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The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space

1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for JarZe

2 - JarZe (JZ) - Voting for GC

3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for Randro

4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank

5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo

6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents

7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for JarZe

8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for randro

9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents

10 - Joe's Student (JS) - JarZe

11 - Grey Cells (GC) - voting for randro

12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian

13 - Renan (REN) - voting for randro

14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for randro

15 - Randro (RAN)- - voting for TwoaDay

16 - Star Tiger (ST) - Dead - killed by Smith using Jones secret discovery of Architects secret x-termin-8 code

17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for JarZe

18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)

REALLY IMPORTANT LIS!!! did smith cause ST's death?

What just happened??!?!!

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  Lost in space said:
16 - Star Tiger (ST) - Dead - killed by Smith using Jones secret discovery of Architects secret x-termin-8 code

No answer was the stern reply - ST deceased.

I wonder who was the one to put it out in the open?? <_< I can't remember...

Couldn't you just read and hush about it, no... you had to be smart! I read it too but said nothing!

  IDoNotExist said:
REALLY IMPORTANT LIS!!! did smith cause ST's death?

Read the rules! ST revealed the result of her night action! LIS terminated her!

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The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space

1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for JarZe

2 - JarZe (JZ) - Voting for GC

3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for JarZe

4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank

5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo

6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents

7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for JarZe

8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for randro

9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents

10 - Joe's Student (JS) - JarZe

11 - Grey Cells (GC) - voting for randro

12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian

13 - Renan (REN) - voting for randro

14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for randro

15 - Randro (RAN)- - voting for TwoaDay

16 - Star Tiger (ST) - Dead - killed by Smith using Jones secret discovery of Architects secret x-termin-8 code

17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for JarZe

18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)

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no it was jones' secret ability, and Smith caused it to happen

though ST did put info out there

Andro did not give her role

Edit = voting over D3 soon as poss

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Guys, I'd change my vote to myself if I knew that would keep me alive, but I have little til day post and I don't know if you'll be able to change your votes.

I'm changing to randro, but I have time, I will change my vote to myself...

The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space

1 - Social Darwin (SD) - Voting for JarZe

2 - JarZe (JZ) - Voting for randro

3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE) - Voting for JarZe

4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank

5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo

6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents

7 - Andromeda (AND) - voting for JarZe

8 - BrandonB (BB) - voting for randro

9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents

10 - Joe's Student (JS) - JarZe

11 - Grey Cells (GC) - voting for randro

12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian

13 - Renan (REN) - voting for randro

14 - TwoaDay (TAD) - voting for randro

15 - Randro (RAN)- - voting for TwoaDay

16 - Star Tiger (ST) - Dead - killed by Smith using Jones secret discovery of Architects secret x-termin-8 code

17 - Some Guy (SG) - voting for JarZe

18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)

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*sighs* Well, that's lousy. Bad Smith! Sorry for not being on before, I was *cough* forced to do Yoga <_< <_< <_< Good luck free humans and usable programs who help humans! (what a handful to write :lol: )

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  Social_Darwin said:
Thanks for all your help ST! Great playing with you, we'll make you proud.

BTW - yoga is great for you.

Thank-you! It made me all giddy inside :P But I don't want to hear you talk about yoga being good for me...it's painful and embarrassing (especially when I can hardly keep my balance on two feet! <_< ) Now I shall go and eat an orange B)) toodloo!

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D3 - Farce off...

All humans and help programs had decided to act for the good of tilting the matrix balance in there favor. They could not be sure if they were being infiltrated or hacked by the Agent programs, were they behaving as humans and directing/controlling the vote? There was not a moment of unrest and exchange of ideas throughout the whole sequences, strings, nodes and the quadrillion of fix patches that the Architect added every day. Billions of humans were tapped into the matrix all day every day just to live out there lives for the benefit of machines that used to run off solar power. That is until the humans had let the sky darken through contamination. This time the agents could not find a way to defeat the humans thanks to Social Darwin's Beautiful Mind. Better safe than sorry.....

Meanwhile humans and agents alike where trying to hack the mainframe of the matrix to overbalance the election, IDNE had managed to successfully tap into the matrix simulation library of characters and hoped that no one would noice until the deed was done and in doing so added an unknown character to increase the vote against JarZe. The Architect had spotted it Immediately and canceled the effect for good. The agents also had access but more easily as they had less firewalls to overcome, Brown had managed to spoil the vote of IDNE which did not count.

