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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Unlike the first, did you lead with a space? *Glare*
  2. Carrie, twisted, nun - Sister Step, fold, face - _____
  3. Teddy, suite, tuxedo - Presidential Washington, anatomy, sieverts (?) - _______ =P
  4. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    He's like a cape... ...helping Mario collect all the floating coins.
  5. Molly Mae

    That's also what she said...
  6. Molly Mae

    Right, I'm aware. Deep Blue can still beat 99% of chess players. My whole argument is that the game is dynamic. A computer can learn a dynamic game. A computer can be better at a dynamic game than any human. But for a perfect play line that it could play to win every time? It won't happen. There will never be one line that always wins, especially if an opponent knows the line and can play ahead of it.
  7. Molly Mae

    That, my friend, is an abuse of PoWer.
  8. Molly Mae

    It was so wet--That's what she said!
  9. Molly Mae

    Likewise. Never had a problem with FF3, am on FF4 now at work. If you can't see BD on FF, it's user/config error. *Shrug* I still use Opera at home, if this is turning into a browser war. FF > Opera > Chrome > Safari > IE ^^
  10. Molly Mae

    And they never really will. With a 19x19, there will always be counterplay. Any game with reasonable counterplay cannot be so strictly predicted.
  11. Molly Mae

    I'm pro-life... ...except for maybe two times.
  12. Molly Mae

    IBM = Deep Blue. Anyway, there isn't one end-all game for white in chess. For any given starting opening, there are many positions black could take to keep his draw. It's really more like rock-paper-scissors. While a position may be strong, there is almost always something it's weak against. Chess isn't just about location (position on the board), either. It's about strengths and weaknesses. The center may be strong, but any open file makes a penetrating rook more powerful, even when it's not in the centre. If white could open the game with forcing moves (checks, captures, promotions, or threats to do these things), it might be a different story. Otherwise, there's too much time for black to change the game. Even more entertaining would be trying to develop such a strategy in Hexagonal Chess, 3D Chess, or Go. Of all of these, Go has the simplest rules and fewest dynamics and would be easiest to approximate. But don't think that you'll ever find a "perfect" winning strategy.
  13. Whose says "I like turtles!"
  14. Molly Mae


    Hosts: Fox and Nox 1. The son of rage and love 2. Psychosmurf - confirmed 3. Akriti - confirmed 4. Kokiri971 confirmed 5. mangamathsfreak 6. Auramyna 7. Chaits - confirmed 8. Yodell - confirmed 9. Mukul Verma 10. kristamark1 - confirmed (can play until June 4th) Added Chaits.
  15. 1. 2. momo 3. 4. 5. MoMa 6. 7. 8. 9. Add more numbers! I have no preference during the game, but I guess posting them in-thread would be better for posterity.
  16. A host really can't play, other than perhaps giving the first quote. It's really simple. First, get a roster of players. Have people sign up as "artists" in the even positions on the roster. Everyone on an odd position will come up with a caption for the photo. Player 1 starts by making up a caption and sending it privately to the host. The host then sends the caption to Player 2, who looks at that caption and draws a picture based on it. The picture (but not the previous caption!) goes to the host, who passes it to Player 3, who comes up with a caption describing the picture. You really don't even need a host, though, but it makes it easier to post the final results. So I guess I came full circle to contradicting myself. Yes, a host can play (but really should be in position 1).
  17. Molly Mae

    I would say nothing other than the fact that you are sure to die. If you are a priest, though, you could TAP everyone right at the beginning and (before anyone gets a chance to reply?) you will be sure to eliminate the entire Zombie faction. With no zombies left, nobody could ever become a zombie. Broken. My suggested patch: You can only TAP one person at a time. Before you can TAP another, the person you have tapped must reply and the entire tap process between the two of you must be resolved. PROBLEM: Time zones/inactivity. @Maurice: There's a fair amount of luck in this game, but it's not entirely luck. A group of logical players could make this game very fun. I think there would have to be a public thread where anything can be said (including one's current status). I'm sure WIFOM will come into play.
  18. Molly Mae

    @Aaryan: Just a few tips for the future: 1) When typing up roles, keep them one to a line. Anyone not familiar with the story might confuse several roles for one. 2) You'll find which you like better, but as Araver said, decide on how the baddie kill is carried out (I'm on the same page as Araver and don't like a blockable kill.) 3) Publish order of actions (and understand what they mean) 4) Know how you're going to keep track of actions during the night. I prefer excel (so when loops happen, I can easily organise and break them), but notepad makes it easier to copy/paste each group of actions to the ghost thread, if you have one. This is something you'll discover as you host. 5) Publish order of actions (and understand what they mean) It's important enough to make the list twice. Most up-to-date RD: Mariel of Redwall Mafia: Baddies:Wincon=majority, have Night Kill and BTSC Gabool the Wild--King of the High Seas; being hidden in Fort Bladegirt,has the disguise of a random goodie and a vote manip (can change his own vote secretly) Graypatch--The most intelligent searat, has the ability to discover a person's role (role spy) Riptung--A minion of Gabool. In the event of Gabool's death, Riptung inherits the vote manipulation ability, secretly selecting his vote during the day. Catseyes--A minion of Gabool. In the event of Gabool's death, Catseyes inherits the passive ability of disguise, appearing as a random goodie if spied. Goodies:Wincon=Eliminate Baddies Dandin-- A true-hearted goodie, with the blood of Gonff and the sword of Martin, is an incredible opponent (has a kill per night) Colonal Clary--Has BTSC with Brigadier Thyme and Hon Rosie, they have a single block decided by the group (group role blocker). If Dandin dies, their block is replaced with a kill. Brigadier Thyme--Has BTSC with Colonal Clary and Hon Rosie, they have a single block decided by the group (group role blocker). If Dandin dies, their block is replaced with a kill. Hon Rosie--Has BTSC with Colonal Clary and Brigadier Thyme, they have a single block decided by the group (group role blocker). If Dandin dies, their block is replaced with a kill. Pakatugg--A forest squirrel, incredibly nimble and a master of disguise; therefore can easily spy (faction spy) Abbot Bernard--The honorable Abbot of Redwall Abbey, gets vote multiplier x0, x1, x2, x3. Saxtus--Incredibly knowledgeable, however is too young to do anything. If Bernard is killed, takes his power. Treerose--A pretty squirrelmaid who can distract a player (block) or convince him to target someone else (redirect). Simeon-- An old blind mouse with an incredible knowledge of herbs and healing. Has the ability to save one person a night (save role) Indy: Special WINCON Mariel--Wincon: Kill Gabool+goodie win--Has sworn to kill Gabool, therefore has a RID kill. If Gabool is killed, part of the Wincon is complete and Mariel is a vanilla goodie. Indy 2: Special WINCON Joseph--Wincon: Find Mariel+goodie win--Must find his lost daughter, whatever it takes. Has a RID for Mariel. If found, then part of the Wincon is complete and becomes a vanilla goodie. EDIT: Reworded Goodie BTSC roles. A few more questions: 1) If Gabool is killed by someone other than Mariel, is that part of Mariel's WINCON considered ACHIEVED or LOST? 2) If the first part of either Indy WINCON is not achieved, do they lose? Or do they have a "Survive to the end" stipulation? 3) Can Mariel use her RID kill on anyone? Or just Gabool?
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