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Star Wars Mafia II


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Intro Post

A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away... the Gods had decided that the first battle had become unruly, and dependant on one characters actions – R2D2. They believed that the Imperials had played to the best of their ability and deserved the win, yet due to 1 lucky move from DMS, their entire force was diminished in 1 night. They had discussed the matter to great length, and had eventually come to the conclusion that a SWM2 was to be required. The random role generator was used again, and everybody was given a different role. “Let it begin...”

Jedi + Companions (no BTSC) Win by killing the Imperial forces and both Independents:

Princess Leia - Once every night Leia can kill 1 person of her choice. If Leia targets a pilot the kill chance is reduced to 50%.

Chewbacca (BTSC with Han Solo) (Pilot) - Can kill one person of their choosing any night provided Han Solo is not using his saving ability.

Han Solo (BTSC with Chewbacca)(Pilot) -Can save one person of their choosing any night provided Chewbacca is not using his saving ability

R2D2 - Can manipulate one person every night. This manipulation causes the target to switch to a random choice (other than R2D2). If he targets a pilot, there is a 50% chance that R2D2 can hack into the fighter plane’s systems causing the plane to crash, hence killing the pilot.

C3PO - Can investigate one person every night finding out the role of that person.

X-Wing Pilot (Pilot) can target one player each night for either a kill or a save, but not both. If target is not a pilot they must RID for a successful kill.

Yoda – Cannot die Night 1. Yoda can use the force once every night. He has the choice to either;

1. Stop a player of his choice acting.

2. RID a player of his choice (pilot or Luke)

Obi-Wan Kenobi - Knows who Luke is. Can investigate 1 person every night finding out the role of that player.

The Imperials (have BTSC, 1 group kill and 1 RID every night. Can sacrifice DV’s, EP’s or GMT’s ability to gain an extra RID once every night):

The Imperials have BTSC, 1 group kill and 1 RID recruit every night. Win by killing every Jedi. The imperials can only recruit 2 players including Luke Skywalker:

Darth Vader (Pilot) - Every night can kill 1 person with a 100% success rate. If he tries to attack Luke Skywalker, the success rate is reduced to 25%. Everyday he can attempt an RID on Luke Skywalker converting him to the dark side. Cannot die on Night 1

Emperor Palpatine - Can manipulate 1 person every night. The manipulation gives the Emperor the ability to use that characters role, learn that initial target, and the option to either target the same character or to target another character. In the night post, the manipulated will still be shown as the attacker, not the Emperor.

Grand Moff Tarkin - The head of the Death Star. Every night can hide someone in his ship. That player is unable to be RID’d or killed for that night + the next day.

TIE Fighter Pilot (Pilot) - Can target one player each night for either a kill or a save, but not both. If target is not a pilot they must RID to successfully kill.


Boba Fett (pilot) - Wins by killing every pilot in the game. Every night can either investigate or kill 1 person of his choice. Every day but not twice in a row can change 1 players vote to a character of his choice.

Jabba the Hut - Wins by PMing, the roles of Obi-Wan, Princess Leia and Grand Moff Tarkin to the host. Every night, can capture 1 player. Jabba may then PM 1 yes or no question to the host who will the forward it to that player. The reply must be true otherwise death will occur.


there will be 3 “pilots” in the game. The pilots are independent characters with the ability to either save or investigate 1 person every night. If a pilots has been RID’d by the Jedi they become X-wing pilot whereas if the Imperial forces RID a pilot, the RID’d player become a Tie Fighter Pilot. A pilot can only kill another pilot, unless they RID the target, in which case they have a 75% chance of a successful kill.

Luke Skywalker(pilot) – Cannot die night 1. Can save 1 person every night except himself. Luke cannot be killed by the Emperor and has 50% chance of being saved as long as Darth Vader is alive. If Yoda RIDs him he becomes a Jedi and stays on the rebel side. If Darth Vader RIDs him he joins the dark side and gains BTSC with the Imperials. If he becomes a Jedi he keeps his saving role but can kill with an RID. If RID’d by the Imperials, he loses his saving action and can kill one person each night. Once Luke has been recruited by either side, he cannot then be re-recruited by the other side.


Host: Reaymond


2) ST

3) andromeda

4) BrandonB

5) Riranor

6) Impervious

7) SG

8) Izzy

9) Prince Marth

10) Rainthinker

11) Randro

12) Twin Pop

13) Twin Bro

14) Renan

15) IDNE

16) Prof T

Night actions everybody ;)

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I sent my PM in!

I just wanna say to everyone - you are not obliged to believe me because of what happened in the previous mafia (X-men).

