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Matrix Thrill-ogy II


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  IDoNotExist said:
Here is the answer to some of your questions

hum... 1 in 21 possibilities of that happened now, and I think the BTSC would only happens after the night 1, so...

What we know for sure is that the agents spy worked

Andro, tks for your help :)

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  Host Message 0.3.4 said:
Urgent User-Interface Bulletin:

  voltage said:

If the action fails, how would this show up?

Blocks and Failed Actions will generally be handled in one of two ways:

1. They will NOT appear in the night post at all. This is most likely.

2. They will appear in the post as a player otherwise not completing his or her intended action.

There are more than one example in the Night 1 post, although I will not say which are blocks and which are fails.

The intended action, however I choose to word it, will simply not succeed.

Edit: I chose to add or omit blocks and failed actions in night posts at my discretion based on how they contributed

to the story. You can be sure of one thing; if your action does succeed, it will appear in the night post.

Edited by Social_Darwin
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1 - andromeda - voting for Zerep

2 - Voltage

3 - Jarze

4 - Prof. T

5 - IDoNotExist- voting for A.I.

6 - twin_bro

7 - Star Tiger

8 - Crazy Painter

9 - Renan - voting for Star Tiger

10 - Riranor

11 - Randro

12 - Grey Cells - voting for Star Tiger

13 - Impervious - voting for A.I.

14 - A.I. - voting for Star Tiger

15 - R.M.Z

16 - Reaymanator - voting for Star Tiger

17 - SG - voting for Riranor

18 - Izzy

19 - Zerep

20 - CyberSpace17

21 - itachi

22 - Brandonb

And just for the record Impervious, I did what I had to do to survive. You may think I betrayed you, but it was simply a direct consequence of you choosing to recruit Charon over me. It was really your only mistake.

Oh, and btw, I'm pretty sure the game rules state somewhere that you're not supposed to judge other players on their past performance or something like that. So just because I was forced to betray you in Mt. O II, I probably won't need to in this game (or maybe I will if things get boring again ;) ).

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I have a question, last time LIS said in his night post who did the Oracle spy on, and you didn't mention her action in the night post. Does this mean that you won't be writing about her actions, or that she was blocked??

OMG... 2993 post?? :o When did that happen?? What a... I don't have anything prepared!

I'll probably eat a box of cookies to celebrate it! :D

Edited by andromeda
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  Artificial I said:
And just for the record Impervious, I did what I had to do to survive. You may think I betrayed you, but it was simply a direct consequence of you choosing to recruit Charon over me. It was really your only mistake.

Oh, and btw, I'm pretty sure the game rules state somewhere that you're not supposed to judge other players on their past performance or something like that. So just because I was forced to betray you in Mt. O II, I probably won't need to in this game (or maybe I will if things get boring again ;) ).

You got nothing to worry about, we are just kidding around. We have to put our votes somewhere on the first night and with nothing else to go on, we might as well have a little fun with it. If you have anything to say for yourself I will remove my vote. If not, you are in no danger and my vote isnt really that big of a threat right now.

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Ok, ok, is this your idea of a joke? <_< I do nothing, I am greatly voted for Day 1. I appear in the N1 post, I am greatly voted for D1. Is it the "star" or the "tiger" that attracts people to vote for me? And it's always D1! Every game, apart from Mt. O, since the last couple months *bangs head repeatedly against the desk*

Great post by the way, SD! I'm so happy that there's a road somewhere named after me :P

  IDoNotExist said:
Lol, I would have prefered to vote for S_T, based on Supernatural, lol, but looks like she has some evidence for her this time.

Yes, yes I do. Will discuss in more depth later on. Anyhow, I'm honored to be thought of first when lynching ;)

  Impervious said:
Ha ha, I was sort f thinking the same thing, however she did provide a good source of entertainment....on topic: Ai: any defenses?

Entertainment? :mellow: I was having more than one sleepless night over that issue :P

  grey cells said:
ST may not be that innocent. Don't you think, Morpheus saving ST was just a tad too convenient, for the agents, that is? Maybe Thompson is involved? Either the agents want to prove that ST is not an agent(if she's in fact the agent) or want to direct suspicion to ST by conveniently saving her.

Look at IDNE's edit later on:

  IDoNotExist said:
One of the agents has the ability to divert the action of a player to another player of his choice.

Edit: Thompson on Odd Nights. However, how would Thompson know the ID of Morpheus to redirect him?

