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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    Okay, thanks. I can say with absolute certainty that GJ was not blocked by a goodie. He was either blocked by a cop (making him a goodie/indy?) or last night the indy redirected the move of a cop onto GJ. That means the indy knows one cop for sures and that GJ is possibly still bad. If that's the case, we have one less cop and one more indy. Cops, you'll know. If you help us lynch this copindy, that's one less problem we have to worry about. ..Unless you already took care of that by finding it out and killing Abhisk, but I don't think that'd be possible. The indy is almost in majority, I'm guessing it's like 2:3:3 (cops:goodie:indy) right now. Baah. JarZeeeee. Come online, I need help. *edit* Oh.. my god. If Sigma Phi..was redirected.. then.. ffs.. Lets hope a cop copied his ability.
  2. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    Okay, digesting this in order: GC, baddie, has been eliminated. Sigma Phi is either stupid or has been taken over by the indy, meaning she's still at large. Golfjunkie was targeted by the cops, but saved. The cops used their group kill on Abhisk, ...so I think the cops might have spied on golfjunkie? I don't know, I'm a bit confused here. He.. might be good? ..Abhisk sounds.. a little bit like the indy.. I.. don't know. So, three cops left, and 1-2 indy's. Peace, Harvey, yuiop, filly, and Golfjunkie make five. (Unless JarZe has been lying ) We're.. ridiculously out-numbered. We'll lynch a non-goodie today no matter what, but we're still compeltely screwed at this moment. If we lynch one today and kill one tonight, they'll kill one of us or the indy tonight, then we *might* have a chance. *edit* EUGH, CRAP. Blahblah can't vote. ..We might be done for. =/ 1. Izzy is voting for Peace 2. Peace 3. DudleyDude - busted by the Cops 4. Harvey 5. GC - killed by the Kappas 6. yuiop 7. golfjunkie 8. filly678 9. Music - busted by the Cops 10. Blablah - trapped so no posting 11. Glycereine - lynched and found to be a Delta Brother 12. 24_65.... - lynched and found to be a Sigma Nu Brohter 13. Abhisk - busted by the Cops 14. JarZe
  3. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    Wow. That's really well realized. Now we have something legit to go on.
  4. Izzy

    It was pretty beast. Though, the mid defender from Germany's footwork annoys me. Germany could have started a bit stronger and not have just passed the ball among the defenders for so long. It could have easily been like 7ish - 0. There was one time they should have scored, but Australia's defender kicked the ball into the air, and that was just really cool haha. I'm happy.
  5. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    I disagree. At night, the baddies only have to target someone, which isn't particularly difficult. During the day, so long as they mostly refrain from talking, they can slide by suspicion without doing much. We haven't pressured many people, or at least not the right people. That isn't a strong point of the baddies, merely a weak one from the goodies.
  6. Izzy

    Am currently watching Germany DOMINATE Australia (as predicted). Australia's playing a bit dirty (lol, what's the count on fouls? Like 12, plus 2 yellow cards and a red?) Feeling very confident about winning the cup.
  7. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    It's so hard to say, because I've never played with over half the roster before. Though, DD seems to be consistently the first person to go in the last several games I've played. Since me, Peace, GC, and JarZE are ALL still alive, I fully suspect the baddie team to be driven possibly completely by some of the newer players. Though, I kind of feel like Peace wouldn't kill me (), and she hasn't been particularly active so maybe hasn't given much input if she is a baddie. So, I mean, the fact that JarZe is willing to correspond like this AT ALL makes me considerably less suspicious, unless he's the indy looking for roles. So, I'm currently thinking me, JarZe, and Blablah make up 3/4-5 of the goodies. GC can very possibly be any of the three haha. I think Peace is bad. So, in our next lynch, we should probably focus on Peace, Harvey/Slick, yuip, GC, gf, filly, or Abhisk. For of those are for sure baddies (unless I've messed up with JarZe or Blablah), so the goodies have either 3, 4, or 5 people left. Oh, wasn't it golfjunkie that used as a defense "I didn't act last night." Er, that means he can be one of two people, and the indy has likely realized this by now. Though, possibly not, depending on the experience level of the indy.
  8. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    ^ I hear you man, but let's leave that until the day comes. There's no need to give anyone more information than the need right now, especially since night actions may not entirely be in yet, and the indy may be going full force.
  9. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    Crap.. Uh. Okay, minimum is four cops left, give or take a few indies (hopefully Music was the indy and there aren't any others..) So, it's either 4:5, 4:1:4, or 4:2:3. The third one probably isn't the case. Now, I feel pretty confident Blah is a goodie, and I make another one. ..Leaving 1-3 more. Peace and slick have been keeping pretty low under the radar this game, so I'm ever so slightly suspicious of both. ...Everyone else I'm unsure about and the paranoia is starting to kick in. I'm worried that you're a baddie trying to figure out what's on my mind because you usually have a pretty good idea of what's going on in the game haha (or at least I get that vibe). Umm. Man, I dunno. There's so little to go on that it's unbelievably frustrating. I'll be on to corroborate/collaborate until maybe 2ish tonight (I'm on EST). Possibly later. I have a friend coming over then and I don't know how much internet time that'll allow. If not, tomorrow morning.
  10. Izzy

    Lmao, yeah. We were just remarking on Facebook how fortunate Green is that he isn't Colombian because of the Colombian player that was assassinated after scoring a goal for the US during a world cup match. Though.. I can see some over zealous English football fanatic freaking out over a loss against the dreadful tyrannous traitors and offing the dude. Which would be a shame, he was pretty (he's not when you Google him, but he was in today's match).
  11. Izzy

