will come down to gaining BTSC with the rest of your faction. If I made a mid-phase cycle for movement, I could PM a list of who (player) is within your current range. I could allow movements to be PM'd during the day phase. At the end of the day, I could send that list... Right. There are lynch sequences, but they aren't called lynch sequences. There's a kill sequence with parameters that the initiator can include which will reveal (or not) the faction or identity (or both) of the killed player. Spy sequence works the same way--parameters determine what information you get if the sequence passes (role, faction, or both).
  18. Molly Mae

    I knew it! Go ahead with Sholay after TMM-V. I'll hold Coup until after this is done (and it'll give me a bit of a host break). You can change the skin and disable viewing signatures. It's what I do. Cause honestly, when's the last time you really read anyone's sig?
  19. Eh, because I see a lot of that avatar. And stuff.

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