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Everything posted by CaptainEd

  1. CaptainEd


    See, you didn't need either of us!
  2. CaptainEd


    Dear Chickadee, I can certainly relate--I need to have accurate counts, or it gets to be too difficult for me. Still, chidoric got 15 answers right before making a natural mistake (squire) and a probable typo (pretty), AND I can lurk for the next hour. How bout you folks continue to toss in queries, and Chidoric will answer (with highly focused mind)? If I see a problem before I have to leave, I'll weigh in.
  3. CaptainEd


    Dear Masterworders, Chidoric's machine has been recently wiped, and is suffering from reinstallation blues. Therefore, manual answering of Masterword has ensued, with the consequence that a couple of errors are made. Here is the latest query list, with changes to "pretty" (was o) and "squire" (was ooo). edit: Chidoric has a good point: now that I've fixed the errors and answered recent queries, it's back to Chidoric for the few remaining manual queries plants--oo orange--oo adrift--xo sundae--xoo zipper--o twitch--o spread--o banana--o qualms--xo duster--xx choosy--oo uneasy--ooo coccyx--o winter--oo either--o saying--xoo squire--xoo cheese--o pretty--__ buying--xxo hopeful--ooo butter--x tunnel--xo turtle--x absent--xo
  4. Actually, no. This topic is specifically for helping users with the few tools that I have uploaded for their use. Some folks have had trouble getting Excel/Windows to accept them. I'm eager to help them with that. Thanks :-)
  5. Current downloads available: --("Enigmatic") hosting a Yoruichi-san Enigmatic Crossword --("Master") hosting a Masterword --("Prof") hosting a Professor Templeton Word Search
  6. I've contributed a few tools for hosting a few kinds of puzzles/games, and I might eventually contribute some more. Post here for any of several reasons: 1) You've got a problem with Excel or Windows not letting it run at all 2) You've found a bug 3) You've solved a problem someone has reported 4) You'd like additional features/tools (good luck on that, I've got a day job ..., but you never know) I'll maintain a current list of the latest revisions of each tool in this Topic as well. When you post, it'll help if the title identifies the tool, like "Master", problem downloading "Enigmatic", tired of duplicate entry "Prof", bug on double letters? That way, people can search and find the posts relating to just the tool they're interested in.
  7. CaptainEd


    It..."helps"...but I'd hate to send it out and continually apologize for its difficulty of use (and misleading results), otherwise, I'd gladly do so. I'm trying hard to find if there's just one or two of the answers that are wrong. This is a rather exhaustive task, and I haven't found the right mix yet...
  8. CaptainEd


    Yes, my spreadsheet that helps me solve these came rapidly to the conclusion that there are contradictions in the numbers (never mind the positions). I've just emailed Chidoric asking if I may run the target word on my machine and send back the answers--you folks have already put in so much brain power, you deserve the chance to do it with the right numbers.
  9. Well, now that you mention it, it's true that there are only odd length words on the Like side (I had reported evens, but I was wrong). And, as you said, that's not the whole story, as there are a couple of odd length words on the Dislike side, so I have to understand how they're different. It's certainly an interesting rule...still mulling OK, edit: Oh, now I've seen AI's rule guess--I like it better
  10. CaptainEd


    Apologia for Axolotl Sorry WM, for foisting a word on you with such little social utility as axolotl. It just happened to occur to me when solving the previous one. While I do have some passing knowledge of terms from biology, this term entered my vocabulary and that of thousands of others many years ago, because of its frequent inclusion in MAD Magazine. There were several words that all MAD readers know: axolotl (as you now know, a Mexican salamander) potrzebie (a Polish word, meaning "need") Moxie ( soft drink beverage--I've tried it, didn't like it) furshlugginer (actual Yiddish word) Veeblefetzer (a non-word, sounds rather like some arcane piece of equipment)
  11. It's easy to overthink in this game. I've been doing it for days, and getting nowhere. Here are rules that don't work: * vowel quality (long, short, diphthong)--all are present on both sides (ie. on both "like" and "don't like") * syllable structure (open vs. closed)--all are present on both sides * vowel choice--several are present on both sides * vowel sorting (e.g. "facetious")--several patterns on both sides * consonant sorting--several patterns on both sides * syllable count--mono- and poly-syllabics on both sides * number of letters--3s, 4s, and 5s on both sides * number of phonemes--3s, 4s, and 5s on both sides * fraction of vowel letters--most likes are less than 44%, most dislikes greater than 44%, BUT some dislikes less than 33% * consonant class (stop, fricative, liquid, nasal, affricate)--each kind on each side * consonant voicing (voiced vs. voiceless)--each kind on each side * first/last letter sorting (ie. first letter earlier in alphabet than last letter)--some words go up, some down, on both sides * choice of first letters--this one was close, likes (habduabzm) / dislikes (cpbnfl), the sets are disjoint EXCEPT for "b" * choice of last letters--not even close, several final letters are liked and disliked
  12. CaptainEd


