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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. And of course you're right. =P As much as I can get them to work well with the fastest car, I can't seem to get them to work well with each other. I actually edited the post above about the time you were replying.
  2. Molly Mae

    1. Do blocks stop the night kill? 2. Does the NK block other actions? (Not needed for spy--so really, can the doctor self-save?) 3. Do the baddies get a NK after the first baddie gets his role? 4. Does the first baddie learn the id of the second baddie if only the first has solved the puzzle? If yes to 3, but no to 4, the baddie might end up killing his partner. Balance? It really depends on the difficulty of the puzzles. 5. Are all .zip files protected by the same password/puzzle?
  3. Molly Mae

    If this is a sign-up thread, please put me down. =P
  4. Who ever would have expected 3 in a row? =P COLD - ?
  5. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    It turns her off when he says it must go on.
  6. MATH BEES - 0 IRON - 0 HERE - 0 RANK - 1 BARE - 1 CALM - 1 LAND - 1 DASH - 2 RINK - 0 SASS - 1 DANK - 1 OATH - 3 BATH - 3 PATH - 3 Score Change: Wb +5, Quag +20, MoMa +13 I wanted to see how long it would take to find the same word. And I wasn't feeling very creative. Going to find scores. Will post them shortly. Scores were taken from and updated with scores from last round found EDIT: Cat made the list twice. EDIT2: Quag was out of order.
  7. Molly Mae


    Ah, you got me. =P STALL - ?
  8. ?ATH BEES - 0 IRON - 0 HERE - 0 RANK - 1 BARE - 1 CALM - 1 LAND - 1 DASH - 2 RINK - 0 SASS - 1 DANK - 1 OATH - 3 BATH - 3 Score Change: Wb +5, Quag +10
  9. ?A?H BEES - 0 IRON - 0 HERE - 0 RANK - 1 BARE - 1 CALM - 1 LAND - 1 DASH - 2 RINK - 0 SASS - 1 DANK - 1 OATH - 3 Score Change: Wb +5, Quag +5
  10. ?A?? BEES - 0 IRON - 0 HERE - 0 RANK - 1 BARE - 1 CALM - 1 LAND - 1 DASH - 2 RINK - 0 SASS - 1 Score Change: Wb +5
  11. ?A?? BEES - 0 IRON - 0 HERE - 0 RANK - 1 BARE - 1 CALM - 1 LAND - 1 DASH - 2 RINK - 0 Score Change: Wb +5 @Quag: ?A?? was proved on the previous page by Wb.
  12. Molly Mae

    Good find. I couldn't find specs for how many tyres the DC-8 actually had. *Thumbs up*
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