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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. NickFleming, we will rewrite DARE classes so everyone is thoroughly informed. It won't be this "DRUGS ARE BAD FOR YOU, JUST SAY NO!" sh*t. It'll be legitimate information, a lot of it similar to the vaults of Erowid. The average man will know, just like the average man knows of the dangers of tobacco. Unreality, didn't know that they were pregnant. People are going to have sex, there's no way we can stop that. People also use condoms and other forms of birth control. Unwanted pregnancies still happen, do to stupidity or unprotected one night stands or whatever. The embryo is still a) not human, b) a parasite c)living inside a human being who has rights over her own body. It *is alive*, but it's not human by any standards. *shrug* Unless you propose we stop eating animals (lol, please don't), then.. I can't take your argument. Would having a miscarriage be manslaughter? Accidentally killing your baby is murder.. It's.. not a unique "person". It's a unique bundle of cells. ..It really isn't any more special than the animal slides we look at under microscopes in middle school biology. Blackmarket abortions will be SOOO much more dangerous. If we start a war against abortion, it'll be just as bad as the current war on drugs. (Wow, I can't believe I'm fighting so adamantly for something I hate.)
  2. Woooooah. No mandatory military! Entirely optional, if it all discourage. Also, militaries should NOT be permitted to come to high schools to try to recruit students. It makes me sick to my stomach every time I see them on my campus. One of my friends registered, and I'm so scared.. =/ I don't want to live in a country that will force me to die for it. I'm mostly pacifist anyway, and I strongly believe EVERY situation has a diplomatic solution. Unreality, but what about if the woman just *didn't* know? By your own argument, the first week is no different from the first trimester. An abortion is a serious decision, and the woman will need time to think it out. The point is it ISN'T a human, it ISN'T alive, and it DOES NOT have rights. Most pregnancy tests don't even work until a week or two after conception. By the same standards, you might as well make male masturbation illegal and female menstruation, because every time either happens a potential life is killed. There's no difference when the sperm and the egg meet, it's the same potential, but it isn't a person. By all means, don't criminalize the morning after pill or anything, but abortions are.. I guess "good" ways of rectifying stupid mistakes. Idk.. Women will STILL get them, or women will give birth to their baby and kill it. *shrug* I think that's a lot worse.
  3. Okay. How about first trimester only?
  4. Yes. Unwanted children put a strain on families and orphanages because people are not prepared to provide for them. Also, when the fetus is inside the woman, the relationship is entirely parasitic, so the survival of the "parasite" should require the woman's continuous consent. If the woman wishes to terminate the fetus at any given time, that's her right, because she shouldn't be required to sacrifice her body, and if denied this right, her bodily integrity is violated. It's not a human that's being killed, it's a potential human. ..It's a bundle of cells, like those on your finger or hair. ..It's.. meh. If you don't want one, by all means don't have one and raise your kid, and while I'd *never* personally get one, I still think they should be legal. I mean, abortions are happening all the time. I doubt any of us have been personally affected. Also, marriage equality. Yay Massachusetts.
  5. I think someone should make money based off of how advanced their degree is (unless they invent something cool or something). The government should give infinite student loans (and expect them to be paid back someday, with the "forgiveness" thing Obama created if the person is legitimately unable to come up with the funds). Astrophysicists and chemical engineers should make more than teachers. Teachers should make more than basketball players. But a large part of it depends on how much demand there is for the job. Idk, I don't really think setting up wage limitations is important. Just go to school and get a good job. *shrug* The problem with determining how much someone is going to get paid means that the business in which they work is going to be government run, and I think that's way too much control in the hands of the government. If I'm a wealthy patron of the arts really into fingerpainting, and I pay toddlers $10,000 per painting because I think it's the coolest thing ever, I should be allowed to do that because it's *my* money. It seems to me privatized small businesses tend to offer their workers better wages and benefits anyway. There's no way we can tell people where to put their money.
  6. The point is to do it as humanely as possible! The cheapest way would not be doing it at all.
  7. ...If we're talking about humane, give the person a few Xanax bars, wait for them to pass out, add all around anesthesia, and then do lethal injection. ..That shouldn't hurt, right? Man, will Xanax still make you pass out if you have all that adrenaline going?
  8. They can do all the jobs no one wants to do though, but they won't get paid for it, and any money saved will go directly to providing for them or donated to charities. Maybe like 3 people are executed a year? I don't think much money will be wasted either way. =/ I just.. think executing them makes us as bad as them, y'know? Meh. I don't care about that issue that much. Okay, hmm. I don't like capitalism because it creates monopolies, and small businesses have almost zero chance of survival (unless they're super original) . ..Communism is on the other edge of the spectrum in that regard, but that's crap too. Maybe we should create something where if a business (say Wal-Mart) gets too powerful and starts closing down other businesses (say Publix), we tell them they need to chill and be nice? Honestly, I have no idea, this has always confused me. People should be able to buy/sell/trade whatever they want at whatever prices they want.. but.. Meh. Eugh, brb, dinner.
  9. Okay, I agree that middle-schoolers should have to go to school, but for high school students with good grades, it should be optional. Also, let's make credit denial illegal. There's nothing I hate less. I agree that drugs should be taxed. I don't think luxury tax should be applied.. maybe.. 10%? It's actually ironic.. The failed war on drugs has cost tax payers $27 billion since the beginning of this year (according to my dock app), but revenue we would gain back by legalizing and taxing drugs will be far more than that, and we're actually improving the quality of the drugs and removing a dangerous portion of the black market. Yay us. Unreality, how do you feel about globalization? We can work out an amendment process after we finalize these laws and create a new constitution. Man.. we're not going to have to write up every single criminal act and determine jail time, are we? I think we can just "borrow" those from what's already working. >_> Oh. No capital punishment. Put those people to work.
  10. Izzy

