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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. akaslickster, The OP says Take that as a given. Solve the puzzle as it's presented. Try to find a solution that does not contradict the terms of the OP.
  2. bonanova

    Totally agree. But my best online dictionary doesn't help on all of them.
  3. bonanova

    Nope. This one is more clear than most of the others.
  4. bonanova

    Nope... but this one isn't as hard.
  5. bonanova

    Nope, but good try...some of these are difficult, and honestly I'm not sure where on the Web they can be found. Figure that out, and a bunch of them will fall. [p.s. I'm not disclosing my source. ]
  6. There is a similarity, but let's see this one play out. Clarification - "following day" means the day which follows a day in which someone discovers [and I guess then must disclose] his/her own eye color? [As opposed to the day that follows the day that everyone receives their sight.]
  7. bonanova

    Sorry ... this is actually a tough one. Have a good night.
  8. bonanova

    We have a winner on [21] FOND Nayana chalks up another. Sorry - close but .. on [29].
  9. bonanova

    No for [18]; Yes for [28] - apologies for that...
  10. bonanova

    Just checked ... [28] has wrong letter count! Holy Day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vacation day. Sorry bout that.... [now it's easier, right?]
  11. bonanova

    Fixed it ... all these N girls ... hard to keep them straight.
  12. bonanova

    Nope, but good guess.
  13. bonanova

    Yes!! Nayana has [27].
  14. bonanova

    Nayana checks in with [7] LOSE [8] COLOR and [23] LOVE. Nikyma chalks up another one with [26] CHAUVINIST Great job!
  15. bonanova

    Nikyma has [10] USELESS And bona feels like his puzzle finally is presenting the lady with a challenge! But 1 out of 3 ain't bad..!
  16. bonanova

    Some great guesses and near misses to go along with these winners: onetruth has [1] [4] [5] [9] [25] and [35] nikyma has [1] [2] [4] [5] [6] [11] and [19] largeneal has [2] and [3] Check the OP spoiler for the solution words. guessed but missed, so far, include [7] [8] [10] [12] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] and [20] and not heard from, probably in class, nayana.
  17. bonanova

    Set VI of Three words - Contronyms established the Minneapolis chapter of Insomniac Puzzle Solvers Anonymous. But it was published too late in the day to create the Indian chapter of ISPA. Not so nice this time. In a command Encore performance, Three Words VII - Wondrously Wandering Words explores the changing meaning of words over the passage of time. And it's appearing now, late afternoon EDT, to permit full duelling privileges for Nikyma and Nayana - and anyone else who thinks they can keep up with them. These words have changed - some of them far beyond modern recognition. To excel at this set may mean to admit to a prehistoric birthdate, or more probably wisdom beyond one's years. It's all meant for fun, so sharpen your pencils, log on to onelook.com and have at it! The first word is the archaic meaning. The third word may be a heteronym of the modern meaning. *wicked evil grin* Great work! - It's finished. [1] food _ _ _ _ gist - onetruth, Nikyma [2] corn _ _ _ _ _ durum - largeneal, Nikyma [3] corn _ _ _ _ _ cereal - largeneal [4] rude _ _ _ _ _ _ elementary - onetruth, Nikyma [5] ghost _ _ _ _ _ _ moxie - Nikyma [6] sunny _ _ _ queer - onetruth, Nikyma [7] leave _ _ _ _ forfeit - Nayana [8] tinct _ _ _ _ _ tinge - Nayana [9] clown _ _ _ _ _ _ _ muzhik, boor - onetruth [10] silly _ _ _ _ _ _ _ futile - Nikyma [11] brats _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ brood - Nikyma [12] buxom _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ compliant - Gretty, Nikyma [13] slave _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ instructor - Nayana [14] allege _ _ _ _ _ establish - Nayana, onetruth [15] tablet _ _ _ _ _ defer - Nikyma [16] bowels _ _ _ _ _ essence - Nayana [17] jaunty _ _ _ _ _ stately - Nikyma [18] perish _ _ _ _ _ _ deprive - KarenClark [19] purview _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ commerce - Nikyma [20] servant _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ premier - Nikyma [21] foolish _ _ _ _ cherished - Nayana [22] foolish _ _ _ _ pleasant - Nikyma [23] charity _ _ _ _ devotion - Nayana [24] naughty _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ throw-away - Nikyma [25] schemer _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ campaigner - onetruth [26] patriot _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ sexist - Nikyma [27] painting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ visual representation - Nayana [28] Holy Day _ _ _ _ _ _ _ vacation day - Nayana [29] entirely _ _ _ _ _ _ only - Nikyma [30] trickery _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cachet - Nikyma [31] blasting _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ intoxicating - Nikyma [32] secretary _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Selectric - Nayana, onetruth [33] wholesome _ _ _ _ _ _ _ robust - Nayana, onetruth [34] comprehend _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ beat - Nikyma [35] discerning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ bigoted - onetruth [36] counterfeit _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ image - Nikyma [37] fable-based _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ incredible - Nayana [38] female spinner _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ old maid - Gretty
  18. bonanova

    That is flat out funny. I'm working one another one ... but be warned it won't be easy stuff! Still, you wouldn't want it that way. Soon...
  19. bonanova

    Oops ... thanks! Fixed.
  20. bonanova

    jword has [17] CRITICAL and Nikyma has [19] DUST Final tally: Nikyma - 15 Gretty - 5 Nayana - 2 jword - 1 Grey cells - Honorable mention. Great job!
  21. bonanova

    Two to go ... [17] and [19] are unsolved. Achievement to date: Nikyma - 14 Gretty - 5 Nayana - 2 Grey cells - Honorable mention. jword - humor
  22. bonanova

    Not quite. Honorable Mention
  23. Absolutely right. Good catch. Will fix tomorrow. Fixed.
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