What are the chances that the agents would 1) waste a kill on me when they could be wiping out others and lowering the ratio between everyone else and them (especially since no one has a clue about each other and probably wouldn't be able to save/block effectively) AND 2) that they happen to know who Morpheus was, and if they didn't, would gamble the chance that Person A is Morpheus in the price of my, a "fellow agent's", death?

  reaymond said:
There goes my theory then... looks like ST was saved by Thompson redirecting Morpheus, so my vote goes for her.

Once again, look above.

  SomeGuy said:
Possible actions are:

Morpheus targets ST (either random or Morpheus IS ST, and she felt it was wise to save herself).

Morpheus targets someone else, Thompson redirects Morpheus to ST.

Agents firewall ST, and it is made to look like another person saved her (this one's unlikely. I'm not really sure how the firewall plays out. It may just look like an action failed).

1) No actions can be taken on oneself (I think SD already reminded you guys of that)

2) Again, how does Thompson know Morpheus' ID?

3) As you said yourself, highly unlikely.

  andromeda said:
Well I really don't know who to vote for, so this is my math: There are 12 goodies and ten non friendly so It's almost equal chances that we lynch a baddie or rogue today! :)

However I don't know where to start. My initial thought was TP, but he is conveniently not playing :huh: so my vote goes to...

1 - andromeda - voting for Zerep

Actually the chances are lower...agents wouldn't create a bandwagon against each other, same as the Rogues. Also, Zerep has a lower chance of being a baddie since she was the victim of Thompson, lowering her chances of being an agent (although it's possible...Thompson uses Merovingian on their own, since 1) the chances of Merovingian actually getting the RID right is slim AND 2) it clears one of them) Still though, rather slim chance.

  voltage said:
Does Morpheus start off with BTSC with anyone? I didn't think so, so he would have no idea who ST is... why would he want to save her?

Usually, since all the goodies tend to know very little of who is a goodie or baddie Night 1, they will choose someone at random with very little strategy involved and mostly second-guessing your opponents (which tends to not lead anywhere :P ).

1 - andromeda - voting for Zerep

2 - Voltage

3 - Jarze

4 - Prof. T

5 - IDoNotExist- voting for A.I.

6 - twin_bro

7 - Star Tiger - voting for AI

8 - Crazy Painter

9 - Renan - voting for Star Tiger

10 - Riranor

11 - Randro

12 - Grey Cells - voting for Star Tiger

13 - Impervious - voting for A.I.

14 - A.I. - voting for Star Tiger

15 - R.M.Z

16 - Reaymanator - voting for Star Tiger

17 - SG - voting for Riranor

18 - Izzy

19 - Zerep

20 - CyberSpace17

21 - itachi

22 - Brandonb

I will very likely change my vote before the end of the day, it's just that he hasn't responded to the votes against him yet :P

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Something else that I forgot to mention in my previous post (being under the pressure and all ;) ), I'm rather curious about the Merovingian's situation. It seems like Thompson diverted his action from JarZe to Zerep, yet that will tell the agents that Thompson's target was the Merovingian (which I will highly doubt SD will do). That being said, what happened to the Merovingian last night then?

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Hang on... Maybe Johnson found Morpheus by luck, and once they knew his identity changed their plan to use Thompson to redirect Morpheus to ST... its a possibility that wasn't mentioned by SG, and at the moment appears the most likely to me. Im sticking with ST for now.

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  star_tiger said:
I will very likely change my vote before the end of the day, it's just that he hasn't responded to the votes against him yet :P

Oh, I thought the votes against me were just a joke, just to get under my skin. I didn't think I needed to respond to them. If you want a response though, you can just look at the night post. There's really no evidence of me doing anything, so if you vote for me then you're just taking a guess.

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Yeah, ST, I had forgotten about the "not targeting yourself" thing, and was trying to cover all of the longshots, anyways. I wouldn't really waste your effort trying to defend yourself from me ;) I'm not voting for you atm, and don't really see evidence to point me at anyone.

And A.I., not being mentioned in the night post isn't really a defensible position. Lots of us weren't mentioned in the night post. Plus, the people taking actions usually aren't mentioned, only their targets are. So, maybe your character was mentioned in the night post, instead of you ;) This isn't really an accusation, I'm just saying.

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There are a couple of people who just made my suspicious list:

andro, wasn't Zerep targeted by the agents last night? The way he was saved reminds me of a RD... \

Why is everybody voting for ST when she was clearly saved by Morpheus??? This could be tricky based on the possibilities of the agents' actions, but she is still in my white list.

Atm my vote goes for AI... Your defense is definitely not strong and you haven't said anything that makes us trust you, you should try harder ;)

1 - andromeda - voting for Zerep

2 - Voltage

3 - Jarze - Voting for A.I.