    Host: Unreality 1) Filly 2) Golfjunkie 3) Framm 4) Molly Mae 5) LJ 6) Blablah 7) Izzy etc...
  11. Framm, with the work deal, I think that's a good idea, but don't start it at 16. High school doesn't even end until you're 18, and most people tend to go to uni afterwards. If you have no intentions of going back to school, then you should get a job, but if you're family-less and getting a PhD, you shouldn't be forced to work through it. I think once you've gotten a degree you're satisfied with, you should have at least 2 years to chill, and then get a job, or attempt. ..But, what do we do with people that thought? It doesn't seem right to throw them in jail. I think unreality summed up everything for me. Just wanted to add one thing, it's their body. If they want to destroy it with something as harmful as alcohol, or something only a tad worse like heroin, they should have the right. However, if they hurt anything, drive, or do anything of a violent nature whilst intoxicated, charges will be pressed, as with alcohol today. With that, suicide should also be legal and the government is not allowed to intervene with your attempt to off yourself. Mandates like the Baker Act, saying a hospital can detain you if they think you're unstable need to be removed. Likewise, no one can tell me how much to eat or not to swim in battery acid (as silly as that sounds). I think we should call this "Freedom to Body"... But that sounds a bit lame. I'm open to suggestions. Oh, I don't think people should be allowed to smoke in public. It's disgusting. There should be exceptions (with weed, not tobacco..) in places like concert venues or drug related expos (lmao, I can see it now, designer drug conventions >_>), but that's about it. Just like people aren't allowed to walk around and spray deadly chemicals in the air because it's unhealthy endangerment and possibly manslaughter, people shouldn't be allowed to smoke cigarettes... Also, if you show up to work or school high/drunk, your boss can fire you and you can get expelled or sent home for the day. I'll classify hate speech as hurtful words like "You're fat", "Wow, you're such a fag", "Whut up, Nazi?", etc, and don't think they should be criminalized. Now, actual threats like "I'm going to kill you" need to be taken seriously and dealt with the proper precautions. 12. Laws are to remain the same from State to State, to show the unification of our country, and erase any ambiguity. If we say "Okay, anything we didn't tell you was illegal is up to the states", you're going to have mass disorder and chaos. If California allows gay marriage but Texas doesn't, you're going to see an unnecessary spike in California's population (..or possibly Texas'), possibly putting a strain on resources such as housing developments and schools. People should want to live where they live because they like it there, not because of different laws. 13. Eventual globalization is a priority, because as cliche as it sounds, WE ARE ONE PLANET, WE ARE ONE SPECIES, and we really fecking need to start acting like that. During the Haiti crisis, so many [idiots] at my school were complaining that we were raising money to help with food and shelter and stuff because "We have poor and hungry people here". Yes, while that is true, it doesn't mean we can't help out the rest of the world. If we create a political system that.. actually works and everyone is happy with it, it only makes sense to share it. Probably first with Canada, then Mexico, and then slowly expand south. People will have the same rights all across the Americas, and again, people will only move to places they want to live, not to somewhere because it's easier to make money/get away with stuff. It's all about world happiness. Also, wars would pretty much end, unless their civil wars. Say like, two countries (I guess they'll still be called countries for geographical purposes) want to fight. The rest of the world can threaten them with its immense power and break them apart, pretty much saving lives. Then they can diplomatically deal with the problem, rather through force and weaponry. My thoughts on schooling I already posted in another thread, so here: Our educational system could definitely do with some amendments. Mandatory attendance for grades K-5, but I think older students deserve some leniency. I'm habitually truant, and have been forging doctor notes since 6th grade. That said, I'm also a straight A student and in the 99th percentile in my class in a ridiculously competitive International Baccalaureate school. Last year, I only went to school 143 days (out of 180, for you non-Americans). I was lost some of the time, and make up work was a b*tch, but I still maintained my class rank, whilst taking seven academics. The significance of this is that mandating students that need to go to school (especially if they don't need to be there) is a waste of resources, effort, and money. I propose we make students show up based on grades. So along as you are able to provide your own accommodations, you only have to show up in classes you have a B or less in. Pretty much junior year on, people have their own cars. So if I have all A's, but I have a B 6th period, I can sleep in 'til 12, hit up that class, and go home. It might make sense that Mondays are mandatory, so teachers can lay out the lesson plan on the board along with test dates, so people know what they're responsible for. (We used to be given exam exemptions prior to the swine flu madness, but then the county found out it's illegal to give students an incentive to go to school ) People should still be allowed to drop out at 16. ..I don't really feel it's fair to force people to go to school, but I've seen the stupidity of the people that do go, so.. I think it's best. =/ Furthermore, I think all high schools should be held to the IB standard, best it's pretty much going to be the best quality of education you'll get. If we prep kids to think critically and stuff since kindergarten instead of coloring so much, pass rates would be much higher, and the world will slowly glisten with enlightenment. There should be one health care option (the best option, covering everything) for everyone, because everyone is entitled to the same life, and it should be government run and funded through taxes. Haha this thread is fun.
  12. Izzy

