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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    The same reason The Wildhearts are Sick of Drugs but do them anyway? Umm. No dude. There is no faith or praying involved with the blood match. Here in Florida (and I think most of the USA?) The Red Bus comes to high schools and students are encouraged (and even offered extra credit as an incentive and missing a class) to go donate blood. There are millions of blood donors (I'm not 16 yet and myself have donated twice, lmao), a match is undoubtedly going to be found. O- is a fairly common blood type, and it's the universal donor, so EVERYONE can accept it. Hospitals stock up on this stuff, so if someone doesn't know their blood type and needs a transfusion, there's no problem. No god or luck involved, it's science. If there was a god, we'd all have the same blood type and this sort of thing wouldn't be a problem. In fact, if you recall my post in the American thread (I think it was in there, it was one of these), you'll see that praying actually has nil effect on the outcome of a situation.
  2. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Haha, yeah dude. That's because this is at least the 20th religios debate on this site since my joining, the second in a week involving hambone. I'm sick of it. Your new, so your going to have fun, but unreality, dawh, octopuppy, ADParker and I have done this in The Athesist Discussion, The Christian Discussion, and I the drug debate actually turned into a religious one, along with the abortion debate, oh and then there was the "Does God Exist?" thread, along with the "Is There An Afterlife" and the "Proud to be American thread". I can't be bothered to do this anymore, which is why from now I'm going to ignore the wackos (Hambone, who I think is just a troll anyone. I know who you are. ) , and.. just.. chill. Haha. Look up the Athesist Discussion, I think I joined in like ten or twenty pages from the end. I'm not in the mood to look up old posts or retype them.
  3. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Lmao.. I'm sorry, but your "knowledge" of the world astounds me. OMG. I FIGURED IT OUT. YOU ARE A TROLL. I mean, your username does mean "A bad perforerm, esp. with a black accent." I think I know who you are, mah gansta homie. I refuse anyone.. can.. be.. this silly. You have learned nothing, which is why unreality one upped you in the other thread so hard. YEAH. THANK YOU GOD FOR SENDING YOUR SON WHICH WAS ALSO YOURSELF TO DIE FOR ME FOR THE SINS YOU ALLOW TO BE COMMITED, WHILE ACTUALLY KILLING YOURSELF, SO YOU'RE COMMINTING SUICIDE, AND ALLOWING THE PERSECUTION OF JEWS SO MANY YEARS LATER. I LOVE YOUUUUU, YOU SADOMASOCHISTIC BASTARD. Omf.. You know the suicide bombers are cults, not following the way of Islam, recruiting young orphans and brainwashing them to do their dirty work, right? Read the Koran, it's almost identical to the Bible. It says suicide is wrong. Also, I recall God telling Abraham to kill his only son Isaac, and Abraham was going to do it when God was like "No bro, it was only a joke!" Nice dude, eh?] No, you weren't born into it, neither were you born into beliving in Santa. You just didn't get over it when you turned 5.
  4. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Yeah, and while that's awesome, and awesome for you, *points* have you seen the avereage 17 year old. If you've done your research and are happy with your decision, that's cool by me. I just want you to read God: The Failed Hypothesis. I want everyone who opposes me to. I really don't think you've finished learning until you've studided the atheisitic side as well.
  5. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Dude, theory = fact, with like 99.99999% certainty. The scientific definition of theory is a lot stronger than your "general" theory. A scientific theory is something proposed as an explanation for EMPIRICAL phenomena, which was been bsaed off of experients, tested, and retested, with th same results, consistent with the scientific method. Such theories are preferably described in such a way that any scientist in the field is in a position to understand, verify, and challenge (or "falsify") it. This has been applied to evolution SO many times, and it still stands as a sound scientific theory because it has been challeneged, verified, and reverified so many times. After all, gravity is only a theory. Yo, I just woke up. Replied to this post because it was the first one I saw. I'll get on the other in a bit.
  6. Isn't that why savings accounts give you money back, but with interest. (This was explained to me when I was like seven, lol, bear with me.) They borrow some, and when you get it back, it's a little more? ..Or maybe it's just an incentive to use a certain bank, idk. Sorry I don't undertsand statisitics over 130%, unless we're talking about an increase in something. I agree that the super poor (including the unlucky kid bagging my groceries at Publix) shouldn't pay anything. Isn't that what tax refunds are for?
