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GC was claiming to be our "late game equalizer." However, for the time being, he was claiming that it was useless to block him. In my list of roles I was not (it's several pages ago), he claimed to be one of them.

Thanks... I totally missed that!

I need your opinion. What do you make of this post?!

Do you understand why I trust him? Should I?? :huh:

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Thanks... I totally missed that!

I need your opinion. What do you make of this post?!

Do you understand why I trust him? Should I?? :huh:

I get what you mean... but I don't think it's enough. I'm gonna read the rest of his posts now.

Edit: To me, it seems as if he's claiming Ceraph or maybe Morphieus. That's the only two I see. If he's even claiming anything by it. Which he might not be.

Edited by Joe's Student
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I guess no one else claimed that role, if I understand him correctly, but is that the only info you have?

What role do you think exactly... (I have two possibilities in mind)

I get what you mean... but I don't think it's enough. I'm gonna read the rest of his posts now.

That's all he's given me and if he is a baddie that's one clever hint!

I'm leaning towards trusting him, but... one more agent is still out there!

The only role that died and we didn't know who she was, was Izzy the second time around!

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What role do you think exactly... (I have two possibilities in mind)

OK... about those two roles I had in mind!

Both of them are claimed by two other players!

That's was one clever hint even if you lied! :D And you deserved to live another night, but now... I'll unleash SD to interrogate you ;)

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And you deserved to live another night, but now... I'll unleash SD to interrogate you ;)

And on to whom have I been unleashed? TwoaDay? I thought some wanted him in the lynch? I was itching for a shot at GC to be honest...

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Guys, you are understimating the agents secrets!

I was shut up by one agent for a night and now my action was reversed to myself! They are using me!

And Im pretty sure that simth has a secret ability of coping the role, so that if you spy him, he will look like another one! Thats why we dont know him yet!

We have to think about that now, or another goodie will be linched today!

They paid for ability they used to revese my action. Now I know for sure who is one of them (but not witch one, I guess its thompson):

The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space

1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for Renan

2 - JarZe (JZ) DEAD killed by Neo (JZ)

3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for Renan

4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank

5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo

6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents

7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for Renan

8 - BrandonB (BB)

9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents

10 - Joe's Student (JS) - twoaday

11 - Grey Cells (GC) -

12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian

13 - Renan (REN) - twoaday

14 - TwoaDay (TAD)

15 - Randro (RAN) returned to VR matrix for good

16 - Star Tiger (ST) DEAD - (mouse) killed by smith using jones secret

17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for Renan

18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)

Im out for sleeping, so you have a lot of time to think about what youre doing and what roles you really know!

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Guys, you are understimating the agents secrets!

I was shut up by one agent for a night and now my action was reversed to myself! They are using me!

And Im pretty sure that simth has a secret ability of coping the role, so that if you spy him, he will look like another one! Thats why we dont know him yet!

We have to think about that now, or another goodie will be linched today!

They paid for ability they used to revese my action. Now I know for sure who is one of them (but not witch one, I guess its thompson):

This... sounds rather outlandish. Have we anything to support or refute this claim? My gut instinct is to say that that's far too many role changes for one night, from the Agents, but it could, hypothetically, be true.

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*Trying to organize my thoughts*

Watchmaker, Merovingian, Tank, Brown, Cypher, Mouse, Johnson, confirmed dead

Dozer, Apoc, Neo, Smith, Oracle, Trinity, Thompson confirmed alive.

Leaving 4 Morpheius, Jones, Ceraph, Switch, 2 of which are dead (My guess is Morpheius and Jones due to inactivity at night)

Izzy 2.0 was killed by Agents, so she was good. Must have been either Ceraph, Morphieus, or Switch.

Andro confirms JS is good.

Attack on first night confirms SD is good.

Investigation of SG by Agent Johnson leads us to believe SG is good. (unconfirmed)

Bold claims by GC concerning his role lead us to believe that he is good. (unconfirmed)

Andro sees reason to believe TD is a goodie. (unconfirmed) (suspected Smith)

Renan was out for a day and during that time Thompson made no action. (suspected Thompson)

The other three have clearly outed roles.

My suggestion: Put pressure on TD and Renan, if possible, confirm SG and GC (desired by myself, but if others can 100% vouch, I will believe), lynch TD or Renan, block and kill other if insufficient evidence provided during the day, investigate SG or GC, tomorrow, kill the final agent if necessary.

If any of this does not make sense or fails in some logical way, please correct me.

EDIT: Renan does bring up some points that could completely change this game. I have wondered about the ability to be identified by the oracle or watchmaker as another person. If so, we could be looking at BB and JS again, who we were positive about before.

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Well played Jarze. Bad luck tagged you guys from the start, it wasn't an easy task.

