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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae


    Wow. XEROX was my next guess. =P ?????
  2. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    His legs were like rubber, spineless, soulless.
  3. ??N? NONE - 1 NINE - 1 GONE - 1 NOTE - 0 MANY - 1 DENS - 1 SENT - 1 Score Change: MikeD +5
  4. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Chalk and cheese takes it. You're up, fab.
  5. Molly Mae


    The good ol' 4th of July. Have a great Independence Day and don't forget..... without us, that independence was buying you out.
  6. Let it never be said about him that he gave up, that he broke down, that he died willingly.

  7. ??N? NONE - 1 NINE - 1 GONE - 1 NOTE - 0 MANY - 1 Score Change: MikeD +5
  8. The difference between success and failure is usually how much you care.

  9. ??N? NONE - 1 NINE - 1 GONE - 1 NOTE - 0 Score Change: MikeD +5
  10. Day 4 ShadowAngel7 - FROZEN Brainiac100 vs gvg Brainiac's first swing hits gvg, dealing 4 points of damage (26/30). gvg's counter hits for 3 damage (15/25). Brainiac attacks again and hits for 6 damage (20/30). TheCube vs ShadowAngel7 Cube attacks and hits Shadow for 7 points of damage (13/20). Shadow counters with a combo: Blocked! 5 damage! 5 damage! (15/25). Cube's second attack misses (13/20). gvg vs Panther gvg attacks thrice: 1 damage, miss, 3 damage (19/40). Panther counters: Blocked (20/30) MikeD vs TheCube MikeD's first attack is blocked (15/25). Cube's counterattack does 4 damage (16/20). MikeD's final attack does 7 damage (8/25). curr3nt vs Brainiac curr3nt's first attack: 2 damage (13/25). Brain counters twice: miss! Blocked! (24/25). Curr3nt's final attack lands hard for 5 damage (8/25). Panther vs Cube Panther's attack hits for 1 damage (7/25). Cube counters twice: 6 damage, 4 damage (9/40). 1. Panther (17/40) 2. Cube (12/25) 3. gvg (26/30) 4. MikeD (20/20) 5. Brainiac (13/25) 6. curr3nt (25/25) 7. Shadow (17/20) Sorry that took so long.. I'll be updating PMs soon.
  11. ???? NONE - 1 NINE - 1 GONE - 1 Score Change: None
  12. ???? NONE - 1 Score Change: None
  13. ???? Score Change: None
  14. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    Oh. One Up Me Meister. Thanks, Fab. =P I'm gonna try to take this back to its origin: The man's face was like limestone....
  15. Molly Mae


    I'm not really sure what that means. =P (EDIT: Got it. Thanks) NERDY - ?
  16. Molly Mae


    CARPS - ? IF 1, ??R?? is proved by CHIPS = 0 = HAIRS IF 0, ????W is proved by STRAW = 1 while STOPS, AHEAD, and CARPS = 0
  17. That is truly a compliment of the highest order. Thanks.
  18. GOON - ? If 2, ??ON is proved by GLUM = 0 = HONK
  19. EXON - ? If 1, ?BO? is proved by EXON = 1 leaving only ?BO? to score in EBON. If 3, ?XO? is proved by a score increase while the only letter added was ?X??. ... EDIT: I think I know the word...I must be getting rusty...
  20. All right--the fairest method I can find, then, is that a player will be marked as Frozen and can be attacked as normal. Additionally, they will regenerate HP as normal, but collect half coins. In order to maintain balance, a player may opt to not attack anybody on a given day. If a player does so, they will not attack anybody (but can be attacked), will regenerate HP as normal, and collect half coins (as if they hadn't fought anybody anyway). As busy as I am today, the post probably won't make it up. This change is effective immediately, so feel free to change your target if you want.
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