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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy


  2. Izzy


    Hahah, correct.
  3. Izzy


    rhetorical ooooooo hodgepodge ooo Arithmetic oooooo battleship oooooooo submarines xooooo minicannon xo liberalist xxoooooo lighthouse xxxxxoo lightyears xxxxxoooo Think in terms of.. Izzy.
  4. Izzy

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Eh, my knowledge is not directly role related. Though, RIDs don't seem to be a problem in this game, so revealing the above info. should not be a drastic problem. It's important enough to be outed in the possible event of my death. I'd appreciate a save, but.. I'm not sure how necessary it is.
  5. Izzy

    Advance Wars Mafia

    In the off chance I don't live to see the day, lynch Grey Cells. Sorry bro, it seems our Mafia Enemies for life thing has come at an awkward time. I was considering holding off on posting this, but idk if I'll make it through the night with my recent baddie winning spree. Trust me guys. He needs to go.
  6. Izzy


    rhetorical ooooooo hodgepodge ooo Arithmetic oooooo battleship oooooooo submarines xooooo minicannon xo liberalist xxoooooo lighthouse xxxxxoo
  7. Izzy


    rhetorical ooooooo hodgepodge ooo Arithmetic oooooo battleship oooooooo submarines xooooo minicannon xo liberalist xxoooooo
  8. Izzy

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Hey.. I was just thinking.. if other people write the posts, won't it mess up the game a bit? Because those people will know who was targeted by whom, and can leave optional hints. The baddies might frame people in the post. There just.. won't be much control over the info that gets out.. and it's going to be confusing/annoying. =/
  9. Izzy


    rhetorical ooooooo hodgepodge ooo Arithmetic oooooo battleship oooooooo submarines xooooo minicannon xo
  10. Izzy

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Host: Filly 1)Blablah voting for LJ 2)Yuiop - voting for LJ 3)LJ voting for Onetruth 4)Izzy is voting for LJ 5)Molly Mae 6)GC 7)Glycereine 8)qwerty - voting for LJ 9)Framm- Voting for Onetruth 10)Onetruth 11)Abhisk - voting for LJ Framm, no one's going to die. This just decides who writes the Day 1 post.
  11. Izzy


    rhetorical ooooooo hodgepodge ooo Arithmetic oooooo
  12. Izzy


    rhetorical ooooooo hodgepodge ooo
  13. Izzy


    rhetorical ooooooo
  14. Izzy

    I haven't heard of it until now. Interesting. Jediism > Phronism.
  15. Izzy


    Was that technically cheating? >_> Okay. I have a word. Ten letters.
  16. Izzy


    Okay, much laziness and discovering it's actually pretty nice outside later.. (SEA) FORTRESS >_>
  17. Izzy


    F**K MY GAMEBOY IS IN MY MOM'S CAR. ...And it's hot outside.
  18. Izzy

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Ahh, I can't write. Any volunteers?
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