    Aww. Don't worry, I'll let you know how much we kill you by. Hahahaha, well done England. Couldn't even beat America.
  12. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    Wait, what? 24 never put up a good defense. The "idc lynch me" attitude doesn't cut it for me. It's either a lame last resort for a baddie, or means s/he isn't interested in playing. Umm. No. 1. Izzy is voting for 24 2. Peace - voting for Blablah 3. DudleyDude - busted by the Cops 4. Harvey - voting for 24 5. GC - voting for Blablah 6. yuiop - voting for 24 7. golfjunkie - Trapped: No posting allowed 8. filly678 9. Music - busted by the Cops 10. Blablah - voting for filly678 11. Glycereine - lynched and found to be a Delta Brother 12. 24 - voting for yuiop 13. Abhisk - voting for yuiop 14. JarZe - voting for 24
  13. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    *facepalm* Assuming you're telling the truth, you're either a baddie or one goodie role. ..Meaning the indy can *guess* that. Eugh. Now tempted to lynch you just so you don't become indy bait. =/
  14. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    But the baddies would have had no way of knowing that the block would show up in the night post, meaning it could have been a waste of two actions. He could possibly be the indy, but chances are slim. Tbh, I think his defense was pretty good. Eugh, let's try this again. =/ 1. Izzy is voting for Peace 2. Peace - voting for Blablah 3. DudleyDude - busted by the Cops 4. Harvey - voting for 24 5. GC - voting for Blablah 6. yuiop - voting for 24 7. golfjunkie - Trapped: No posting allowed 8. filly678 9. Music - busted by the Cops 10. Blablah - voting for JarZe 11. Glycereine - lynched and found to be a Delta Brother 12. 24 yuiop 13. Abhisk - voting for 24 14. JarZe - voting for 24
  15. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    Peace, I have no idea what bb99 means. I'm gonna bandwagon with GC because I feel we have enough votes on 24 to allow a response, and if we can do that to multiple people, the more info, so yay. 1. Izzy is voting for Blablah 2. Peace 3. DudleyDude - busted by the Cops 4. Harvey - voting for 24 5. GC - voting for Blablah 6. yuiop - voting for 24 7. golfjunkie - Trapped: No posting allowed 8. filly678 9. Music - busted by the Cops 10. Blablah - voting for JarZe 11. Glycereine - lynched and found to be a Delta Brother 12. 24 13. Abhisk - voting for 24 14. JarZe - voting for 24
  16. Izzy

    Die Beste werde gewinnen und die Brasilianer schaffen es nicht. Deutschland zuerst, und dann vielleicht England.. (Okay, eigentlich sind die Brasilianer besser als die Engländer, aber Deutschland gewinnt gedankenlos.) ...Hooray for spell check. >_>
  17. Izzy

    Time again, for us to come together as a planet and embrace... SOCCER/FOOTBALL/FUßBALL! I'm particularly excited about USA vs. England today. I'd prefer an England victory (as opposed to the US) overall, but at this point I'm just thinking it'd be hilarious if England loses. We may end up involved in another war. ;P ..Not that it matters. My friends are predicting scores that resemble telephone numbers, and it isn't looking pretty for the US. And again, not that it matters, Germany will win, naturally.
  18. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    JarZe's right. The only way the goodies can get ANY information is if we get people to speak up. The only way we can do this is by pressuring people by voting for them. This isn't really going by any reasonable suspicion, but since at this point we really don't have a lot to go on, I'm voting for a player who is typically active and willing to reply to our questioning. So, Jarze, sorry. Goodie or baddie, bro? 1. Izzy is voting for JarZe 2. Peace 3. DudleyDude - busted by the Cops 4. Harvey 5. GC 6. yuiop 7. golfjunkie - Trapped: No posting allowed 8. filly678 9. Music - busted by the Cops 10. Blablah 11. Glycereine - lynched and found to be a Delta Brother 12. 24 13. Abhisk - voting for 24 14. JarZe
  19. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    Maybe the baddies weren't cooperating or were inactive? I feel like they were the ones pushing for the full tie.. Whoever suggested that first, I have my eye on you. I really feel like it was something you guys should have picked up on sooner. I wanted to shout "That's such a bad idea!" at the computer. Anyway. Night 2. G'luck. Haha, I want to know if I was trapped randomly, out of suspicion, or out of protection.
  20. Izzy

    Fraternity Mafia

    Clarification question: Does this include trapped players?
  21. Izzy

    Haha, I should probably explain that. As I've said on these forums before, the philosophy of "an it harm none, do as thou willst" is something I've always tried to live by. I've always understood anarchy to be an entirely lawless state wherein there are no regulations to protect people. Our current government's method of "protection" generates considerable amounts of unhappiness by impeding upon our civil rights. Libertarians (minarchists in specific) offer as much liberation from substandard ordinances as possible while still having an organized military, health care system, and jurisdiction. ..Yeah. Haha, Spongebob sums up my thoughts perfectly. "DISMANTLE THE OPPRESSIVE ESTABLISHMENT!"
  22. Izzy

    They didn't succeed, thankfully. (Unreality actually hooked me up with this link.)
  23. Izzy

    ^ A word cleverly engineered by sex toy creators.. >_> The OK is a sideways person got me.
  24. Izzy

    Seeksit, I don't idolize Dawkins, I just reserve the right to quote him whenever he says something clever I can relate to. His description of the deity millions worship is brilliant and I don't think it can be reconstructed to articulate the emotions of many atheists any more clearly. Unreality, religion aside, no, we can't break free. Our civil rights are so limited that it's heartbreaking. If you wanted to do something as harmless as having half a beer, you could be incriminated (this fluctuates with age, but the point still stands). Bah. Lol, I mean, they tried to make glowsticks illegal at raves, after all.
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