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Brothers and sisters, it is time to stand united and strike a blow for making the world a better place! Let's identify all the little things that are wrong with the world and have a good rant about them, then maybe the Powers That Be will sit up and take notice (or perhaps not).

Like central locking systems on cars, for instance. Why is it that when you press the button to unlock it you hear the clunk telling you it's unlocked but if you don't wait another second before pulling on the door handle the door stays locked! Whats that all about? Is it some kind of punishment for being hasty? And washing machines, too. You've started a wash and then you decide to stop it and open the door (cos you left some tissues in the pocket of the trousers you're washing, say). That's what you want to do, so why do you have to wait 2 minutes before it will let you do it? Either it's full of water or it aint, and if it aint then what's the problem? Does the machine release little demons to help remove stains, and they need to be exorcised before opening the door so they don't get out and cause trouble?

And milk cartons that just glup milk all over themselves and you and the table instead of pouring it. How's that still possible in the 21st century?

Oh and don't get me started on bowls. What is it with bowls? I'm speaking of the crockery variety you use for soup or breakfast cereal or whatever. The point of a bowl is it's a receptacle for holding liquids, hence it needs to go up at the sides a bit more than, say, a plate would. How do the designers of bowls keep forgetting this fact? Either they make them with a tiny piddling little indentation in the middle so it holds nothing, or they have edges at the shallowest angle imaginable so you can't possibly move your bowl of soup from A to B without slopping it everywhere. Is this some great design principle? That we must suffer for our crockery in the name of elegance? How elegant can a person be with soup all over them?

...and breathe. Someone else's turn.

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Thanks for the new rant topic!

The prevalent usage of the word stupid is, quite frankly, stupid. (showing or resulting from dullness of mind)

It has somehow become acceptable to be inarticulate. We no longer have to explain ourselves when we give an opinion. My teenage neice won't play trivial pursuit with me because "that's a stupid game." If we don't like something, we can say "It's stupid" and somehow that's explanation enough?

The reality is that if a movie/book/game/idea challenges this generation to think/change/open their minds, etc., then we hear "that's like, stupid!" followed by the precious angel turning back to the television to watch TMZ make fun of Britney's latest public disgrace (again).

PO, I think the reason your parents don't allow the language is because they care about you and want you to be able to communicate effectively. They do not want you to be percieved as ignorant, when they obviously know that you are bright, intelligent and capable.

On the other side of the coin, I think you should challenge them next time they admonish you for saying stupid. Say, "ok, I understand that you disapprove of the word, but can you please articulate to me why it is important that I don't?" The ability to express onself separates us from the beasts, afterall. :P

I disagree!

Today I had to go to work for half an hour just to deliver some stupid paper (with my account number on it so they would know where to transfer my salary :rolleyes: ) and I had to drive my stupid small-seat bike (I already mentioned my blisters!) and stupid rain wouldn't stop for two days now, and the stupid wind kept blowing my stupid umbrella, and as a result of that my stupid umbrella kept inverting and on top of everything the stupid little doodad that holds the stupid umbrella open is broken so it kept closing on me... while I was driving the stupid bike in the stupid rain!!! <_<

I was practically driving blind because the stupid wind kept blowing directly towards me!


Edited by andromeda
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:lol: , this has been one of the most interesting threads in a while. I spent two whole classes reading through all the stuff :D

While I was reading about people possibly hiding the cure to HIV and AIDs, I was practically swearing. People would do anything for money, but all they do with it is recklessly spend it on material possessions! I mean, seriously, who cares if you drive a small Honda or the newest model of Mercedes? And is a new TV really more important than thousands of lives being lost? How can people live with themselves knowing that they traded innocent lives for new clothes? Some people are just so, so, so stupid and shallow <_< <_< <_<

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Come and live in India. We have inexhaustible sources of ranting, so-much-so that you will be exhausted of ranting. :P Seriously, at least the American government has the talent of sweeping most of the issues under the carpet. The Indian government has a lot of experience in that, but the problem is if one political party is in power, the remaining thousand political parties see to that the carpet is pulled out from under the feet of the ruling party. I really have stopped counting the no. of parties being formed. <_<