  7. ..I just heard some inspirational lyrics that.. we should... definitely heed, for better or for worse haha. Caution: Cursing. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ro3Io3YN4Mo Lyrics: I walk the line, the line I choose I see the people in front of me I climb the wall, the wall of news I watch them show the tragedy If you were me, could you defend The given rights to all of men? Let's f*ck the world with all its trend They say it's all about to end They say it's all about to end They say, they say There's a prison that's gone, but the fear lives on I watch you walking on the dotted line Maybe you don't see what's in front of me Maybe you won't stand the test of time For we live in sin, for we will win I watch the president kiss his family For we live in sin, for we will win I watch the president f*ck society If you were me, could you defend The given rights to all of men? Let's f*ck the world with all its trend They say it's all about to end They say it's all about to end They say, they say I fall in love with the old times I've never mentioned my own mind Let's f*ck the world with all its trend Thank god it's all about to end They say it's all about to end They say, they say They say, they say They say it's all about to end
  8. You seem cool. :D

  9. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    I actually know quite a bit. You're basing my "knowledge" off of my belief, rather than my actual comprehension of the material. I'm curious, how much do you actually know about the religions other than your own? Are you positive you are making an informed decision with your life's dedication rather than just accepting the one you were born into? Why Christianity opposed to Islam, Buddhism, or Hinduism (just naming the major ones). Also. Plasmid, beautifully worded.
  10. Wasn't there a proposition to build those here, and then construction started and the plan was shut down due to budgeting and general opposition? =/ (Also, accidentally closed FB. Back now.)
  11. I think we should do everything in our power to turn into a solar powered and much greener world. I saw on the news yesterday a plane that flew for 26 hours powered solely on solar power (the only complaints, the pilots iPod died ). It landed with more power than when it took off. Granted, it only went 26 mph, but this is faster than the Wright brother's first plane, and it went much furhter (all the way around the world). There is *definitely* major potential in such a investment. If it can power planes, why not simpler things like automobiles? I'm also for public transport. The north has an incredible system of interconnected trains and entire cities are easily accesible (Boston being a prime example). Here in Florida, we don't have that. If you want to go someone and you don't have a car, you're stuck. I think we should make green public transportation a goal.
  12. ^ I agree entirely. You said what I was trying to say with a lot more clarity.
  13. ..I think everyone should pay the same percent. I've never taken an economics class, so I'm not really sure how taxation works, but let me play this out for you. There are five men. One makes $1,000 a year, the second makes $10,000, third $100,000, fourth $1,000,000 and the fith $10,000,000. Now, say every year, we tax them 10% (I have no idea how much this is compared to current taxes, but this is totally hypothetical). From the first man, the government will get $100, second $1000, third $10,000, fourth $100,000, and fifth $1,000,000. That $1 million vs. $1 hundred is a HUGE difference. We don't need to up the percentage for richer people. We need to find out the budget our government needs to be stable and know the income of the country's residents. We then tax them based off of that (churches too!), and we should have enough money to support ourselves. I still don't think military should be mandatory. Maybe mandatory training, but not active service? Like dude, I'll totally "become a traitor" or bang a chick to get kicked out of the military if it means I don't have to serve in Iraq.
  14. Yeah, eight month and up = illegal. They've had more than enough time, and that baby is perfectly capable of surviving on its own. I agree the fetuses are alive, but they aren't human yet, they're still parasites. I think something is "human" when it is capable of livng outside of the host's body, as babies generally eight months and up can do. Nothing is to be taught in schools that is not scientifically verified if it falls into the scientific curriciulum. That means no ID, or creationism under any other name they decide to give it. Oh, it should be illegal to blast music from your car that outsiders can hear it. Maybe we can make it so speakers don't even go that loud?
  15. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Peace to the out broski. edit: typo
  16. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    I took and aced a World Religions class. I think I'm in the clear here. Here I was under the impression we were getting along just fine. =0
  17. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    I did not nor did I claim to. But I actually took the time to learn the oppostion (and that's more than just Christianity ). Seriously, go read God: The Failed Hypothesis. Short read, like $15 at your local BnR. We're in the same state, you can gladly borrow my copy. (But that'd be creepy, so just go buy it, haha.)
  18. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Okay. I'm going to assume with all of that (Whether you came up with it yourself or used links is beyond me and irrelevent), you know how cells reproduce right? ..And you know with the BILLIONS of sells in your body, there are going to be errors and gene mutations, right? Hence, evolution. Case closed. Enjoy:
  19. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    If you don't believe in evolution I don't want to hear anything you have to say. Nothing you will type will be biologically sound. It's a waste of both of our time. Actually. Go ahead and type up the cell. I'll let you know if you go wrong.
