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Everything posted by Izzy

  1. Bites where? =0

    Hahahaha >_>



    Lol. This is public. And borderline legal. And awesome.

  3. Not unless you count the pre-game show.



  4. The finals start in 40 minutes. :P

    Haha. ..We. should. >_>

  5. >_>

    ..We could do this in France. ..>_>

  6. *tries not to take this too far :P*

  7. 31. There will be no laws making it illegal to buy or sell anything on a certain day of the week.
  8. I think 16 means that if you WANT to be part of our country, you can, but you have to join the military first (like with what the Greeks and Romans did). ..Though, we'd eventually globalize, so no one would be illegal.. And for 28.. dude, it's annoying. I don't want to hear your gansta rap telling me you want a55 and b!tches at the stop light. For me, I agree with all aside from: 19: Everyone should be taxed the same percentage, but those in extreme poverty shouldn't be taxed at all. As I've stated before, we'll still get more money from the rich people. 20: If I want to dumpster dive and live on the street, that's my right yo. But I do agree if you don't try (as I think Framm said) you shouldn't get welfare. So, reword 20 to 20. Upon completing school, after a two or so year chill period, if one does not attempt to get a job, one may not receive government welfare benefits. 26. Noooooo. I will leave.
  9. I'm composing a list of the points that have been made so far. Green means everyone has agreed so far, orange means I'm not sure, red means extreme disagreement. Maybe we should have an open ballot numbered 1-30 where you vote yay or nay on the issues? 1. Government should not censor speech, press, media, or internet. 2. Military service should be voluntary. 3. There should be no laws regarding sex for consenting adults, where a consenting adult is anyone of 16 years of age or older. 4. Repeal laws prohibiting adult possession and use of drugs, but tax drugs and use them for awareness efforts. 5. End government barriers to international free trade. 6. Let people control their own retirement; privatize Social Security, but have a government default. 7. Keep government welfare, but no taxation without representation. 8. Freedom of speech, religion, sexuality, peaceful protests, and petition. 9. Soldiers may not be quartered in a house without the consent of the owner. 10. People may not be unreasonably searched or kept in captivity. There must be overwhelming evidence to search someone. 11. The right to a free, public, and speedy trial. 12. Laws are to remain the same from State to State. 13. Eventual globalization is a priority. 14. Remove "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" 15. No slavery. 16. Any immigrants who are illegal MUST serve in the military until they become legal aliens. 17. No racial profiling. 18. Manatory schooling for students aged 5-13, but highschoolers have optional attendane based on grades. 19. We need to decide whether the rich should be taxed more or if everyone should be taxed equally. 20. Once done with school, after a chill period, everyone should attempt to get a job. 21. There will be no smoking of tobacco in public. 22. Same health care option for everyone, complete coverage, funded by tax payers through the government. 23. No capital punishment. 24. We need a balance between anarchy and communism that ISN'T capitalism. 25. Abortion is legal, but much be carried out before the fetus is viable. 26. Mandatory three years of military for everyone. 27. In school science classes, only things that are scientifically established and well ratified through the scientific community will be taught. 28. The music blasting from one's car shall not be audible from the outside of the vehicle. 29. We need to step away from oil, and embrace power sources such as solar, wind, and nuclear. 30. People should be required to have rain barrels, solar panels, compost piles, and recycle
  10. Nuclear power is another good one, imo, but I don't think solar is as limited as you might suggest. If it can power a plane, things like televisions and computers shouldn't be a problem. ....This is probably a stupid question.. but.. if we use the energy for other things, will it not be as hot. >_> (If so, a potential global warming solution, lmao.)
  11. *so that you dont suffocate* haha