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Today I had to go to work for half an hour just to deliver some stupid paper (with my account number on it so they would know where to transfer my salary :rolleyes: ) and I had to drive my stupid small-seat bike (I already mentioned my blisters!) and stupid rain wouldn't stop for two days now, and the stupid wind kept blowing my stupid umbrella, and as a result of that my stupid umbrella kept inverting and on top of everything the stupid little doodad that holds the stupid umbrella open is broken so it kept closing on me... while I was driving the stupid bike in the stupid rain!!! <_<

I was practically driving blind because the stupid wind kept blowing directly towards me!


You were riding a bike in the wind carrying an umbrella? Isn't that a bit, umm... what's the word... unwise?
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Why is it that most printers now require you to have ALL the ink cartridges to have ink in them to print something! I mean, come on!! I have black ink...I want to print something in black and white...LET ME PRINT!!! There's no reason that I should have to go out and get the Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow cartridges if I have the black ink! It's a waste of money, especially if I don't use color that much! Most of what I print is in black and white. I don't even know the last time I printed something in color. I swear, I bet that even if the page you're printing is black and white, it uses the other cartridges to force you to buy more ink! IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!

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Why is it that most printers now require you to have ALL the ink cartridges to have ink in them to print something! I mean, come on!! I have black ink...I want to print something in black and white...LET ME PRINT!!! There's no reason that I should have to go out and get the Cyan, Magenta, and Yellow cartridges if I have the black ink! It's a waste of money, especially if I don't use color that much! Most of what I print is in black and white. I don't even know the last time I printed something in color. I swear, I bet that even if the page you're printing is black and white, it uses the other cartridges to force you to buy more ink! IT'S A CONSPIRACY!!!
Dang right it is. And mobile phone companies who change the type of batteries all the time so you end up not being able to buy replacement batteries for your phone (since aged batteries lose their longevity, and after a couple of years that's all you can get), so you have to get a new phone even if you don't want one.

If the world were a decent place, you'd have standard sizes of rechargeable battery that are interchangeable between devices. Mobile phone run out? Whip the battery out of your iPod and use that! Dream on...

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All you drug companies that try so hard to make garbage that will not cure you. Then you lead people to believe that your junk is good. FOR SHAME!!!

I learned my lesson years ago. I am not helping to make you wealthy at the expense of my health.

Some of it is prescription and some over-the-counter. You do not want people to be cured or get better, because that would stop your profit from increasing. So you in-turn create this temporary relief BS. The prices are too high and you can't fool me with that junk any more, so :P !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reason that a cure may potentially available for AIDS and Cancer, but is not yet readily available, is because once people are cured there is no need to keep coming back to the doctor and keep taking treatments. Treatments occur multiple times, once you are cured that is it. There is alot of money in the medical business and it also costs alot of money to keep it up. I am not saying that there is a cure for Aids and Cancer and that people are hiding the cure, I am just saying that it makes sense that a business would want to maintain income.

It is ridiculous. It happens in all kinds of businesses.

We should simply not need all these dentists and doctors ripping us off, just to walk in the door. I think we all should be healthy so they can't bill us to death. ;)
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Come and live in India. We have inexhaustible sources of ranting, so-much-so that you will be exhausted of ranting. :P Seriously, at least the American government has the talent of sweeping most of the issues under the carpet. The Indian government has a lot of experience in that, but the problem is if one political party is in power, the remaining thousand political parties see to that the carpet is pulled out from under the feet of the ruling party. I really have stopped counting the no. of parties being formed. <_<
I found the ranting right here. :lol:


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The reason that a cure may potentially available for AIDS and Cancer, but is not yet readily available, is because once people are cured there is no need to keep coming back to the doctor and keep taking treatments. Treatments occur multiple times, once you are cured that is it. There is alot of money in the medical business and it also costs alot of money to keep it up. I am not saying that there is a cure for Aids and Cancer and that people are hiding the cure, I am just saying that it makes sense that a business would want to maintain income.