  20. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    My priest touched my in inappropriate ways. Lmao, no seriously, I'm not angry at something that doesn't exist. It's like you telling my mah homie invisible friend DAWG doesn't exist, and I'm all "Foo, whatcho' problem? Don' hate brah, he's my home dawg shizzle bizzcuitttt. We tight." (I'm totally gansta, btw.) Alright, let's do this. Let's test your biology knowledge. Explain evolution to me. I wanna see what you know, foo'. So I can show it to mah homies, like unreality, and we can be like "dat's legit bro!" or we can be like "Nah dawg, 'dis cracka' trippin'" (*lmao*)
  21. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Dude, are you kidding me? There are overwhelming amounts of evidence for evolution. Please, go take a biology class. This takes no faith. We have fossil record. We have radio dating. We. have. so. much. evidence. Lol, sorry, I can't do this. Human stupidity and willful ignorance frustrates me too much. Hi Rookie. I know you know I mean that in the nicest way and is a general statement not directed to anyone on this board.
  22. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    And I am telling you why you are wrong, not for you, for the readers on this board so they have an opinion on both sides. My posts aren't for you. They are for the agnostics on the issue. You seem as self-centred as God. This is the internet Don't spew crap and expect it to be left alone and intact, believed and accepted by all with no rebuttle.
  23. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    I didn't feel the need. You're clearly another over zealous Judeo-Abramic Christian with little to no knowledge of other religions. I have no motive for persauding you to think differently. You're of the older generation (no offense), and will have little impact on the future (again, no offense). ..And truthfully, you think 2012 is going to happen, so it's hard to take anything you say seriously. I asked because you claimed to possess knowledge of world religions after intense study in the other thread, and it became pathetically apparent that you don't. I am weak minded and easily swayed? Lmao. Yeah. That's why I totally fell for the whole childhood indoctrination thing and believe the same bull as the rest of Christianity. No dude. When you were little, someone told you God existed. They also told you Santa existed. You eliminated one, I eliminated both. Can we say easily swayed? My thoughts are no one's teaching. I used to information around me to make an informed decision. You blindly believe. <resists making insult>
  24. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Actually. I changed my mind. Prepare for intellectual pwnage. You claim to have been "learning" for longer than I have been alive. This was clearly demonstrated by your knowledge of other religions in the other thread.. If in the year or so I've been interested in this sort of thing surmounts/passes what you've been able to discover in your entire life, that.. definitely says something about you, my friend. I don't care if you've made up the mind. I'm here to stop you from spewing BS all over the internet and confusing easily pliable minds with it. You clearly have nil knowledge of evolution. I'm gonna say what unreality said and defer you to either dawh, ADParker, or octopuppy here. Unfortunately my high school level biology is sort of lacking. I don't know anyting about the brain or liver, but I do know a thing or two about the eye. Thank you, Mr. Victor Stenger. I learned the following from one of his books, and have paraphrased, taking information from the book, which I have in front of me. You say the eye is perfect and wired exceptionally, and "Gmoz, it's so good God must have done it." Welll. You're wrong (not surprsing). The eye is actually wired backwards, in all veretebrates. Other animals have their eyes wired much more rationally. Intelligent design? Methinks not. Yeah, it works fine for us, but it's.. not designed at all. "Eyes provide such obvious survival value that they developed at least FORTY times independently in the course of evolution. Neuroscience has identified eight different optical solutions for collecting and focusing light, although all share similarities at the molecular level. The physics and the chemistry are the same; few ways exist for detecting photons. But, because of the important role of chance and local environment in the evolution of complex systems, different solutions to the problem were uncovered by random sampling of the varied paths allowed by evolution. In short, the structres of eyes look as they might be expected to lok if they developed from purely material and mindless process - chance + natural selection - as these processes explore the sace of possibe survival solutions." Also, if our eyes are so perfectly "designed", why do people go blind? Why do people need glasses? Just God failing, or.. imperfect evolution. The answer is clear. Same thing with death people and the need for hearing aids. (Sorry for any typos, this computer doesn't have spell check. I didn't feel like typing this up on my MacBook, and I was looking at the book rather than the screen whilst typing.)
  25. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    I didn't read any of what you wrote. Just. Stop. Talking. For the sake of humanity, S.T.F.U. Read a lampin' book. God: The Failed Hypothesis will do fine. /leaves thread
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