  12. *hugs to actual suffocation and then lets go*

  13. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Evolution isn't geared towards human. Sorry, massive typo that changes the meaning entirely.
  14. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    No dude, it isn't about that once chance. I could have arranged those 52 or 10,000 cards in any other order, and my results would be different, but life would have still evolved because the material was there in the first place. We wouldn't be human and we wouldn't be here, but evolution is geared toward humans, so that doesn't matter.
  15. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Alright bro, let's math it up. I have a deck of 52 cards. I lay them all out face up in a random order on the table. There is a one in 52! chance that the cards would have landed like this. This is about 1 in 8*10^67. MATHEMATICAL IMPROBABILITY, IT MUST NOT HAVE HAPPENED. In fact, give me 10,000 cards. Then there's a 1 in 10000! chance the cards would have landed like that. Gmoozzzz, so impossible, it can NEVER HAPPEN. Your point fails.
  16. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    And I want the source that says evolution on Earth is a mathematical improbability.
  17. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Do you read before throwing up whatever thoughts most people try to suppress. You remind me of G&U&C. ...Actually a bit more like S&S. ....Lmao, I really hope you are.
  18. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    ^ Hook me up wit' sources to yo' statistics broski. Do you have any idea why we need a new flu shot every season? Here, here's a multiple choice question for you. a) God is evil and tries killing us with knew things when his first plan fails b) The virus is mutating (aka EVOLVING), and we need to defend ourselves with something capable of handing this new version of the virus c) New viruses appear spontaneously, it's just a coincidence that they cause similar effects d) None of the above, I'm an idiot ... (..Or am I thinking of bacterial diseases..? I know viruses can't reproduce outside of their host cell.)
  19. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    I feel like stepping in a bit, before Hambone gets all "If men did in fact evolve from apes, why are there still apes?" on us. I'm having a "Woah, I slept through this class but actually recall stuff" moment. In divergent evolution, a species is reproductively isolated from part of that species, and due to different environmental pressures, individuals in the species better adapted to the new environment will evolve. For example (entirely hypothetical), say there is a species a bit like the modern giraffe, but with a much shorter neck. A natural disaster occurs, causing a herd of this species to separate. In one environment, the food is on the floor, and these "giraffes" need to strain their necks to reach. In another, the food is high in the trees, so the "giraffes" with the longer necks will be able to reach it. The "girraffes" unable to reach food will die. Over time, mutations occur (I'm assuming you understand basic 6th grade cell theory ), and the "giraffes" able to reach the food in their respective environments will thrive and reproduce, creating more "giraffes" like themselves. Many generation later, in population 1 you have short legged "giraffes" with bendable knees able to easily eat food on the floor while in population 2 you have your standard tall, long necked giraffe. Somewhere else, you probably still have the original creature, chillin' in the environment it was before the environment pressure that separated them. Convergent evolution is the opposite (two different species come together and become more similar because of they live in an same environment). An example of this would be the long tongue evolved by butterflies, some moths, and hummingbirds to suck the nectar from flowers. Different animals need to accomplish the same task, and therefore evolved analogous structures - that is, structures that are similar to each other in function, but different in structure. This would suggest that the animals do not share a common ancestor. Very different from homologous structures, such the human arm, whale flipper, and bat wing. Like.. in this picture: The similarities suggest a common ancestor. However, convergent evolution has made these "arms" adapt and suit the environments for which they are necessary. So, lol, I think you can see how easily we could have evolved from apes? Now, you're saying "But Izzy, where did the first cell come from?" Well, the dude that did the experiment with the steak and the flies (Redi? Maybe?), Louis Pasteur, and some other dude disproved spontaneous generation. However, the state of the Earth was much different a few million/billion years ago. Pretty much what happened (be happy, I'm summing up a super boring two hour long film for you): An asteroid containing Carbon, Nitrogen, Oxygen, and..something else hit the earth, and the impact caused them to bind together, forming amino acids, the basic building blocks for life. This was eventually proven in a lab by taking a chunk of asteroid and smashing it in an enormous collider. From here, you get simple simple simple prokaryotes, feeding off of the environment, getting bigger, competing, and growing. Certain ones feed off of different things, others on other, and they're different. Eventually, a bigger prokaryote consumes a smaller prokaryotes, this smaller prokaryote being mitochondria in animal cells and chlrorplasts in animal cells. ..And... tada, embiosymbiosis, and we have our first cell! The rest is self explanatory, really. ..If you believe in evolution. Which you don't. Making this a waste of time. However, it's scientifically sound, while nothing you say is, so I'm happy. Why couldn't I remember this crap on my exam? ...Umm. Sorry if that doesn't sound.. super sound. Trying to remember things from freshmen bio. >_>
  20. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Yeah. And Jesus was real too. He was a messenger of peace 2010 years ago. ..Then we idolized him and turned him into an imaginary god. Oh the similarities.
  21. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    The majority of the world thought everything revolved around the Earth and Copernicus and Galileo were ostracized because of it. In the 1800-1900s, the majority of the world thought slavery was alright. The majority of the world feels its okay to spray chemicals in the air as long as they do it to themselves too (smoking), a while ago, the majority of the world women shouldn't have the right to vote. The majority of students think it's "cool" to fail a test. The majority of people in jails in the US are Christian. I sure do love being part of the majority. Say no to peer pressure kids.
  22. Well, actually, I've been chilling in the Bahamas a widower for some time, so you can consider me Professor Doctor Sir Maw Mivvelton Martin K. Rombridge Beeblebrox, Esquire, Honorary Vice President of Mgubalkwala. ..But that's a philosophical degree, I'm not MD, but your point is a valid one. (Sorry, you probably won't get that joke Eli. )
  23. Izzy

    Evidence of God's Design

    Like.. what? We all live pretty..chill.. lives for the most part. The occasional coincidence that will seem like a miracle will happen, and we will call it a miracle, but it isn't really. I choose to think the world is governed by entropy and chaos, and the occasional cool thing (like Seth McFarlene, creator of Family Guy, missing his plane and not dying in 9/11) happens, you choose to think this is divine intervention. If you're right, God has favorite, and is mean (like Seth McFarlene, total atheist, hilarious, but makes fun of everyone) surviving 9/11 but a bunch of innocent people dying. Seth calls it a miracle, other people think otherwise. There is no such thing as divine intervention.
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