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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    Nayana! I scolded her to leave some for you ... Good luck in class! Actually, print this out and do it IN class...
  2. bonanova

    Nikyma now has [4] [7] [9] [10] [14] [15] and [16] How many think she should save at least a few for Nayana - raise your hands ... !
  3. It's the bonanova - Duh Puck solution actually. Bona took the problem statement from the above link and simply plotted the result.
  4. bonanova

    Set V of Three words - Heteronyms produced a night-long marathon for several puzzle enthusiasts. By waiting a day to publish what perhaps will be Three Words' final installment, Nikyma and Nayana were mercifully given opportunity for a full night's sleep. But now, at the pleading of at least one puzzle solver, we're back, and we're badder than ever. First is was THINK, then SET and BILL, then Silent Letters and Heteronyms. Tonight it's the dreaded Contronyms. Those special words that are able, on their own, to start an argument. Nay, to actually BE the argument. These words are so contrary it wasn't easy to get them all into the same room. In some cases, single words weren't enough. So in this set, "three" must be taken figuratively. Perhaps an example is in order. generate _ _ _ | _ _ _ extinguish Here the "|" character separates two 3-letter words. The solution is PUT OUT. As in The candle PUT OUT enough light for us all to see [generate] Before leaving the room I will PUT OUT the candle [extinguish]. Enough help - you are all PRO's. Have at it! Great job everyone. Final tally: Nikyma - 15 Gretty - 5 Nayana - 2 jword - 1 Grey cells - Honorable mention. [ 1] view _ _ _ _ _ _ hide from view - Nikyma, Gretty [ 2] start _ _ _ _ | _ _ end - Nikyma [ 3] fasten _ _ _ _ separate - Nikyma [ 4] secure _ _ _ _ run away - Nikyma [ 5] deadly _ _ _ _ _ _ subject to death - Nikyma [ 6] soften _ _ _ _ _ _ strengthen - Nikyma [ 7] support _ _ _ _ | _ _ hinder - Nikyma [ 8] approve _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ censure - Nikyma [ 9] departed _ _ _ _ remaining - Nikyma [10] separate _ _ _ _ _ _ adhere - Nikyma [11] alongside _ _ _ _ against - Gretty, Nayana [12] withstand _ _ _ _ _ _ _ wear away - Gretty [13] advantage _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ disadvantage - Gretty, Nikyma [14] beginning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ conclusion - Nikyma [15] debatable _ _ _ _ not worthy of debate - Nikyma [16] with seeds _ _ _ _ _ _ without seeds - Nikyma [17] opposed to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ necessary for - jword [18] supervision _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ neglect - Nayana [19] remove from _ _ _ _ spread on - Nikyma [20] fasten together _ _ _ _ _ _ fall apart - Gretty
  5. Let's construct the three sides according to the OP: Pick two points - call them x and y on the line [segment]. They define three line segments. To make a triangle, the length of none of the line segments can be greater than 50% of the length of the original line segment. That is, x and y can't be more than 50% apart, and x and y can't be on the same side of the midpoint of the original line segment. When x is in [0, 50), y must be in [50, x+50). When x is in [50, 100] y must be in [0, x-50]. [edit] y must be in [x-50, 50]. [/edit] We can visualize this. The graph shows possible values of x: between 0% and 100% along the original line segment. For each value of x, the values of y that will permit a triangle to be formed are shown in grey. The entire square defined by x in [0, 100], y in [0, 100] contains the possible random x,y pairs. The grey area is 1/4 of that area. The probability of being able to form a triangle from the line segments defined by two randomly chosen points is therefore 1/4.
  6. bonanova

    You got it. And ... it's pronounced differently for the two meanings: raggd and rag-ged.
  7. bonanova

    OK guys ... I'm throwing it out for one final question. Grey Cells made two guesses. One of them is correct! Here's the question: [1] Which one? [2] Why? Whoever answers this correctly gets his/her name posted with grey cells. - bn
  8. bonanova

    None of the above, but I see what you're getting at. The solution word really does connect both of the clue words...
  9. bonanova

    You've set a Brainden record - 13 chat pages in less than 24 hours. Great work.
  10. bonanova

    Sorry ... nice associations tho.
  11. bonanova

    Did I say Yankees? *slaps forehead* Go METs!! Twins? ... St.Paul Saints? *willing to trade allegiances for a warm smile and a cup of coffee* I think Nayana fell asleep at her keyboard.
  12. Add orange and month to the mix... there are others, but not many.
  13. bonanova

    I hear ya - it's 5:30 and I got 2 hrs sleep last night and I hafta watch a Yankees - RedSox Game in a couple hours before I can sleep. You think [20] is solvable? [silly question - you got all the others!]
  14. bonanova

    Fits scolded but not irregular. But it does fit one of my fav Tom Swifty's: "But I don't think you deserve an A said Tom, B-rating his student..." <_<
  15. bonanova

    You guys rock! These are easier to make than to solve, and I spent two hours doing these last night. Only one left...
  16. bonanova

    YESSSSSSS!!! Fantastic!
  17. bonanova

    All great words! Very creative / imaginative. But the solution word lies elsewhere. Nice try[ies] tho...!!
  18. bonanova

    Wow - not bad! Nice fit, and is a heteronym [as they're called]. But ... the solution word fits the third word a little better. You just can't seem to run out of interesting ideas ...
  19. bonanova

    Nope, sorry. I have a hunch these two may still be here in the morning ... you should get some sleep .... Great job on these. I thought I was making a super-hard batch. But I got done in by a couple of smart ladies....
  20. bonanova

    Nope. Nice try tho... <_<
  21. bonanova

    *slaps forehead* yeah I keep forgetting...sorry, cupcake.
  22. bonanova

    The great Nikyma has it .... my favorite opponym! Good job.
  23. bonanova

    As long as you keep those shoes, girl, you'll stay #1 in my book!
  24. bonanova

    Exactly ... devilish, aren't I? It's a word that has possible meanings that, as you say, are opposite. heh heh ....
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