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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy


    Omg, I will figure out this freaking word... tartness
  2. Izzy


  3. Izzy


    It's "zoom" mis-spelled. >_>
  4. Izzy


  5. Izzy


  6. Izzy


    Umm. Are you sure about all of those? Because unless I'm wrong with the _ _ R T _ _ _S, your word doesn't have any vowels.
  7. Izzy


    Salivate -oo Accusers -oox Airtimes -xxx breaches -oox warthogs -xxx curtains (my guess: oxxxx or ooxxx.. hopefully haha)
  8. Izzy

    Eek, triple post. >_> So, I gave the links to my mom to read, so she could understand it all before being my witness to the oath. She thought it was awesome and is now considering following it herself, haha. I said the Oath. And then.. haha. >_> Me: *finishes oath* Mom: Aww. This is so perfect. You've always wanted to be a Jedi! (Not even joking. Since I was three, man.) Me: *half crying* I knoowww. Mom: Aww. You don't need to cry. Me: I'm just.. so happy. *much hugging follows* /geek No, really, so happy.
  9. Izzy

    Lmfao, I just gave the site to my mom to read. Her: *facepalm* Of course, founded on Christmas day.
  10. Izzy


    Can we keep all the words together? It just makes things easier.. Salivate - oo Accusers- oox Airtimes - xxx breaches -oox warthogs
  11. Izzy


    Salivate - oo Accusers- oox Airtimes - xxx breaches
  12. Izzy

    I'll gladly claim that "charismatic leader" role.. Maybe if Phronists and Jedi combine forces, we can.. well, the possibilities are infinite. The world would be a better place.
  13. Izzy


  14. Izzy

    Hahahaha. You should convert. You have all the right ideas, but to truly understand the Force, you must embrace it. ..Now, if only I knew my midi-chlorian count..
  15. Izzy


  16. Izzy

    Heh, I wish I would have discovered this earlier. Aside from the positive benefits it would have on my life, being registered as a Jedi on our massive religion module in history and in World Religions class would have been epiiiiiiiiiic. Now, off to go embrace physics to make a lightsaber and some sort of gloves that will let me wield The Force.
  17. Izzy


    Cheers for the spreadsheet. This is what it brought up: traitors xxo trailers xxxoo denature oooo conquers xxo explorer ooooo evolving oo salivate oooo comatose ooo commence oo wiretaps xoooo resistor oooo fortress xxxo feelings xxoo tangible xoo seamless xxoo tractors xxo Conquers and feelings didn't match. I'm sorry. >_>
  18. Izzy

    I have finally found a religion that represents me philosophically and spiritually. The Jedi Way can be found here. That link is short, and I strongly suggest you read it before continuing reading or contributing to this thread. (I describe myself as Pure Land, btw) Jedi Oaths can be found here. I'm going to repost the 16 Basic Teachings of the Jedi here to start some discussion. Here are my personal thoughts on those. 1. This is entirely true if the Force is a synonym for Nature. We battle nature constantly, and actually train ourselves to combat with it. With, not against. 2. You might attribute this to age or immaturity, but I tend to live minute to minute. One of the biggest drawbacks of conventional religions is maintaining certain behaviors to eventually achieve the nirvana you want. You focus on the future, not the now. By concentrating on the present (but still being mindful of the future), we better ourselves. The Jedi nailed it. 3. Also true. There is no practicality to dwelling on thoughts that obstruct our ability to think by triggering emotional responses (like internet trolls). By clearing our minds, via meditation or whatever your preferred method is, we cleanse ourselves and are more capable of dealing with situations. 4. True without dispute. 5. Okay. No. Disagree. Being a "feeler" as opposed to a "thinker" can lead to potentially hazardous life destroying situations. Maybe your initial impulse is to "feel", but without backing it up with conscious reasoning, it's hard to take seriously. 6. Mhm. 7. Agree. 8. Very true. Healthy minds and bodies are essential to a happy living. 9. Yep. 10. Okay, disagree. Randomness occurs. I don't know if I can wholly explain that, so won't try. But.. Yeah. 11. Mhm. 12. ..This depends on whether the universe is flat, open, or closed. I do not personally believe physicists or astronomers have progressed enough to give a conclusive answer for this. If we are infinitely expanding, or expanding and then remaining at a constant immensity, then yes, life is eternal, but not our lives, simply the existence of the universe (which is beautiful enough). 13. Hmm. Well, this is a prerequisite for not appearing like a jackass, but I don't know if it should be required. It definitely.. sounds nice. I don't make conscious strides to practice humility.. Maybe I should.. pick that up. >_> Undecided. 14. Yeah. 15. Yessssh. 16. <3 So.. with the exceptions of 5, 10, and possibly 12 and 13, I can totally back this. I consider it the embodiment of how a person should behave anyway, without the attachment of some super natural entity for good (*cough* bad *cough*) measure. The religion is simply a name for like minded people. What do you guys think?
  19. Izzy


    traitors - oxx trailers - ooxxx denature - oooo Conquers - oox explorer - oooo Evolving - oo salivate - oooo comatose - ooo commence - oo wiretaps - oooox resistor - oooo Fortress - oxxx Feelings - oxx tangible - oox seamless - ooxx tractors - oxx
  20. Haha, das war nicht schlecht. :) Ich war in Deutschland geboren, aber in Amerika ausgewachsen, und leider habe ich viele Deutsch verlernt. =/ (Spellcheck ftw. >_>)

  21. Ich habe gerade der Kommentar von Slick gelesen. Sprichst du Deutsch?

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