4 - Prof. T

5 - IDoNotExist- voting for A.I.

6 - twin_bro

7 - Star Tiger - voting for AI

8 - Crazy Painter

9 - Renan - voting for Star Tiger

10 - Riranor

11 - Randro

12 - Grey Cells - voting for Star Tiger

13 - Impervious - voting for A.I.

14 - A.I. - voting for Star Tiger

15 - R.M.Z

16 - Reaymanator - voting for Star Tiger

17 - SG - voting for Riranor

18 - Izzy

19 - Zerep

20 - CyberSpace17

21 - itachi

22 - Brandonb

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  andromeda said:
I have a question, last time LIS said in his night post who did the Oracle spy on, and you didn't mention her action in the night post. Does this mean that you won't be writing about her actions, or that she was blocked??

OMG... 2993 post?? :o When did that happen?? What a... I don't have anything prepared!

I'll probably eat a box of cookies to celebrate it! :D

Nearly time for congrats - Hot Choclate with Baileys (coffee is better but you don't do coffee)

We are not gonna mention the spy or fails in general, other than something like <role> could not move - but not why. Just to lien up the night post.

You may also want to consider that some of your actions may have been blocked

Blockers can be blocked too :)

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1 - andromeda - voting for Zerep

2 - Voltage

3 - Jarze - Voting for A.I.

4 - Prof. T

5 - IDoNotExist- voting for A.I.

6 - twin_bro - Voting for A.I.

7 - Star Tiger - voting for AI

8 - Crazy Painter

9 - Renan - voting for Star Tiger

10 - Riranor

11 - Randro

12 - Grey Cells - voting for Star Tiger

13 - Impervious - voting for A.I.

14 - A.I. - voting for Star Tiger

15 - R.M.Z

16 - Reaymanator - voting for Star Tiger

17 - SG - voting for Riranor

18 - Izzy

19 - Zerep

20 - CyberSpace17

21 - itachi

22 - Brandonb

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  voltage said:
Does Morpheus start off with BTSC with anyone? I didn't think so, so he would have no idea who ST is... why would he want to save her?

voltage, you will come to learn that several of us have played a few mafias together in the past. As a result, there is typically a pattern as to who gets saved night one. I'm the prime example, 3 mafias in a row i was killed off night one, thus the reference in the N1 post to me being the eternal night 1 target. (it's become a huge joke amongst the seasoned players) St also has a habit of dying night/day 1. So it is my best guess that Morpheus is most likely a seasoned player as well. Who, I've no clue, but i would guess that that is hwy she was saved.

  reaymond said:
twin bro. Care to share the reasons for your vote?

I ask the same TB, IDNE and I gave our reasons, I know you are on the Monsters side in Mt O however doesn't mean you have to jump on the bandwagon to ream inconspicuous.

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  reaymond said:
Hang on... Maybe Johnson found Morpheus by luck, and once they knew his identity changed their plan to use Thompson to redirect Morpheus to ST... its a possibility that wasn't mentioned by SG, and at the moment appears the most likely to me. Im sticking with ST for now.


1) I doubt that the resut of Johnson's spy will be revealed until after the night post? Isn't that how it usually works?

2) Out of the 18 non-agents here, what are the chances that Johnson picked Morpheus?

  Artificial I said:
Oh, I thought the votes against me were just a joke, just to get under my skin. I didn't think I needed to respond to them. If you want a response though, you can just look at the night post. There's really no evidence of me doing anything, so if you vote for me then you're just taking a guess.

:lol: , I understand why with all the Mt. O references. I'm still not completely satisfied with your defense yet...you could easily be lying, and as SG mentioned:

  SomeGuy said:
And A.I., not being mentioned in the night post isn't really a defensible position. Lots of us weren't mentioned in the night post. Plus, the people taking actions usually aren't mentioned, only their targets are. So, maybe your character was mentioned in the night post, instead of you ;) This isn't really an accusation, I'm just saying.

  JarZe said:
andro, wasn't Zerep targeted by the agents last night? The way he was saved reminds me of a RD... \

Yes, I will definitely like to hear from andro. Although I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "the way he was saved reminds me of a RD"...isn't it mentioned that Trinity saved him? Also, do you guys think that Thompson diverted the Merovingian? I can't think of another reason for why the Merovingian switched his attack unless it was some secret ability, which is highly doubtful since they will probably have chosen to use it later in case of an emergency. Also, contrary to what I said earlier, SD could have revealed that Thompson's target is indeed Merovingian since they will obviously know Thompson's target's identity anyways (wasn't thinking straight before :P ). So, the agents now know who the indie is...would any of the agents like to step up with his identity to provide a good lynch for today? :)

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  JarZe said:
andro, wasn't Zerep targeted by the agents last night?

