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Everything posted by bonanova

  1. bonanova

    Ah - this is the mirror image of strykr1a0's solution. Bacon, your objection to strykr1a0's solution is wrong. He did not change BS into SB - his diagram looks like he did until you look more closely.
  2. Hint: use a monospaced font, like courier; or wrap it in code tags. Then you'll get this .XX .X X . XX or this .XX .X X . XX[/code] [The periods enforce the initial spacing of the 3rd line.]
  3. The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will allow a solution. Oh wait. I'm about to repeat myself.
  4. Remove the O's if they bother you; the puzzle is about X's.
  5. bonanova

    Nikyma has [29] and [30] and it's finally over! Great job all ...!!!
  6. bonanova

    Correcting a clue word on one of the remaining two: CACHET - not cache, as originally posted. Here they are - two left - who will get them? [29] entirely _ _ _ _ _ _ only - Not solely wholly whole single simply totally singly [30] trickery _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ cachet, - Not pretense
  7. bonanova

    Nikyma has [22] NICE!
  8. Here's a friendly tip my friend ... two, actually. [1] First, calculate how much time elapses if you make the trip averaging 60kph. Then think a bit. [2] If you want to know who a member is, send a PM and introduce yourself. Politely. You'll likely get a pleasant response. Now I'll introduce myself. I'm bonanova. I'm here to do what I can to make participation on this site an enjoyable experience for everyone. I'm sure you get what I mean. OK?
  9. bonanova

    Two more [31] [34] fall to Niky! Ma Only three words left! [22] continues to elude the solvers: foolish just isn't what it used to be I guess!
  10. bonanova

    Hey Wiz In the first post [OP] there are groups of three words with the 2nd word shown in blanks - one for each letter in the word. It's related to the first and third words in different ways. Your job is to find the 2nd word in each case. The kicker in this set is that the 1st clue word is an archaic or obsolete meaning. Good luck.
  11. bonanova

    Bingo Nikyma has [20]
  12. bonanova

    So close it's smokin'!
  13. bonanova

    KarenClark checks in with [18] STARVE
  14. bonanova

    Another one for Nikyma! [24] WORTHLESS Naughty's original meaning stemmed from variant spellings of nought and naught -> nothing, emptiness, worthlessness.
  15. bonanova

    Good guesses all, but not quite. Re: [24] think of how the first 6 letters may have meant something different.
  16. bonanova

    Another winner! Nikyma has [36] LIKENESS
  17. bonanova

    You got that right ... Google rocks!
  18. bonanova

    We have a winner! Nickyma is NOBLE! - or HAS noble... yah that's it..
  19. bonanova

    Great job !! Six more words are found. Kudos to Nayana for [13] PEDAGOGUE [14] PROVE [16] HEART [32] TYPEWRITER [33] HEALTHY [37] FABULOUS and coming VERY close on [34]. Gretty for [12] YIELDING [38] SPINSTER Nikyma for [12] YIELDING [15] TABLE onetruth for [14] PROVE [32] TYPEWRITER [33] HEALTHY updating OP .... !
  20. bonanova

    Welcome to the boards, Bri, hope you enjoy it here..! Close, but 4+5+6 and 7+3+5 aren't prime.
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