    Bro what nonsense? Here, lemme look it up for you and post it here. I'll bold the important bits. Also, but OT and NT were divinely inspired by Gawd, right? *shrug* Why didn't this omniscient being with knowledge of both past, present, and future not just write it right the first time?
  13. Izzy

    Lol, did you read my post? Religious scientists are very much in the minority.
  14. Izzy

    Einstein was atheist dude, do your research before you spew random facts. Newton WAS religious, but I think it can be attributed to that time period. 7% of current scientists believe in a personal god, and the figures are probably less than that now. http://www.lhup.edu/~dsimanek/sci_relig.htm The problem is that asserting gawd did something with nil evidence to back it up is silly and entirely unscientific. Lol, what insults? If you call Hitler (lmao.. Godwin's law.. shush >_>) an evil bastard and point out why, I'm not going to be offended. (I'm not going to disagree, so that's a bad example. But you get my point.) Public figures and subject to harsh criticism. Lawl, for the sake of humanity? Lawl, just lawl. ..Yeah, you're doing exactly what makes gods such a disappointing subject. "Ooh, I can't explain this. God must have done it." Maybe if you hung around and waited for an explanation, you wouldn't have to take such a huge leap of faith. Eugh. Yes. I've read the book all through. The point is irrelevant.
  15. Izzy

    Advance Wars Mafia

    (just adding as vote ofr o nesturrth like she askiedn ) Host: Filly 1) Blablah 2) Yuiop - voting for blablah 3) LJ - Lynched and found to be Sami 4) Izzy[?] DEAD Thrown in the ocean 5) Molly Mae[?] DEAD Shot in the head 6) GC - voting for Yuiop - Sturm 7) Glycereine - Voting for Yuiop 8) qwerty 9) Framm- Voting for MissKitten 10)onetruth is votining for MissKitten 11) MissKitten-blablah
  16. Izzy


    i ahtink just me at this pinrtt. we can wiat if yuou want
  17. Izzy

    Advance Wars Mafia

    Aww, that was fun while it lasted. I hope you guys see what I see from those votes..
  18. Izzy


    BROSKI well, that's 6 letters. BROCK
  19. Yeah. Disagree with anything you want! This is the time for brainstorming. I think we should eventually globalize, so I'm cool with us having companies in other countries, but I think even then, US minimum wage should be paid. Also, minors caught with drugs/alcohol should not be criminalized. At most, a "What the hell were you thinking class", if that at all. The drinking age should be lowered to whatever we decide the age of adult is. Oh, I still want jails. Stealing, killing, rape, and anything else where you do something to someone that harms them should be illegal for the obvious reasons. Hmm.. I've never really picked a position on hate speech. It does fall under freedom of speech.. but it hurts people.. Thoughts? Voted Libertarian, btw.
  20. Izzy


  21. Izzy


    Izzy - 212 Unreality - 196 Framm - 152 t8t8t8 - 110 Plainglazed - 85 Dawh - 66 Glycereine - 50 Abhisk - 20 Prince Marth - 15 DudleyDude - 15 Lol, who did you say I was behind?
  22. Izzy


    Hmm, I don't know how to do this. DD figured out the fourth letter first, which would have finished the word by looking at xylol. But t8t8t8 said the word first. DD + 5, t8t8t8 + 10? XYLYL lemon - (0) ganja - (0) caper - (0) built - (0) games - (0) pitch - (0) zizit - (0) rotor - (0) birth - (0) aerie - (0) eerie - (0) faery - (0) quick - (0) vivid - (0) manor - (0) spell - (1) tally - (1) talky - (1) fatal - (1) futon - (0) sprie - (0) rally - (1) xylol - (4) spays - (1) xylyl - (5)
  23. Izzy


    _ _ L _ L lemon - (0) ganja - (0) caper - (0) built - (0) games - (0) pitch - (0) zizit - (0) rotor - (0) birth - (0) aerie - (0) eerie - (0) faery - (0) quick - (0) vivid - (0) manor - (0) spell - (1) tally - (1) talky - (1) fatal - (1) futon - (0) sprie - (0) rally - (1) xylol - (4) spays - (1)
  24. Izzy


    Unreality + 5 _ _ L _ L lemon - (0) ganja - (0) caper - (0) built - (0) games - (0) pitch - (0) zizit - (0) rotor - (0) birth - (0) aerie - (0) eerie - (0) faery - (0) quick - (0) vivid - (0) manor - (0) spell - (1) tally - (1) talky - (1) fatal - (1) futon - (0) sprie - (0) rally - (1)
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