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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy


    Heh, I assumed someone else would step in for me, and we can't have that. Color - (1)
  2. Izzy


    ^ I second that.
  3. Izzy


    Pssh, you didn't have to score it. So that's 10 for U and N, and 10 for guessing the word. Unreality got 5, and no one got five for the other letter. You get 22+5 for bad logic. New scores: Izzy - 140 Unreality - 137 Framm - 96 Plainglazed - 85 Dawh - 61 t8t8t8 - 52 Abhisk - 20 Prince Marth - 10 ..I think the game should stop forever now.
  4. Izzy


    The middle letter is u. Bound and Round both retained 3. Because of that, neither of their first letters are right, because their last four letters are identical. We already know o and n, leaving D and U. D is not the final letter because wired = 0. Hence, _oun_.
  5. Izzy

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Eugggh. Okay. Whoever can block, block GC tonight. Whoever can kill, kill him. ..If the baddies save him, we know they want an alliance, and we'll just lynch him tomorrow. Bah, that makes this harder. What happens in the event of a tie? LJ, I'm just applying pressure. I dunno, I just feel skeptical about onetruth (even if the reasoning is sort of meh ), and I know you're pretty good with defenses. I also don't think I've ever seen qwerty online.. Host: Filly 1) Blablah- Voting for LJ 2) Yuiop 3) LJ 4) Izzy is voting for LJ 5) Molly Mae[?] DEAD Shot in the Head 6) GC- TRAPPED BY EAGLE- Sturm 7) Glycereine - Voting for Qwerty 8) qwerty 9) Framm - Voting for Qwerty 10)onetruth - Voting for Glycerine 11) MissKitten
  6. Izzy


    I dunno.. "That ghost looks very fogly today and is very fogily walking toward us?" It exists in urbandictionary.. but.. no.. Haha. ROUND
  7. Izzy

    I actually read something really funny/related today. Yes, 4chan *does* have everything.
  8. Izzy


    The fourth letter is n. Loony retained 2. We have already established the second o, leaving _ o _ _ _ .Lamps = 0, so the first letter isn't L. Boots retained one, but only because of the second o, so the third letter is not an o. Fogly retained 1, but only because of the o, so the last letter is not y. This leaves us with _ o _ n _
  9. Izzy

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Guys, wtf are you doing? Lynch GC. Based on her reluctance to vote for him, I think Onetruth is a baddie, with an alliance in mind. Host: Filly 1) Blablah- Voting for Glycerine 2) Yuiop 3) LJ 4) Izzy is voting for Grey Cells 5) Molly Mae[?] DEAD Shot in the Head 6) GC- TRAPPED BY EAGLE- Sturm 7) Glycereine - Voting for Qwerty 8) qwerty 9) Framm - Voting for Qwerty 10)onetruth - Voting for Glycerine 11) MissKitten
  10. Izzy


  11. Izzy

    Hmm. I was considering getting into a debate with dawh, but then I remembered I already posted how I want the world to be run above, and I'm still fairly happy with it. Anarchism fails because we'll just end in civil war. We need SOME rules and SOME regulations, merely for the sake of keeping the peace. Libertarianism and Minarchism step in quite nicely here, and.. I don't really see what's wrong with either. I do think we should eventually globalize, because the sooner we realize we're all in this together (eh, cliche), but sooner we can fix the world, end the misery, and.. go populate space! Meh. That aside, I don't actually care. I find it hard to. I just wanna be happy, yo. Which is why I'll selfishly embrace anarchism/libertarianism/minarchism/whatevs. I'm in this for me, not the collaborative group, so I'll make strides for personal happiness, not necessarily everyone else. Consider that barbaric, but mehh.
  12. Izzy


    ... I thought we agreed not to post an insane amount of words and try to decipher the word in minimal attempts?
  13. Izzy

    Advance Wars Mafia

    I was inactive because the post went up midnight my time.. *shrug* I'm going to assume most people haven't gotten on yet today. Can we vote for GC?
  14. Izzy

    Why does something I can easily recreate with.. (not that *I* would) .. ketamine, DXM, or DMT and can easily be explained through neuroscience have to turn into something magical just because the general public doesn't understand dissociatives? ..I have had that "ghostly" experience myself, I know what it feels like, and I know what I saw/felt was because of how easily the human brain can be fooled. ..Unless you take the time to research the properties of the drugs I've listed and the science behind them, you can't even come close to saying I'm wrong.
  15. Izzy

    Why does something I can easily recreate with.. (not that *I* would) .. ketamine, DXM, or DMT and can easily be explained through neuroscience have to turn into something magical just because the general public doesn't understand dissociatives? ..I have had that "ghostly" experience myself, I know what it feels like, and I know what I saw/felt was because of how easily the human brain can be fooled. ..Unless you take the time to research the properties of the drugs I've listed and the science behind them, you can't even come close to saying I'm wrong.
  16. Izzy


    I know, typo. I meant NEEDS
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