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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    Keep trying to figure out why/how
  2. bonanova

    The first three sets worked from the first word - think, set and bill. In this set, the second words share a characteristic. There may be more than one word that satisfies the clues, but only the word with the desired characteristic will be accepted. I've stepped up the general clue difficulty, as well. Have fun! [1] bug LISTEN mind - by Nikyma [2] lead GUIDE point - by Duh Puck [3] club STEAK knife - by Nikyma [4] fathom KNOW ken - by giterdone [5] wraith GHOST specter by Itachi-san, Duh Puck [6] nation PROPLE folk - by Nikyma [7] cabbage DOUGH moolah - by Nikyma [8] suspect DOUBT fear - by Nikyma [9] miserly TIGHT close - by Nikyma [10] arraign INDICT charge - by Nikyma [11] corridor AISLE nave - by AlmytKth [12] solution ANSWER rejoin - by Nikyma [13] advantage EDGE fringe - by Nikyma [14] newspaper COLUMN pillar - by AlmytKth [15] acknowledgment RECEIPT chit - by Nikyma Great job all .. !
  3. bonanova

    We agree he did not pass John. That's why he's not in first place. The OP says he passed everyone except John. That's why he is in 2nd place. He passed everyone else. The OP is ambiguous with everything in present tense. Remove present tense and take things in sequence and you get this. And you underlined "everyone in the race except ...." that has to include the ones who were then in 1st and 2nd place. Anyway, I get what you're saying.
  4. bonanova

    The answer in either case is 120. It's never 24. [1] include all 5 wires - which is the consensus correct thing to do. Answer is 5! = 120 ways. [2] exclude the white one if you believe it has no color. Or exclude the black one. Whatever. Take all 120 combinations from case [1] and remove the white wire. The remaining four wires are still connected in unique combinations - 120 in all.
  5. bonanova

    KarenClark has it. Pigments [reflective] subtract light by selective absorbance. Light [radiative] is additive. Think of the display you're looking at right now. White's RGB [red/green/blue] value is FF/FF/FF [hex] or 256/256/256 decimal. 256 is the maximum value for displays. Guess what the the RGB value for black is ... 000000. That would qualify as absence of color if that term even has meaning. Black is absence of LIGHT. Absence of COLOR is more meaningfully defined as NEUTRALITY of color - equal amounts of RGB on a display produce shades of [colorless] grey. However, PinWizard could still argue that one of the wires is BLACK so his answer of 24 could still be justified. Except, one could argue that BOTH black and white are neutral, therefore colorless, then the number would be 6 Except for the fact that the OP says ... Sorry PW, you've given away the claim of 4 colored wires in the answer if you specify 5 colored wires in the puzzle. Creative, tho... points for that.
  6. bonanova

    I'm thinking, for some reason, that this is not the answer you're looking for. I'm curious to hear what it is ...
  7. bonanova

    I convinced myself there is no solution with three colors, and couldn't figure out why it was suggested this was an easy puzzle. I made it too complicated. [doh]
  8. bonanova

    [spoiler=Does it? ]What are the conditions under which OR and XOR have different truth values? Could that happen here?
  9. Are you sure of that answer?
  10. [1] Yes. [2] Any wind, head/tail/side will lengthen a round trip.
  11. bonanova

    Nikyma has it! [6] FARE Final score: Nikyma - 6 largeneal - 5 Great job both!
  12. Please explain what you're disagreeing with - after actually reading what I said. The examples I gave show that not only are there conditions under which 0/0=1 unambiguously, there are also conditions under which 0/0 unambiguously can equal 0, infinity. and any real number k. You say that's technically not correct, because zero, infinity and [in general] k are all different from 1? Give it another shot. If a second reading doesn't do it for you, then go ahead and give the technical explanation of the error you see.
  13. bonanova

    On commuting half of a life sentence ....
  14. bonanova

    You'll have to share that sometime...
  15. bonanova

    From what 9-letter word can you remove 8 letters, 1 at a time, and have a word after each removal?
  16. Correct about spinning. But I'm curious about the equinox thing. Do you have a reference link I could look at?
  17. You have it. Your answer is as fancy-schmancy as it needs to be.
  18. Roundtrip with headwind or roundtrip with tailwind isn't possible since you change direction. The question meant to ask given that in a roundtrip you'll have say a headwind going and a tailwind returning, will that add time to the total trip?
  19. I think the rule for counting "y" as a vowel is that it makes the sound of a vowel, and it adds a syllable to the word. rhyth·mics has two syllables, and the first syllable is formed by the sound of the y.
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