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Everything posted by DudleyDude

  1. I think that pretty much confirms that she was a goodie. I can't think of a situation where Saya was a goodie. I really can't believe that the unkillable role was a goodie, I was all but certain she was one of the indies.
  2. Since RID is part of the game, I've been hesitant to reveal my role. I can say that up to this point in the game it's been pretty useless. Killing me wouldn't accomplish much nor help/hurt my faction. The biggest asset I can be in the game is simply by being vocal in voting and trying to steer things toward a goodie win. Asking someone to spy on you is pretty worthless, don't you think? Not only can you not be killed, but by the wording of your role nothing will work against you. Not spy, divert, kill, etc. It's nice that you want someone to waste their action but I'll hope no one falls for it. There is no possible way for anyone to positively determine your faction as long as you don't perform the baddie group kill or whatever is the indie secret action. All anyone will have to go on is your role description and your voting actions. I think that once people start to understand how this game is going to be played they will start to understand that your role is almost certainly not a goodie role. And once people go back and review your votes and posts they'll see that you've done nothing but accuse others baselessly. I stand by my voting actions. I originally voted for you based on the role description and I still think that alone is enough. But I also think your posts and accusations underline that you're not a goodie.
  3. LOL, I was about to ask if he's a wine taster
  4. Too late to edit my previous post so I'm correcting it here.
  5. Looks like I'm going to die no matter what so I'll go ahead and give my thoughts. It looks to me like the only 2 players who have any chance to winning if they are goodies are tpax and Izzy. GM is not going to reveal faction so it's up to the players to figure out which roles are grouped together based on role descriptions. Spies may be able to help if they get lucky and see a kill action. Other than that, even spying will only associate a player to a role but not a faction so only the English department will be able to determine faction. I have not behaved suspiciously at all, I have simply voted based on my belief that Theater is too powerful to be a goodie role. This would mean that either CP is an indie and was targeted by the baddies (which should make the baddies very suspicious of whichever one of them first suggested CP as a target for the night kill. I would have gone after tpax or izzy myself.) or CP is a baddie and Languages diverted Saya's action toward CP. My personal thoughts are that CP is an indie although this also breaks my first thought as to the indie team makeup. (I originally thought that Dance and Math would make a good indie team with Dance being the role in both indie and baddie. Even if this is not the case, I would be very suspicious of Dance because their power is only really useful with BTSC. I still think this is the most likely indie/baddie role.) The goodies must start thinking along these lines or they will be destroyed quickly. You'll need to focus on voting patterns and trying to see which roles play well together to make teams. (I don't want to encourage metagaming, but I do think it would be beneficial for people to look back at previous mafia games, especially the ones that went well, and see how teams were constructed.) I will say again that I really don't think CP is a goodie. This is no longer based on just her role, but on her posting. She has acted as if I've accused her of things when I clearly didn't. She's tried to implicate others for no reason (2x medji). And she has inexplicably tried to protect Magic twice for no reason whatsoever. It is clear that she can have no idea as to Magic's role or faction. I think that Languages must be a goodie role and is probably the most powerful since you're the only one who can determine faction. Do not out yourself if possible unless you know for sure you can get protection at night. There are at least 3 baddies-btsc left and at least 1 indie-btsc. I'm leaning towards it being 2 baddies, 1 baddie/indie and 1 indie with CP being the pure indie. Although it would have been possible that last night's action was the result of a divert, I think it's more likely that CP was the actual target and the baddies just got unlucky (or just listened to the baddie turncoat). I'm not giving in. I still hope people will change their votes. I'm just not liking my chances of avoiding D1 mob mentality.
  6. My reason for suspecting CP is mainly based on GM's promise that the roles and teams are balanced. Without knowing which roles are which in terms of goodie/baddie/indie, I think we have to take into account how the abilities play with each other to make even teams. I do think that CP's role is obvious and I also think that role is simply too powerful as a goodie. Unless I'm not reading the role correctly, it would be impossible for CP to die in any way other than a lynch. There is some vote manipulation roles in the game, so I guess that it is possible for CP to be a goodie role. In addition to that, there's also the fact that she came out swinging at Medji for no particular reason (not to metagame, but since when is it so wildly suspicious to vote randomly on D1??). She then acted as if I had accused her of having a kill role which I obviously didn't do. This was followed by a warning about a non-existant (as far as we know) ability that could kill Magic. So although it's just a hunch, I thought the hunch was a better bet than using random.org.
  7. Not sure what you mean by that. None of the posted abilities end the vote early. Or is that the secret indie ability?
  8. @GM - 2 quick questions. 1) The PE action - will the trapped person know they are trapped? 2) What happens in the event of a tie lynch vote? @Woon - I always assume "CP" stands for CrazyPainter. That is for whom I'm voting.
  9. 1. Framm18- Voting for Moosh 2. p4p 3. Crazypainter voting for Medji 4. Izzy 5. Marth 6. DudleyDude voting for CP 7. EDM 8. sayalzah - killed by CP 9. Medji - voting for Magic 10.Abhisk 11.Slick 12. Clozo 13. tpaxatb 14. Moosh 15. Zerep 16. Magic Not a random vote. I think I pretty much agree with tpax's original thinking regarding role distribution. I'm not the one he's waiting to hear from, but I think CP has a good chance of being a baddie and that trumps a completely random vote at the moment.
  10. Am I missing something? As far as I can tell, there is no goodie killing role on the first night. Even if the 2 shop teachers are goodie and manage to find each other tonight, they still wouldn't be able to kill immediately, would they?
  11. 1. Framm18 2. p4p 3. Crazypainter 4. Izzy 5. Marth 6. DudleyDude 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.Magic
  12. DudleyDude

    Perhaps you should give the questions more thought before posting. This is certainly not a fake question and as Shakee posted, it has a logical answer. Although I think this puzzle is almost certainly a repost (this is a bit of a classic), accusing the poster of posing a fake riddle is rude and uncalled for.
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