CPB: Looks like the agents are looking to distract you every night, would have been good for me if they had allowed you to spy last night. The least it would have cleared me and I am bored doing nothing. Thanks for involving me in the night post finally. :P

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I think sg renan, and I guess gc are the last three baddies, that seems to be the most likely situation

The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space

1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for Renan

2 - JarZe (JZ) DEAD killed by Neo (JZ)

3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for TwoADay

4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank

5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents

7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for Renan

8 - BrandonB (BB)

9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents

10 - Joe's Student (JS) - twoaday

11 - Grey Cells (GC) -

12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian

13 - Renan (REN) - twoaday

14 - TwoaDay (TAD)

15 - Randro (RAN) returned to VR matrix for good

16 - Star Tiger (ST) DEAD - (mouse) killed by smith using jones secret

17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for Renan

18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)

Something you say does lead me to believe that you could be innocent, however, we are unsure of your evidence TD. Please provide more.

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Oooohh GC you smarmy Greek! :P

*Trying to organize my thoughts*

Watchmaker, Merovingian, Tank, Brown, Cypher, Mouse, Johnson, confirmed dead - Merovingian not exactly confirmed dead. Just because they didn't act last night doesn't mean they're dead. I don't think I would have acted last night if I were he. I know TP is believed to be him BUT it's not for certain.

Dozer, Apoc, Neo, Smith, Oracle, Trinity, Thompson confirmed alive.

Leaving 4 Morpheius, Jones, Ceraph, Switch, 2 of which are dead (My guess is Morpheius and Jones due to inactivity at night) - Jones is definitely dead. Tipped off by rodent.

Izzy 2.0 was killed by Agents, so she was good. Must have been either Ceraph, Morphieus, or Switch. - Is there not a possibility she could be Merovingian? Not likely maybe but there's no clear evidence to refute it.

Andro confirms JS is good.

Attack on first night confirms SD is good. - Again still the possibility of Merovingian.

Investigation of SG by Agent Johnson leads us to believe SG is good. (unconfirmed)

Bold claims by GC concerning his role lead us to believe that he is good. (unconfirmed) He did come out rather willingly... does he know Switch is dead? Is that why JarZe claimed it as well... There's a chance of that.

Andro sees reason to believe TD is a goodie. (unconfirmed) (suspected Smith) After his feeble defense...

Renan was out for a day and during that time Thompson made no action. (suspected Thompson) - Claimed Apoc. Interesting. ANd something compells me to believe him.

Edit: IDNE, That's a response...

Edited by Joe's Student
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The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space

1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for Renan

2 - JarZe (JZ) DEAD killed by Neo (JZ)

3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for TwoADay

4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank

5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents

7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for Renan

8 - BrandonB (BB)

9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents

10 - Joe's Student (JS) - twoaday

11 - Grey Cells (GC) -

12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian

13 - Renan (REN) - twoaday

14 - TwoaDay (TAD)

15 - Randro (RAN) returned to VR matrix for good

16 - Star Tiger (ST) DEAD - (mouse) killed by smith using jones secret

17 - Some Guy (SG) - Voting for TwoADay

18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)

I think sg renan, and I guess gc are the last three baddies, that seems to be the most likely situation

So, are you claiming I'm the Frenchman? Or are we still harping on the "Agents investigated themselves because they (somehow) knew the spy would be included in the night post" angle?

Something you say leads IDNE to trust you? Well, there's a couple things you've said that lead me to not. So, the Hot Seat is yours for now.

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I think sg renan, and I guess gc are the last three baddies, that seems to be the most likely situation

Well Logically SG has to be a goodie(unless thers's Smith intervening again) or the Frenchman(probably TP). Renan's claims seem to be valid in the context that Smith has access to many abilities(really I think a bit too powerful manipulating skills for Smith). As far as I am concerned, anybody else who claims to be Switch can come out exposing me, but I doubt they will do that, as it could only be one of the agents. ;)

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GC I have my eye on you. You claimed Switch, who, becuase of the amount of roles we can be half-sure of being alive, could be dead. Who else claimed Switch? JarZe. It's the safest, perfect role for a bad guy to claim. The fact you were so forthcoming with your role revealing am I suspicious. I would say:



(and a toss-up between a few for the Frenchman who could easily be alive still.)

Edited by Joe's Student
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Fine, since we are almost at the end of the game, I will tell you this, I really don't want to give away my role, the baddies shouldn't know who I am, but since it a near the end of the game, I think we can still win. I hope you understand

I have to say, this narrows it down... not at all. It sounds like you might be trying to claim Trinity or Ceraph, as those are the two that would obviously prolong this game, and would have their biggest advantage be to keep their role a secret, but even with those roles known it would still take 2 nights to kill either Neo or the Oracle, and that's assuming that no one has a hidden save. At one point I thought you were Morpheus, and had gained BTSC with Andromeda, but she is not vouching for you at this point, so that rules that out, and none of the other roles seem essential to the goodies at this stage. So... I know nothing about you TAD, which leaves you with little defense from the point of view of my vote.

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GC I have my eye on you. You claimed Switch, who, becuase of the amount of roles we can be half-sure of being alive, could be dead. Who else claimed Switch? JarZe. It's the safest, perfect role for a bad guy to claim. The fact you were so forthcoming with your role revealing am I suspicious. I would say:



(and a toss-up between a few for the Frenchman who could easily be alive still.)

You are a suspicious Trojan! :P But seriously though Jarze coming out with my role was what really made me come out. If Riranor had dropped some hints earlier, he would have saved me much trouble.

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