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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. That's what I'm looking for.
  2. I wouldn't say it was flawed. Dorothy could see Oz from a realm off...but getting there was the puzzle.
  3. All right, the post will be coming up today when I get a chance. Anyone without actions will be frozen. I'm not entirely sure of what that will entail. 1. Should players be able to attack frozen players? 2. Should frozen players still collect coins? (Yes if 1 is Yes, else No)
  4. Molly Mae


    How will I cope?! No computer (and therefore no BrainDen) for a whole week!! I guess I'll just have to Get My Brain Den Like I'm Open Minded
  5. My printer is black and white and makes the tiles not fun to look at. Plus my parole officer won't let me use scissors. I'm only joking about one thing on this list.
  6. Neither of those, but the first (along with MikeD's first guess) have found the right beast. Not quite that, either.
  7. I just haven't figured out the how of it. EDIT: Nevermind. I'm fairly certain I got it. Nice puzzle. It really had me stumped.
  8. TREE - ? if 0, ??U? is proven by TRUE = 1 while TREE=0 (I hate myself for this proof--I think in order to try to prove a letter, you must be able to prove a letter--that is, it should be in the form: IF(A), this letter is proven, ELSE this other letter is proven.)
  9. Neither of those. I see where you're going and you've got the right idea, but there are two clues that don't quite fit this (although one is iffy). You're definitely thinking correctly, though.
  10. My bad. I should have wrote a disclaimer. DISCLAIMER: MoMa is not responsible for google search results (especially images) if you search this joke trying to find out why it's funny (if it's even funny). Also, I don't condone the use of Axe body spray or any other Axe products.
  11. Yeah, me too. Nothing gets past that guy.
  12. Another quick one that I should probably have revised first. Search high and low for animal you seek Unmoving now, it's gutless joints are weak Quietly breathe and simply clear your mind Luck has brought about unburied find. Check your aim, but hurry, time is short Press the trigger expect no loud report. Shot down-range must more than hit its mark Good hunters compensate for bullet's arc. If shot is true to hunter's aiming eyes No need to stuff or mount this dead buck prize.
  13. I figured this one would get knocked out pretty quick. I had actually revised that first line, but failed to post the revised version. =/ Donno what's going on with me lately. Thanks, guys.
  14. I'm actually starting to get worried...
  15. Lend ear to holy field's long lost lore: A ring to bind the two forevermore. Upon first meet they held each other's hands The two for now embrace in sacred dance. Dance ends with anger, hate, and pride When one decides at last to strike his bride.
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