You forgot about Frenchy and his posse!

There are two baddie factions here with BTSC, and as long as that certain someone doesn't get targeted by both of them we can't really tell if they are good or not, regardless who saves them.

If their abilities is to save others, they will have a randomly chosen save action cause they can't save themselves and they still don't know who to trust. For example the same way I have saved LIS in X-men rematch night one and in the end it turned out that LIS was bad! <_< (Toad to be more exact and I was the Nightcrawler)

So unless someone gets attacked by both factions we can't be sure if they are with us or against us :)

However I think I've learned to identify goodies just based on their posts... :D

Zerep is just a random choice. I didn't want to bandwagon on ST or AI.

Edited by andromeda
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Phew, good timing with games ending and beginning for me! And great post! I'm looking forward to this, but wow that was a lot of reading and a lot of players...

  SomeGuy said:
Possible actions are:

Morpheus targets ST (either random or Morpheus IS ST, and she felt it was wise to save herself).

Morpheus targets someone else, Thompson redirects Morpheus to ST.

Agents firewall ST, and it is made to look like another person saved her (this one's unlikely. I'm not really sure how the firewall plays out. It may just look like an action failed).

My gut says he was lucky since:

  star_tiger said:
Something else that I forgot to mention in my previous post (being under the pressure and all ;) ), I'm rather curious about the Merovingian's situation. It seems like Thompson diverted his action from JarZe to Zerep, yet that will tell the agents that Thompson's target was the Merovingian (which I will highly doubt SD will do). That being said, what happened to the Merovingian last night then?

I got the same impression as ST here. It looks to me like the Merovingian was redirected, not Morpheus. And I'm assuming the Merovingian just went for a shot in the dark RID kill.

1 - andromeda - voting for Zerep

2 - Voltage

3 - Jarze - Voting for A.I.

4 - Prof. T

5 - IDoNotExist- voting for A.I.

6 - twin_bro - Voting for A.I.

7 - Star Tiger - voting for AI

8 - Crazy Painter

9 - Renan - voting for Star Tiger

10 - Riranor

11 - Randro

12 - Grey Cells - voting for Star Tiger

13 - Impervious - voting for A.I.

14 - A.I. - voting for Star Tiger

15 - R.M.Z

16 - Reaymanator - voting for Star Tiger

17 - SG - voting for Riranor

18 - Izzy

19 - Zerep

20 - CyberSpace17

21 - itachi - voting for Voltage

22 - Brandonb

As of right now, it's a random vote to stop a gang-up situation. I need more info before I can start calling people out... *ahem* Brandonb *ahem*

Tough luck for the Agents and the Merovingian :P ...get used to it :ph34r:

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Hey guys, I'm home. Only going to be able to be online for the next 15 minutes or so, so casting a random vote. Sorry Brandon!

1 - andromeda - voting for Zerep

2 - Voltage

3 - Jarze - Voting for A.I.

4 - Prof. T

5 - IDoNotExist- voting for A.I.

6 - twin_bro - Voting for A.I.

7 - Star Tiger - voting for AI

8 - Crazy Painter

9 - Renan - voting for Star Tiger

10 - Riranor

11 - Randro

12 - Grey Cells - voting for Star Tiger

13 - Impervious - voting for A.I.

14 - A.I. - voting for Star Tiger

15 - R.M.Z

16 - Reaymanator - voting for Star Tiger

17 - SG - voting for Riranor

18 - Izzy - voting for BrandonB

19 - Zerep

20 - CyberSpace17

21 - itachi - voting for Voltage

22 - Brandonb

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1 - andromeda - voting for Zerep

2 - Voltage

3 - Jarze - Voting for A.I.

4 - Prof. T

5 - IDoNotExist- Voting for Reaymond

6 - twin_bro - Voting for A.I.

7 - Star Tiger - voting for AI

8 - Crazy Painter

9 - Renan - voting for Star Tiger

10 - Riranor

11 - Randro

12 - Grey Cells - voting for Star Tiger

13 - Impervious - voting for A.I.

14 - A.I. - voting for Star Tiger

15 - R.M.Z

16 - Reaymanator - voting for Star Tiger

17 - SG - voting for Riranor

18 - Izzy - voting for BrandonB

19 - Zerep

20 - CyberSpace17

21 - itachi - voting for Voltage

22 - Brandonb

Ok, it is looking a little too close for comfort on A.I. without having ANY evidence against him. I am picking Reaymond because a few of the things he said in his previous posts dont seem like something an experienced player would say.