Face off....

The resulting factor was that the two tied lynchees would have to meet and fight it out in the Architect's simulator. Randro and Jarze, both expecting a martial art contest,. Instead they had to match wits by solving BrainnDen puzzles set by Bonanova. They commenced and were equaling each others ability going at it brain cell for brain cell. There seemed to be an unusual amount of acctivity on Randro's part, a quickening of mental acivity, while JZ in comparison slowing down. The results were still being matched one for one.


The fianl decider would be on speed over a probability math problem over a role of two die, first to solve would win.

JZ saw his chance and made either a lucky guess or the fastest possible solution that had ever been witnessed so far. Randro coming last was given the chance to die with the freed humans at the hands of the machines or go back into the VR matrix as if he had never been removed and the strongest of firewalls to ensure that he never came out again. Randro/Cypher decided to rejoin the VR matrix.

The Architect - Lost in Cyber Space

1 - Social Darwin (SD)

2 - JarZe (JZ)

3 - IDoNotExist (IDNE)

4 - Izzy(IZ) DEAD - Tank

5 - Twin Pop (TP) DEAD - killed by Neo

6 - Izzy v2.0 DEAD killed by agents

7 - Andromeda (AND)

8 - BrandonB (BB)

9 - Crazy Painter (CP) - DEAD - killed by Agents

10 - Joe's Student (JS)

11 - Grey Cells (GC) -

12 - Impervious (IMP) - DEAD - killed by Neo/Merovingian

13 - Renan (REN)

14 - TwoaDay (TAD)

15 - Randro (RAN) returned to VR matrix for good

16 - Star Tiger (ST)

17 - Some Guy (SG)

18 - Prof.Templeton (PT) deleted (Johnson)

Well done Randro - you live in VR for ever, let us know what a VR death is like.

Thanks for taking over from your brother.

regarding abilities up and down grades - I'll have to explain more at the end - if someone reminds me. Telling you now will be giving aid to one side. I am doing my best to take a view on each offense or offenses.

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  Social_Darwin said:
There are several flaws to this logic.

1. We gain a step towards our win condition. The whole reason we play is to delete Agents. Somehow people forgot this during the game and made it all about setting traps. I know you set traps and leave hints to discover roles. I'm not dense. But we DID discover a role. Now we should act on it - delete the agent. That is what we gain. We also gain peace of mind that we didn't delete a possible HUMAN because we thought it was good strategy.

2. There is no guarantee that lynching Randro will expose his identity. I understand there is a chance (RDs) but it's not certain. Apoc kidnapped JarZe to discover his role and it failed. And it set us back from lynching him a while ago.

There is nothing certain about this method except that an agent lives another night. Randro may turn out to be good and revealed (which sucks for us) or regardless of affiliation his role may not be revealed (good or bad that still sucks) or he may turn out to be bad and revealed (good for us). So 1 in 4 outcomes is beneficial. Two are mediocre. One is detrimental.

I know it's a moot point right now but how is this good strategy? Anyone ever hear of zero sum game theory? Nash equalibrium? (QED right here - do I have to draw the diagram??). The only way this will turn out well is if Randro was bad AND is revealed. If that's the case, then we lucked out (25%). The true gain is in lynching JarZe (100%).

Andro - as the Oracle you should know above all that INVESTIGATING Randro is a better alternative to lynching him.

Edit: Spelling and:

Which is why we need a majority vote for JarZe. BB is "cool" but his vote is sabatoge (whether he knows it or not). Everyone who voted for Randro needs to change their vote to JarZe soon. The Agents can still manipulate this lynch in their favor unless we unite!

It's easy to pick on my strategy when you refuse to acknowledge the gaping holes in your own <_<

Or, as was the case with SD... reword a concept multiple times so that it can be counted multiple times. <_< <_<

So let me get this straight... as you stated "We also gain peace of mind that we didn't delete a possible HUMAN because we thought it was good strategy." So by lynching a baddie and then leaving Neo to shoot in the dark... we gain MORE knowledge? No way man. That doesn't get us as much info as my method.

Oh wait, you must've been suggesting that we should lynch JarZe because we know that he's a baddie, and Neo shouldn't act so we can leave Randro for tomorrow! Gotcha... except that is moronic. We would get set back another day... which you were already complaining about when JZ was picked up by Apoc.

So you say I have flaws in my logic? At least I am advancing toward our win condition, which you are not.