It is ridiculous. It happens in all kinds of businesses.

That's exactly how i saw it and it's stupid.

Edited by Zerep
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We should simply not need all these dentists and doctors ripping us off, just to walk in the door. I think we all should be healthy so they can't bill us to death. ;)

Amen to that! I find that doctors often can cure you at one go, but NO, they have to give you some weird drug that not only doesn't cure you for a long period of time, but also give you some other problem, forcing you to come again and again and keep buying weird drugs that have unplanned side effects <_< <_< <_< What happened to the time when everyone was honest and wanted to help each other, hmm? People say that we get smarter every generation, but the way I see it, a good half of the human population just keeps getting stupider and stupider, and their stupid senses tell them that they are smart, but in reality, they are still stupid.

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You were riding a bike in the wind carrying an umbrella? Isn't that a bit, umm... what's the word... unwise?

I had to go to the stupid hospital to get a confirmation from my neurologist that I'm OK! I had to go with the bike in order to get to work in time. Well I got to work in time, but I didn't see the doctor cause if I had waited I wouldn't have been able to get to work in time!

It was an exhausting day :rolleyes:

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I had to go to the stupid hospital to get a confirmation from my neurologist that I'm OK! I had to go with the bike in order to get to work in time. Well I got to work in time, but I didn't see the doctor cause if I had waited I wouldn't have been able to get to work in time!

It was an exhausting day :rolleyes:

It would be safer to have both hands on the bars near the breaks, while wearing a pancho.

My grandfather had a neurotic problem and could not pick his legs up to walk, yet they were perfectly strong enough physically. Ever since I've had a car, I used my bike one time. Also, since I've had this job, I've never been late for work. ;)

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*seeing he's outnumbered, and things are getting hostile, Grayven retracts his "STUPID" rant* :o

I realize that I was just being stupid. It is stupid to think of the word stupid as less valid than any other stupid adjective. That was stupid of me. I will try to not be so stupid in further rants. Thank you, Braindenizens, for pointing out how stupid my stupid rant really was.

-Grayven :P

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Time to pick on the airlines.... Shame!!! on you for your ridiculously expensive air-fares, especially during the holidays that you ruin for people with your crowded flights and long waits and high prices on beer. Shame!!! Shame!! That is only the beginning of your crap. Anyone like to continue? I am too bothered by them to finish. :mad::mad::mad:

Edited by akaslickster
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Time to pick on the airlines.... Shame!!! on you for your ridiculously expensive air-fares, especially during the holidays that you ruin for people with your crowded flights and long waits and high prices on beer. Shame!!! Shame!! That is only the beginning of your crap. Anyone like to continue? I am too bothered by them to finish. :mad::mad::mad:

For moving the flight to an earlier time without telling us, for making us miss our flight!! Thank goodness i have parents who understand how important mafia is, or that extra day we spent to make up the day we lost because of you might have cost me my spot!!

SHAME!! that was fun ;)

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Time to pick on the airlines.... Shame!!! on you for your ridiculously expensive air-fares, especially during the holidays that you ruin for people with your crowded flights and long waits and high prices on beer. Shame!!! Shame!! That is only the beginning of your crap. Anyone like to continue? I am too bothered by them to finish. :mad::mad::mad:

See my airplane rant HERE


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wow... seven pages of rants...

anyway... on the subject of airlines...

Why on EARTH does it take 1 WHOLE hour JUST TO GET THROUGH SECURITY!!!! how hard can it be to walk though a gate and pick up your baggage. and also, WHAT IS WITH THE HEADPHONES!!! why would anyone pay 10$ just to buy headphones that break in half a second!!!! and what about Baggage!!!! does it really take 2 Hours to load baggage of a plan and put it on a convayer belt????????????????

that felt good...

