Blah, I DID post what I think happens. You'll notice a lot of my "beliefs" agree with the empirical evidence placed before me, for reasons I shouldn't have to explain. I'm sorry if it wasn't happy enough for you, haha. Did you want me to post what I WANT to happen? ..Because I'll explain that.. below. Haha.
Hmm. ..I suspect this will be a tad depressing, but it isn't really!
I'm sorry, but there is no point, no overall purpose, no divine meaning. Your "points" are whatever you want them to be, whilst you live, completely forgotten by yourself when you die, and eventually forgotten by everyone when we slowly die off, planets get consumed, star systems end, and so forth. ...But the fact that life ends when you die gives your life so much more meaning. Humans have an inherent instinct to survive, so it's natural we want to extend our lives infinitely. If this happens, what's the point? After the first 856890854852048234532593480 years of living as a god-worshipping zombie in heaven, wouldn't it get boring? Wouldn't you WANT it to end? I'm so happy I won't live forever, because that means what I do now is special. You're simply reverting from an infinite period of nonexistence, to an infinitesimal period of existence, back to an infinite period of nonexistence. If you want to think about that in "happier" terms, you're converting back into energy and exploring the universe.
It also means you can't f**k up in life, because you won't remember it. So, DO WHAT YOU WANT AND HAVE FUN. Success is how you define it. I'm being successful by being happy.