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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    This guy is so funny. "It's the Jewish year of the rat."
  2. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VIaV8swc-fo (This was posted to my wall, made me LOL, and I had to share it in a thread full of people that would enjoy it. It's like a civil duty.)
  3. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    gvg, check out the Proud to be American thread. Stars and Spangles and G&U&C were only stating what they believed and why, but they were undoubtedly trolling. This is a spinoff of the same thing, make a little less extreme. ...Or.. I dunno. Poe's Law, anyone?
  4. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Uh.. okay. I knew the church thing was a bluff, btw. http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=troll
  5. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Good for you. However, that does not prove you've been active at a church for the last 14 years, and doesn't get rid of your troll status.
  6. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    I'd be willing if it meant putting a troll to rest. I'm in Central Florida, btw.
  7. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    What's the name of the church? I might just be in the position to take you up on that offer. If I'm wrong, and you're not a troll, I'll take back my statements entirely, but until then, I really have no reason to believe otherwise.
  8. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Wait a sec, is it against the rules to call childish trolls annoying and obnoxious? It's hardly a subjective opinion, and on practically every forum measures are taken to ban trolls. I PM'd you to spare you from further public humiliation, but since you *insist* on publicizing it, this is what I sent him (note, I'm not actually calling him an idiot because he *isn't* who he claims to be, so can't be reported on that front): Alright bro, what's the deal? You're blatantly a troll made obvious through your ridiculous statements and personal attacks. Either you're who you claim to be and you're an *idiot*, or you're an atheist having a bit of fun and will have a ball from this message. ..A bit old to be trolling, methinks? The timing coincides with the Proud American thread so hysterically that it's almost impossible to assume otherwise. Grow up - atheist or Christian. You're corrupting the malleable minds of children. Take it to RDF or something.
  9. Izzy

    The one in Brave New World was pretty cool. ..As long as I'm an Alpha. Encouraged to party, bang, and do soma? "Perfect" world? Sweet deal.
  10. I only skimmed the article, but it sounds good. Lmfao, who voted Tea Party? ..I put that in there as a joke. Step one to being taken seriously, proper spelling and grammar on your protest signs. http://www.flickr.com/photos/pargon/sets/72157623594187379/
  11. Izzy


    Oops. Out of practice. >_>
  12. Izzy


  13. Izzy


    Lol, cool, I'm still in second place. ..My temporary leave will be over eventually. Oh.. wait. Second letter is not U or R because Buick and Brick both retained 2, and it's the only different letter. Quick has one and buick has 2, so the first letter has to be B, because it's the only different letter. This makes the second letter R, because we've just eliminated the uick from quick. ..Nice return haha. B R _ _ _
  14. Izzy loves Andro more, spread it. ;P

  15. Izzy

    Ziggy: Hahaha, of course my friend. Tu as une préférence? *pulls out a rucksack and gives you a peak inside* I tend to be well prepared.
  16. Izzy

    *facepalm* I forgot Rand and Orwell.
  17. Izzy

    ^ Lol, go to timeout. No working on computer programs for five minutes.
  18. Basically, the only way I can get dual-citizenship is if my mom becomes a US citizen before I turn 18. I get naturalized along with her. I.. don't think I'd have to choose when I'm 18, but idk. There's a loophole, though. Idk if I qualify for it. Certain countries don't ask you to denounce your citizenship when you get the US one, so the US won't recognize that you have two citizenships while your country of birth does. ...Which is where it counts, anyway. EU rights are pretty beastly, the best ones being the right to travel, live, and work freely anywhere in the EU, and the right to vote and stand in European elections in any member state. So yeah, definitely allow dual-citizenships even for those over 18. Meh.
  19. How about every citizen or permanent resident of ten years or more 18+ can vote? I'm not a citizen, so unless I become one, I can't vote, and while I don't really pledge my allegiance to this country, I would still vote for what's best. I think the 10+ years shows that the person is serious about that country's future, but are just reluctant to get rid of their other citizenship. (Personally, EU > America, because the border are open, and there are so many more opportunities.) Hmm. Amendments.. 7:3 majority? And you're going to have to explain the first one.
  20. Izzy

    I forgot Orson Scott Card.
  21. Izzy

    Ziggy: People, people, death does not exist. *takes a toke* This dude has merely transgressed from one form of energy to another, transcending his human form. He's joined the all powerful force my brothers, feel his energy around us. That said, his right to life was violated and we should figure out the perpetrator. Yo, my French man. Je comprends que les drogues en France sont excellentes. Vrai ou faux? Just describing my character a bit: I'm male (or female? Hmm, undecided right now), tall (or short if I'm female) and slender, with dirty blonde dreadlocks held in an electric green bandanna. I have a matching green "I <3 Boobies" bracelet for breast cancer, and I wear those hippy shell necklaces. I wear homemade faded tie-dye t-shirts and comfortable stylish black sweatpants and a pair of flip-flops. I don't look like a druggie, but I totally am. Oh, and I sell drugs to your honors student.
  22. Hmm, I actually own Plato's Republic but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. The pile of unread books is geting overwhelming haha.
  23. Dude, that's exactly what I'm talking about with globalization! Mexico is a prime example. ..And I guess so is Canada. Mexicans are fleeing to the US for the monetary incentive. Americans are going to Canada for the health benefits. If we just open our borders (like in the EU), it would solve the illegal immigration problem, and all three countries can come to a compromise that makes everyone happy. Please never use this to justify eating your own children. And regarding your username, you should see my Jediism thread. Jedi are here to keep peace and protect the Republic, not destroy it.
  24. Intelligence, again, is only an arbitrary inheritance based on the intellect of your parents and how much time they were able to spend with you during infancy. The children of the single mom taking two jobs with a second rate baby-sitter are going to be at a disadvantage compared to the child of the stay at home mom that reads and plays games with the kid all day. I was fortunate enough to have to second experience, and the head start become obviously apparent when I started school. I guess quite a bit of it is genetics and willingness to learn, but it's mostly nurture. There definitely is a correlation between intellect and income, but personally, I think those that are smart (and I think you're very bright) see the necessity of welfare and taxes for the common good. It isn't a perfect system, and I would love it if someone can think of/propose another one, but until then.. it's better than eliminating it entirely. Again, I think taxes for schools, roads, and protection services should be necessary. Churches and other things that are far from required should be noncompulsory. (Which goes against my Jedi Temple point, but yeah. ) Actually, I don't think we should have a Congress. We don't need representatives, a direct democracy is possible. (One of the things I disagree with dawh on. ) Owe. My head. Aww, that totally made me day. ..Even if it is just because you're tired or something. Dawh = <3 . ..In an "I think you're awesome" in a sort of role model way, not a "OMG, JOHNNY DEPP!!!" way.
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