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Molly Mae

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Everything posted by Molly Mae

  1. Molly Mae


    ... In my rush I mistyped Wombat's word. He presented MOUND and I scored it as MOUND, but I typed MOUNT... ?OU?D CHILD - 1 DAIRY - 0 ROBOT - 1 SKULL - 1 HOBOS - 1 COULD - 3 WOULD - 3 FOUND - 4 MOUND - 4 Score Change: ...? Molly -5, maurice +15 I have to leave work, though, so the word is below. @Cube: You wanna take this one?
  2. Molly Mae

    @Cube: Yeah, you can. It doesn't really matter. I am getting in on this game, though. Lead Writer: curr3nt Lead Animator: araver 1. Aaryan 2. 3. Molly Mae 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.TheCube 13. 14. 15.maurice 16. Back-ups 1. 2. 3.
  3. Molly Mae


    ?OU?D CHILD - 1 DAIRY - 0 ROBOT - 1 SKULL - 1 HOBOS - 1 COULD - 3 WOULD - 3 FOUND - 4 MOUNT - 4 Score Change: ...? Molly -5, maurice +15 Because logic fail = -5. =P I'll take a hit. I don't mind.
  4. Molly Mae


    ?OU?D CHILD - 1 DAIRY - 0 ROBOT - 1 SKULL - 1 HOBOS - 1 COULD - 3 WOULD - 3 Score Change: ...? Molly -5, maurice +15
  5. Molly Mae

    Roster Host: Aaryan 1. TheCube 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. C. D. Back-Ups 1. Molly Mae 2. 3.
  6. Molly Mae

    Not really. We're bros. Sometimes things get so brotastic between us that...woah...bro.
  7. Molly Mae


    ?OU?? CHILD - 1 DAIRY - 0 ROBOT - 1 SKULL - 1 HOBOS - 1 COULD - 3 Score Change: ...? Molly -5, Maurice +10 Score Fail from me. Corrected word scoring.
  8. Molly Mae


    ????? CHILD - 0 DAIRY - 0 ROBOT - 1 SKULL - 1 HOBOS - 1 Score Change: None
  9. Molly Mae

    The British only spell it "fourty" when they are misspelling it. In that case, any English-speaking community would also spell it "fourty". Regardless, they would be incorrect.
  10. Molly Mae


    ????? CHILD - 0 DAIRY - 0 ROBOT - 1 Score Change: None
  11. Molly Mae

    Grudges can be held for a long time. See: Angel Mafia 2. As a goodie, I tried to knowingly RID Kill an ally. My RID was right. I should have done it. Why? Because of a severe lack of logic. It happens. You'll see. Edit: Sever = Severe
  12. Molly Mae

    Lead Writer: curr3nt Lead Animator: araver 1. Aaryan 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. A. B. C. D. E. F. G. Back-ups 1. Molly Mae 2. 3. I'll probably get in on this game, but it depends on how busy I am... And I had to go to G so it's even. We'll call it base17.
  13. Molly Mae


    ????? CHILD - 0 DAIRY - 0 Score Change: None
  14. Molly Mae

    She didn't deceive me so much as I made a pretty big assumption--one that turned out to be not so accurate. In all fairness, the assumption was inaccurate. And Mo and Araver. And Mo and Marq. And Mo and Yuli. And Mo and Mo. And Mo and...
  15. Molly Mae


    ????? CHILD - 0 Score Change: None
  16. Molly Mae

    Time Zones

    PG is from the NC. We used to hang on the weekends. (unfortunately, this isn't true ). Segul is from England, though.
  17. Molly Mae

    One Up Me

    The summer heat is driving me to breed.
  18. Molly Mae

    I have to disagree with this statement now that the game is over. Coming into the game late has severe advantages--it forces you to go over the posts and voting patterns with a fresh pair of eyes not blinded by a lot of banter while knowing more about what's going on real-time. There are quite a few times where I've jumped into a game and been able to see things that others haven't, usually because they're too close to it to see it. Other times, I've been the one who was too close to see (read Secret of Mana Mafia and how OT deceived me). *Shrug* I've always found that joining a game gives more of an advantage than a disadvantage.
  19. Molly Mae

    @Aaryan: What he's trying to say is pretty clear... If my team and I are working on a riddle (say Riddle 3), but I find the answer to another Riddle (say Riddle 5) without knowing it, I can't just tell my team to jump to Riddle 5 (although we wouldn't necessarily know that it's number 5). We would have to provide a logical list of how we got from one place to another, as TheCube suggested. In this case, if I found the answer to Riddle 5, I wouldn't let my team know (or I would...it wouldn't really matter), but we would still have to get to that riddle logically. Additionally, I would not stop helping my team with Riddle 3.
  20. Molly Mae

    Step 3 plz. Part 2 was way easy. If you meet two fishermen from Connecticut up there, ask if they were hitchhikers. If they were, tell them I say hello.
  21. Molly Mae

    Arizona is about the only United State to not use DST. @Cube: When Hirkala hosted his Survivor, the phases were typically long enough to include everyone at different times or the player could contact the host and set a time to begin a timed challenge. I'm sure Hirk could give you more details on that, though.
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