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Everything posted by DudleyDude

  1. [spoiler=finally figured it out today while driving to dinner ] 7. No use coming back around, look for welcoming terra firma. (6) use - u's - uu - w no w (coming back) - won look for - eye - i terra firma - island welcoming terra firma - welcoming island - ellis - ls won (around) ils - wilson WILSON I actually really liked the clue. Not sure I ever would have gotten it as a stand alone line, but I thought it was plenty fair as part of a themed puzzle where we could work backwards as well as forwards. Thanks for another fun one
  2. Same with me. Seems like everything is working, but it is a little harder to read and post.
  3. Wow, I'm almost tempted to simply plead no contest so that this game can end quicker. In the last lynch, Slick first tried to get EDM killed and then switched over to P4P - casting the final ballot that resulted in the tie and P4P's death. This was after P4P had pretty much outed himself as the goodie killer and after tpax tried to dissuade slick from that vote. Then he basically taunted us by claiming that he didn't know that the wood shop was a goodie role. And then Framm (the last person tpax implicated as being a baddie) joins in the vote as well. And 3 votes is the magic number still for dance which is still in the game (unless moosh was dance, I'm still unsure what his role was). So if I was targeted by dance, then I'm dead anyway. Right now it's 5/2/1. After the lynch it'll be 4/2/1 and then after the baddies get their night kill it'll be 3/2/1 and the game will simply go down to a fight between the 2 baddies and the indie.
  4. 1. Framm18 2. p4p - Lynched and found to be Wood Shop 3. Crazypainter - lynched and found to be Theater 4. Izzy - killed by the Baddies 5. Marth 6. DudleyDude - voting for slick 7. EDM 8. sayalzah - killed by CP 9. Medji - killed by Wood Shop 10. Abhisk - lynched and found to be Health 11. Slick 12. Clozo 13. tpaxatb - killed by the Baddies 14. Moosh - killed by the Baddies 15. Zerep 16. Magic He's an obvious baddie. I don't think there's much hope for us at this point, but maybe we can at least kill a couple of them before the game is over.
  5. No, a goodie died in the lynch. P4P was the wood shop dept which was the goodie kill role.
  6. I'm guessing the only advice would be who not to target... Do you think that the indie is aware of your action last night? In other words, do you think at least one other person knows which 2 votes won't count? And if you can say w/o revealing too much, what was the vote looking like if we had ended at the original time?
  7. Wow. Just over 30 minutes left and there's still 5 no-votes. Marth, EDM and Zerep have all posted since night but haven't voted. Clozo and Magic have been completely silent.
  8. 1. Framm18- voting for P4P 2. p4p- voting for Framm 3. Crazypainter - lynched and found to be Theater 4. Izzy - killed by the Baddies 5. Marth - voting for ????? 6. DudleyDude - voting for framm 7. EDM 8. sayalzah - killed by CP 9. Medji - killed by Wood Shop 10. Abhisk - lynched and found to be Health 11. Slick-voting for EDM 12. Clozo 13. tpaxatb voting for framm 14. Moosh - killed by the Baddies 15. Zerep 16. Magic Mostly based on trusting tpax for now. @tpax - I agree that we've lost our only healer but I'm not really following what you meant by acting in a way that prevents 2 things from happening. @Slick - you've gone from completely inactive to now trying to sway the vote against one of the people I have down as a fairly certain goodie. Am I that wrong about EDM or do you have some sort of proof beyond "ESP" for your actions?
  9. I think he thought that more people had thought of that. I assumed that everyone who had read the intro would come to that conclusion.
  10. I think I read it as one of the indie's was killed. Not sure if I'm reading too much into it, but it said the baddies all went out and it sounded like the music teacher performed the kill. Then one of them called someone else and told him about it and the person he called was medji. So I'm thinking that there are 2 straight baddies left and 1 baddie/indie. But it does sound like the night resulted in a goodie being killed and a non-goodie being killed. Gonna try to fill out my sheet better during the game. I'll be back to vote later tonight.
