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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    Nice try, but.... no cigar. But you probably don't smoke them anyway. [spoiler=psst... ]I like them both
  2. bonanova

    Yah but ain't it fun going there??? Sorry, not those. This may be obscure also. But you have the right meanings of the clue words.
  3. bonanova

    OK solutions so far added to bottom of OP in spoiler.
  4. bonanova

    Nope - try another angle.
  5. bonanova

    Nope. This one could be a challenge since English-not-primary-language person. Keep trying tho. Maybe use a dictionary to find connections - that' not cheating. heh heh. onelook is a good one.
  6. bonanova

    FORK PORK POCK SOCK LOCK LUCK LICK - nope, not going there ...!
  7. bonanova

    You're dancing all around it ... still not hooking up with the third word. Keep trying.
  8. bonanova

    Nope - doesn't fit "strike" Nice try.
  9. bonanova

    I can do that, but let's be sure what you want: [1] In the OP, the words with a user name in bold have been solved. If that's all the info you want, you can check there, I'll keep that current. [2] If you want to see all the found words themselves as an aid to get the others, I can put them into a spoiler. That will give me two posts to keep current, and the spoiler post will get buried. Ah ... I can put the spoiler into the OP. So, either one is easy to do. Do you want [1] or [2]?
  10. bonanova

    Yup. My pencil and paper scorecard has it - I'll add now. Thanks.
  11. bonanova

    Hi YS ... Yes, donkeys was your guess. But since it was not the solution word it doesn't have a name by it. The names in bold guessed the correct word. The words in light blue [donkeys and others] are words already suggested and needn't be tried again. Sorry for the confusion about that. Keep trying!
  12. bonanova

    That's correct. No to worry - you're doing quite well!
  13. bonanova

    Congratulations to Nikyma and Nayana for getting a ton of correct answers. ;) I had thought [29] would be the last to go, but Nayana just cracked it. I've decided not to post the solutions on the first post in order to let others continue to guess. The solution words will just stay [for now] in the spoilers. When all the words have been found, I'll edit them into the OP. Great job everyone.
  14. bonanova

    largeneal has [4] SEWER andreay was extremely close on [3] (tense), [7] (doesn't meet the mystery criterion) and [8]
  15. bonanova

    Back again by popular demand! Three words - letter count given by dashes - middle word is related to the other two. Middle words share a characteristic. Enjoy! [1] fart _ _ _ _ twist - Nikyma [2] tug _ _ _ _ _ column - Nayana [3] squab _ _ _ _ plunged - Nayana [4] ditch _ _ _ _ _ seamstress - largeneal <-- first solver award [5] pivots _ _ _ _ dismisses - Nikyma [6] wee _ _ _ _ _ _ moment - Nikyma, Nayana [7] meal _ _ _ _ _ _ strike - Nikyma [8] mire _ _ _ _ _ _ molt - Andreay [9] aruba _ _ _ _ _ _ order again - Nayana, Nikyma [10] leave _ _ _ _ _ _ return - Nikyma [11] leave _ _ _ _ _ _ goody - Nikyma [12] tough _ _ _ _ _ _ carpeted - Nayana, Nikyma [13] stock _ _ _ _ _ _ lithely - Nikyma [14] trader _ _ _ _ _ _ drool - Nikyma [15] conduct _ _ _ _ eighty-two - Nikyma [16] fifty-fifty _ _ _ _ dusk - Nikyma [17] twisted _ _ _ _ _ cut - Nikyma [18] vehicle _ _ _ _ _ sulked - Nikyma [19] figure _ _ _ _ _ _ less sensible - Nikyma [20] scolded _ _ _ _ _ _ irregular Grey Cells, Nayana <-- last solver award [21] less dead _ _ _ _ _ fat guzzler - Gretty [22] climaxed _ _ _ _ _ _ wan - Nikyma [23] charm _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ portal - Nayana [24] subject _ _ _ _ _ _ _ satisfied - Nayana, Nikyma [25] excess _ _ _ _ _ _ _ superannuated - Nayana [26] outrage _ _ _ _ _ _ _ perfume - Nikyma [27] exuding _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- Nikyma reticent [28] schmooze _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ opposite - Nikyma [29] chargeless _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ organized - Nayana
  16. bonanova

    It's a classic, for sure. And it's been posted in several forms already. Try searching the keywords before posting.
  17. bonanova

    Yes, basically. When the 2nd marble is drawn there is one fewer marbles to choose from, so it changes slightly: Now we're going to draw all the marbles - what's the expected number of red-blue pairs? That's a simple modification of the formula for drawing only one pair.
  18. bonanova

    Nikyma has it with [3] STEAK
  19. bonanova

    The man is paying attention. Fits the clues and the mystery property. So it should get at least Honorable mention. Nah... I'm raising the bar this time. That was mean, I know.... but you guys are pros, after all.
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