    axolotl is it! Your turn!
  13. CaptainEd


    patriot--ooo ctenoid--xo mustard--oo thieves--o thyroid--xo advance--x soybean--oo outlets--xxo truffle--oo otolite--xxxo flummox--ooo muffins--__ fasting--oo otocyst--xoo attorns--xoo utensil--xo totally--ooooo totaled--oooo wapitis--oo italics--xoo ostrich--oo cattail--xoo stately--ooo outcast--ooo larynx--ooo bloated--xooo otalgic--xooo unstrip--o talking--ooo etalons--xxoo otology--xxxo tilapia--ooo athlete--xxx Finally, a zero!
  14. CaptainEd


    Leaving in 15 minutes for the day, now is a great time to toss in some more queries
  15. CaptainEd


    patriot--ooo ctenoid--xo mustard--oo thyroid--xo advance--x soybean--oo truffle--oo otolite--xxxo flummox--ooo fasting--oo otocyst--xoo attorns--xoo utensil--xo totally--ooooo totaled--oooo wapitis--oo italics--xoo ostrich--oo cattail--xoo stately--ooo outcast--ooo larynx--ooo bloated--xooo otalgic--xooo unstrip--o talking--ooo etalons--xxoo otology--xxxo tilapia--ooo athlete--xxx Sorry about your ears...Thanks for the "etalons"--never heard of them before
  16. CaptainEd


    patriot--ooo ctenoid--xo mustard--oo thyroid--xo advance--x soybean--oo truffle--oo otolite--xxxo flummox--ooo fasting--oo otocyst--xoo attorns--xoo utensil--xo totally--ooooo totaled--oooo wapitis--oo italics--xoo ostrich--oo cattail--xoo stately--ooo outcast--ooo larynx--ooo bloated--xooo unstrip--o talking--ooo otology--xxxo tilapia--ooo
  17. CaptainEd


    patriot--ooo ctenoid--xo mustard--oo thyroid--xo advance--x soybean--oo truffle--oo otolite--xxxo flummox--ooo fasting--oo otocyst--xoo attorns--xoo utensil--xo totally--ooooo wapitis--oo italics--xoo cattail--xoo stately--ooo larynx--ooo bloated--xooo unstrip--o talking--ooo otology--xxxo tilapia--ooo No prob, you have more than atoned with "attorns" (edit: I should have said "Attorns atones", but I write long before I think)
  18. CaptainEd


    patriot--ooo ctenoid--xo mustard--oo thyroid--xo advance--x soybean--oo truffle--oo otolite--xxxo flummox--ooo fasting--oo otocyst--xoo utensil--xo totally--ooooo wapitis--oo italics--xoo cattail--xoo stately--ooo larynx--ooo bloated--xooo unstrip--o talking--ooo otology--xxxo tilapia--ooo
  19. CaptainEd


    patriot--ooo ctenoid--xo mustard--oo thyroid--xo advance--x soybean--oo truffle--oo otolite--xxxo fasting--oo otocyst--xoo utensil--xo totally--ooooo wapitis--oo italics--xoo cattail--xoo stately--ooo larynx--ooo bloated--xooo unstrip--o talking--ooo otology--xxxo tilapia--ooo Yummy! Thank you. I hope you don't mind my moving to the more typical spelling of "tilapia"
  20. CaptainEd


    You are one fierce editor! Nothing remains but your note. (That's one way to deal with bloat...) Seriously, as "spelling" is 8 letters, I'm assuming there was a 7 letter word that you edited, and accidentally eviscerated. We're eager to know what it is. :-)
  21. CaptainEd


    oho! this exposes the fact that I accepted 6-letter "larynx". I won't let it happen again.
  22. CaptainEd


    patriot--ooo ctenoid--xo thyroid--xo advance--x truffle--oo otolite--xxxo fasting--oo otocyst--xoo utensil--xo totally--ooooo wapitis--oo italics--xoo cattail--xoo stately--ooo larynx--ooo bloated--xooo unstrip--o talking--ooo otology--xxxo Sorry about the bloat; when you folks find the word, you'll be happier with yourselves than with me.
  23. CaptainEd


    patriot--ooo ctenoid--xo thyroid--xo advance--x truffle--oo otolite--xxxo fasting--oo otocyst--xoo utensil--xo totally--ooooo wapitis--oo italics--xoo cattail--xoo stately--ooo larynx--ooo unstrip--o otology--xxxo no prob
  24. CaptainEd


    Need 7 letters
  25. CaptainEd


    patriot--ooo ctenoid--xo thyroid--xo advance--x truffle--oo otolite--xxxo fasting--oo otocyst--xoo utensil--xo totally--ooooo wapitis--oo italics--xoo cattail--xoo larynx--ooo unstrip--o otology--xxxo
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