  11. By my rough count, there's 8 goodies left, 2 baddies and 2 indies. I'm starting to think tpax's initial thoughts about the fine arts being the baddies was correct. Even without theater, art+music+dance would give them basic BLOCK, SAVE, and SPY roles plus some vote manipulation. But I still slightly like dance as the traitor indie role as well. For the remaining 2 non-goodie roles I think it's 2 out of languages, PE, Math and Honors. As for GM's last hint, I think he's just confirming what many of us already thought - that one of the 4 players in baddie BTSC is one of the two indies. Sadly, this just about sums up everything I think I know at the moment. Good luck tonight and I hope the N3 post provides better results and more information than last night.
  12. hmmm, I have to say that I don't like Clozo's arbitrary decision to protect zerep with a tie. And I don't like Slick's decision to protect abhisk with a tie. But I have no real reason to suspect or trust any of the four. I have absolutely no idea what is going on right now. This game has already produced more strange and illogical posts than any other mafia game I've been in (although I haven't really played that many, so maybe this is just the norm.) I just hope the next night post contains more information... edited to correct typo
  13. @abhisk - did you ever explain what you meant by that? Are you saying that you know someone is a baddie? Since there is no History role, why did you think he was a spy?
  14. @Clozo - that's a yes. You can still vote. Another 1 hour and 45 minutes I believe until end of voting.
  15. 1. Framm18- Voting for Zerep 2. p4p 3. Crazypainter - lynched and found to be Theater 4. Izzy - killed by the Baddies 5. Marth - Voting for abhisk 6. DudleyDude - Voting for Clozo 7. EDM voting for Medji 8. sayalzah - killed by CP 9. Medji - voting for DudleyDude 10. Abhisk voting for Marth 11. Slick-voting for Moosh 12. Clozo 13. tpaxatb - Voting for abhisk 14. Moosh voting for tpaxatb 15. Zerep 16. Magic Voting for Zerep I think I am just as confused now as I was at the beginning of the game, if not more so. I'm tempted to join the vote against Zerep but I'm not sure which of the vote switches were based on BTSC and how many were just people following Izzy. So if I'm going to cast a vote that is still basically a random vote, I'll vote for the person who's been absent for almost all the game. I've read the N2 post several times now and I'm just not picking up any hints. Even the title means nothing to me at the moment. This is the 2nd night post in a row that contained little to no useful information. I think that either the blockers are getting amazingly lucky with their targets or perhaps night post manipulation may be the secret indie ability.
  16. If I parsed that sentence correctly, GM is saying that either Saya was a goodie or CP was a goodie. So far, I've been unable to come up with a scenario where Saya was anything other than a baddie. The N1 post certainly said he was a baddie. He was trying to perform a killing action that could really only be the baddie group kill. So the only conclusion I can come to is that I was completely wrong about CP's role not possibly being a goodie role and she was a goodie. So by my count, we've lost one goodie (CP), one baddie (Saya) and one non-baddie (Izzy). @Medji - I'm not sure how you can still be confused as to why I thought CP a non-goodie. I explained my reasons quite clearly several times. Even if I was wrong about her faction (and it certainly appears that I was), my reasons for voting that way were clearly stated several times. Did you not read my posts or were they somehow confusing to you? @GM - Was there an error in the narrative for N2 or is the baddie killer actually able to read minds? I'm pretty sure it's not an ability of any sort but I don't want to miss any clues you might have left since you are being so stingy with them. Holding off on my vote until I can think about things more. I also want to avoid the dance ability to kill someone with n/5 votes. I think that today's magic number for that is still 5.
  17. DudleyDude

    maybe heaven's foyer? But not to joke and certainly not to imply I believe in Heaven, but if Heaven is believed to be a form of afterlife then wouldn't life itself be the answer?
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