Such as suggesting that the baddies were able to receive information from their spying ability during the night and then make their decision. Never seen it happen before and it is suspicious to me that you would suggest it now.

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  Izzy said:
Hey guys, I'm home. Only going to be able to be online for the next 15 minutes or so, so casting a random vote. Sorry Brandon!

Lol, yeah, that seemed real sincere :P

omg, a new smiley! :duh:

Anyways, I'm still catching up on the very entertaining Mt O BTSC forums. I'll catch up on all of this soon... as for now, I have no idea who to vote for so I'm gonna throw in something 'random' till I get caught up.

1 - andromeda - voting for Zerep

2 - Voltage

3 - Jarze - Voting for A.I.

4 - Prof. T

5 - IDoNotExist- Voting for Reaymond

6 - twin_bro - Voting for A.I.

7 - Star Tiger - voting for AI

8 - Crazy Painter

9 - Renan - voting for Star Tiger

10 - Riranor

11 - Randro

12 - Grey Cells - voting for Star Tiger

13 - Impervious - voting for A.I.

14 - A.I. - voting for Star Tiger

15 - R.M.Z

16 - Reaymanator - voting for Star Tiger

17 - SG - voting for Riranor

18 - Izzy - voting for BrandonB

19 - Zerep

20 - CyberSpace17

21 - itachi - voting for Voltage

22 - Brandonb - voting for Izzy :P

Edit: Added IDNE's revised vote.

Edited by Brandonb
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OK I decided to move my vote from random to significant! :)

1 - andromeda - voting for Reaymond

2 - Voltage

3 - Jarze - Voting for A.I.

4 - Prof. T

5 - IDoNotExist- Voting for Reaymond

6 - twin_bro - Voting for A.I.

7 - Star Tiger - voting for AI

8 - Crazy Painter

9 - Renan - voting for Star Tiger

10 - Riranor

11 - Randro

12 - Grey Cells - voting for Star Tiger

13 - Impervious - voting for A.I.

14 - A.I. - voting for Star Tiger

15 - R.M.Z

16 - Reaymanator - voting for Star Tiger

17 - SG - voting for Riranor

18 - Izzy - voting for BrandonB

19 - Zerep

20 - CyberSpace17

21 - itachi - voting for Voltage

22 - Brandonb - voting for Izzy :P

I also changed colors, they were too similar.

Edited by andromeda
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  IDoNotExist said:
Ok, it is looking a little too close for comfort on A.I. without having ANY evidence against him. I am picking Reaymond because a few of the things he said in his previous posts dont seem like something an experienced player would say.

Thanks for believing me IDNE. I hope other people realize that I just got these votes because of a joke. I don't know what else to say to convince people that I'm not a baddie though.

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  andromeda said:
You forgot about Frenchy and his posse!

There are two baddie factions here with BTSC, and as long as that certain someone doesn't get targeted by both of them we can't really tell if they are good or not, regardless who saves them.

If their abilities is to save others, they will have a randomly chosen save action cause they can't save themselves and they still don't know who to trust. For example the same way I have saved LIS in X-men rematch night one and in the end it turned out that LIS was bad! <_< (Toad to be more exact and I was the Nightcrawler)

So unless someone gets attacked by both factions we can't be sure if they are with us or against us :)

Well, since it is Day 1 and most of the votes are entirely random (except the baddies of course :P ), I would say that since Zerep has cut down his percentage of being a baddie by half, there's a higher chance that someone with the full starting percentage of baddiness is one :ph34r:

  IDoNotExist said:
Ok, it is looking a little too close for comfort on A.I. without having ANY evidence against him. I am picking Reaymond because a few of the things he said in his previous posts dont seem like something an experienced player would say.

Such as suggesting that the baddies were able to receive information from their spying ability during the night and then make their decision. Never seen it happen before and it is suspicious to me that you would suggest it now.

I agree that AI hasn't been all that suspicious, but neither has quite a few people here. I'm doing what I always do on days, getting info, reactions etc...I'm also trying to save my own butt :blush: I don't know why GC, Renan and reay are still voting for me. Concerning reay, some of his posts have been suspicious, but the one about receiving spy info during the night wasn't one of them. When reay did his own mafia, that was the way it ran, so I guess it'll be natural for him to think it is a possibility here as well. In any case, I definitely have my eyes on him now :)

  Brandonb said:
Lol, yeah, that seemed real sincere :P

omg, a new smiley! :duh:

OMG! YES! So cute! :D

LIS/SD - what happens in a case of a tie?

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