'There is nothing certain about this method except that an agent lives another night." Last time I checked... if any agent gets lynched... the others live to see another night. How are you expecting to argue something like that and have it make sense?

Anyways... the basic concept here with your idea is that we Lynch JarZe and gain no info at all. And have Neo attack tonight and learn no info at all. OR we lynch JarZe and gain no info at all. And have Neo not attack tonight and learn no info and possibly not kill an agent... I'm not sure which way you are expecting to take that plan, but either way, this plan is a pursuit of ignorance.

The basic concept of my plan is to Lynch a likely baddie with a likelihood of gaining info (I dunno why it's not a 1005 chance of gaining info, but you have stated that it's not, so for argument's sake we'll assume that there's only a 50% of learning anything at all). And then have Neo take out a certain baddie tonight while Dozer blocks that baddie (so there's no difference b/w him living through the day or not). This idea comes with a risk of killing an innocent in the lynch, but no more risk than having Neo do it at night. The difference is that we gain info my way.

Listen, Randro voted for TAD out of nowhere, instead of the logically obvious alternative of the definite baddie. Now it doesn't take a genius to figure out why he did that. (However, that it is assuming that Randro was acting rationally :P )

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Oh man, the D3 post came while I was writing my post :P

  Lost in space said:
Randro/Cypher decided to rejoin the VR matrix.

Well done Randro - you live in VR for ever, let us know what a VR death is like.

Thanks for taking over from your brother.

Sweet! We gained the info that we never would've had if Neo had killed him tonight. PLUS we are left in the same situation as if we had lynched JarZe :D

Edit: (I guess Randro was NOT acting rationally with his vote :P )

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  Brandonb said:
PLUS we are left in the same situation as if we had lynched JarZe :D

In that we lost someone who had OUR wincon, rather than someone who had an agent wincon? As if the Agents really need to know any more information about us, anyways. We lost a chance to help ourselves.

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  SomeGuy said:
In that we lost someone who had OUR wincon, rather than someone who had an agent wincon? As if the Agents really need to know any more information about us, anyways. We lost a chance to help ourselves.

Does anyone have any clue who TwoaDay is? I havent heard much from him. I think he said at one point that Andro know his id.

How about agent smith? Any hints yet?

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  SomeGuy said:
In that we lost someone who had OUR wincon, rather than someone who had an agent wincon? As if the Agents really need to know any more information about us, anyways. We lost a chance to help ourselves.

So after tonight, when Neo kills JarZe... you're saying that we will be in worse condition? (Agent in the day, Innocent [unknown] at night... Innocent in the day, Agent [known] at night) That doesn't add up to being in a worse situation, no matter how to try to twist it. Especially since the player that we lost is someone that could betray us? Hmm... ur right, he was something that could've helped us. <_<

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Apoc appeared in secret.....

In an act of daring Apoc had made use of a one off ability to feed a code into the matrix that Cypher had been creating; it creates a distraction by replicating the woman in the red dress that mouse had previously used for training Neo and other freed humans. the replication was continuous until the anti Trojan programs could block it and quarantine or delete it

Apoc knew this could only be used once at this section of the matrix cycle. It gave Apoc time to run the Nebuchanezzar directly beside renan and thus kidnap him.

Renan was out of action for the rest of N4 only, an will not be able to post until D4.

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Actually Randro was following my post! Then he was rushed to school by his dad and never got the chance to see that after learning from TAD I have changed my vote, voting for him this time.

And I agree with BB! We would have lynched JZ and killed Randro during night without even knowing how many baddies are still out there. I think this is a good outcome :)

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  andromeda said:
Actually Randro was following my post! Then he was rushed to school by his dad and never got the chance to see that after learning from TAD I have changed my vote, voting for him this time.

And I agree with BB! We would have lynched JZ and killed Randro during night without even knowing how many baddies are still out there. I think this is a good outcome :)

Yes, but how are you sure TwoaDay is a goodie? I am not saying he is an agent, I just dont see the evidence for him.

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  IDoNotExist said:
Yes, but how are you sure TwoaDay is a goodie? I am not saying he is an agent, I just dont see the evidence for him.

I know who he is! :) He has given me a hint!

EDIT: OK. I'm off to bed and I'll send my action in after I wake up in about 5 and a half hours ;)

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  andromeda said:
I know who he is! :) He has given me a hint!

Can you refer me to the hint or possibly give a new one? Or are you saying you have more than just a hint and you are positive of his ID?

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