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Ok...why is it that they have like four Starbucks stores BEFORE the place where you have to drop off all liquids? Why would you just wait around and finish a drink, and then go through security...I mean, after you get through, there are another five Starbucks anyway >.<


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This one goes out to all of the idiot drivers, who create accidents or just don't belong on the road. People change their minds at the last minute and almost cause an accident or sometimes do. I was cut-off from making a turn as the one across from me in the turning lane had changed her mind at the last second and switched lanes in front of me. Some old folks drive too slow and can be dangerous. Drunks and dopers are the worst and they don't care because they are high and won't even feel any pain.

This message is to all who do not obey the rules. GET A LIFE & STAY OFF OF THE ROAD!!! :mad:

Edited by akaslickster
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This one goes out to all of the idiot drivers, who create accidents or just don't belong on the road. People change their minds at the last minute and almost cause an accident or sometimes do. I was cut-off from making a turn as the one across from me in the turning lane had changed her mind at the last second and switched lanes in front of me. Some old folks drive too slow and can be dangerous. Drunks and dopers are the worst and they don't care because they are high and won't even feel any pain.

This message is to all who do not obey the rules. GET A LIFE & STAY OFF OF THE ROAD!!! :mad:

:lol: , this reminds me...

My school is so freaking IDIOTIC! We get this huge snowstorm that probably produced 2 feet of snow since 3 AM in the morning, but does the school call a Snow Day? Well, suprise, no! Not only that, I can barely walk around the campus because of the stupid storm. I was trotting half-blind and literally walking into buildings on my way to Bio. And I was one of the lucky ones! The people who live like 3 cities away from my school had to not only drive through the stupid storm and avoid the many accidents that were happening on the highway, but also gets a gating when they reach the freaking school! That freaking, freaking idiotic principal! Oh, as long as he can walk the 20 metres to the cafeteria, then it's not a Snow Day :angry: *strangles principal*

Hehe, sorry, hadn't had breakfast yet :blush:

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:lol: That reminds me of the time some guys pants fell down in the middle of the hallway...I laughed for so long XD But seriously, I agree...I honestly prefer turtlenecks to low cut things...and I'm sure most of my classmates would disagree <_< You can't even look at a guy without seeing some green spotted boxers, and I look at some of the girls in my class, and feel like yelling "YOU DO REALIZE WE'RE IN CANADA IN THE WINTER?" >_<++ That would make a bikinii look bulky, sweetie...

Guess what I was doing for a good 5 hours today? Sitting on an airplane...has there ever been a more uncomfortable way to travel? I have unusually long legs, and the room between the seats for one's legs is small for a normal proportioned person :wacko: The bathrooms make my closet look huge, and theres never any tp... >_< The movies that are on are either extremely inappropriate, or for two year olds...and the food isn't even suitable for a rat...what is this jiggly thing you say is my meal? Pudding you say? *Pokes...it wiggles slightly* I'll stick with my starbucks cup thank you...at least it has flavour and doesn't wiggle in a weird way *disgusted face* Oh...I almost forgot...delays...we had an hour delay because of a SNOW STORM *>_<+* that we just narrowly missed...feel bad for you, Liam...you must be stuck in the house by now o.O


Thanks Kat you know I love the fact that you always find ways to say poor Lime <_< <_<

Jiggly pudding :D that's funny :lol:

Edited by limeliam
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This one goes out to all of the idiot drivers, who create accidents or just don't belong on the road. People change their minds at the last minute and almost cause an accident or sometimes do. I was cut-off from making a turn as the one across from me in the turning lane had changed her mind at the last second and switched lanes in front of me. Some old folks drive too slow and can be dangerous. Drunks and dopers are the worst and they don't care because they are high and won't even feel any pain.

This message is to all who do not obey the rules. GET A LIFE & STAY OFF OF THE ROAD!!! :mad:

I hate it when people do not use their turn signals, or wait till they are already moving into the lane. I dont mind if someone makes a lane change that looks a little close, but USE YOUR TURN SIGNAL!!! You barely have to move your hand.

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I hate it when people do not use their turn signals, or wait till they are already moving into the lane. I dont mind if someone makes a lane change that looks a little close, but USE YOUR TURN SIGNAL!!! You barely have to move your hand.

That and the fact that no one stops at stop signs. :P

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