Threat me as equal I don't want any special treatment. If I feel like not playing anymore I'll tell Reay to replace me ;)

Um... well there's one more thing... but whatever :rolleyes: it's too early! :)

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  andromeda said:
I sent my PM in!

I just wanna say to everyone - you are not obliged to believe me because of what happened in the previous mafia (X-men).

Threat me as equal I don't want any special treatment. If I feel like not playing anymore I'll tell Reay to replace me ;)

Um... well there's one more thing... but whatever :rolleyes: it's too early! :)

I really don't know what to do with you *sighs* I really hope you don't drop out though! :( Whose posts will I work day and night to decode if you're gone? :P

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  andromeda said:
I'm out guys... I don't think that some of you would be able to play the game as you would have otherwise because of my blown out of proportions sensitivity! :rolleyes:

Sorry.. have fun ;)

Awww, please stay Andro :mellow: All of us have "blown out of proportions sensitivity", it's also known as Paranoia ;)

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I'm not ready yet!!!

If you don't believe me... here we go again :rolleyes: read THIS post!

I don't remember being upset over something so insignificant my entire life and being upset for so long. It usually blows over in 15 minutes, but this I just can't let go!

I'm pathetic... and OUT!

Edited by andromeda
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  andromeda said:
I'm not ready yet!!!

If you don't believe me... here we go again :rolleyes: read THIS post!

I don't remember being upset over something so insignificant my entire life and being upset for so long. It usually blows over in 15 minutes, but this I just can't let go!

I'm pathetic... and OUT!

Sad to see you go :( I read your last game and was looking forward to playing with you.

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  andromeda said:
I'm not ready yet!!!

If you don't believe me... here we go again :rolleyes: read THIS post!

I don't remember being upset over something so insignificant my entire life and being upset for so long. It usually blows over in 15 minutes, but this I just can't let go!

I'm pathetic... and OUT!

Come on dont quit it was so fun in XM2. dont let them get to you. we all have a rough time at one point or another. but if you really want to stop i respect you descision and will say goodbye :( .

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  reaymond said:
just waiting for a few more actions . Sorry for the delay, but I have had a full inbox with questions :P

:lol: , for once, they're not from me :P

For future reference, reay, when will the night and day end? Sorry for asking that...again :blush: Bad memory :P

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This will be a lot stricter that SWM1. There was a lot of confusion in that regarding the difference between "pilots" and 'pilots'. Thats why I have combined the 2 different paragraphs into 1.

Another problem now... baddies forum is down, so could a representative please PM me some moves ASAP. I may require a back up aswell, as some people are incredibly inactive atm. ;) Thanks for understanding everyone

edit: Back-up required for IDNE. I checked his profile, and he has been on today, yet not responded to my PM's I set 2 days ago, or the msg on his profile i left yesterday. I really want to get this started, so first to reply on here gets the spot :P

Edited by reaymond
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  reaymond said:
This will be a lot stricter that SWM1. There was a lot of confusion in that regarding the difference between "pilots" and 'pilots'. Thats why I have combined the 2 different paragraphs into 1.

Another problem now... baddies forum is down, so could a representative please PM me some moves ASAP. I may require a back up aswell, as some people are incredibly inactive atm. ;) Thanks for understanding everyone

edit: Back-up required for IDNE. I checked his profile, and he has been on today, yet not responded to my PM's I set 2 days ago, or the msg on his profile i left yesterday. I really want to get this started, so first to reply on here gets the spot :P

Strange, he's been quite active on Mafia old style... o_O

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  Prince_Marth85 said:
Strange, he's been quite active on Mafia old style... o_O

True. He's been posting a lot there...do you guys want to give him until the night post, and if he still hasn't sent in his action, someone can replace him? He might be catching up on Mafia old style, then switch over to this one. :)

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OK, IDNE can stay, but if I do not get an action for him then he will lose his ability to vote and talk during day 1 (like LIS said, better them learnt to play badly and post, than do nothing at all ;)). Another time and he will suffer the consequences like Panther did (host kill)

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  reaymond said:
OK, IDNE can stay, but if I do not get an action for him then he will lose his ability to vote and talk during day 1 (like LIS said, better them learnt to play badly and post, than do nothing at all ;)). Another time and he will suffer the consequences like Panther did (host kill)

I apologize for apparent inactivity. I have been checking here often and sent a PM to reay when I first got my role. It must not have worked because of dial up speeds. I have pm'ed now. I will be paying more attention today.

Thank you for sticking up for me PM and ST.

I am unable to get on my email at work so I was unaware that there was a post to my profile. Send me a pm to get in contact.

Edit: Thanks Randro for getting my attention

Edited by IDoNotExist
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  IDoNotExist said:
I apologize for apparent inactivity. I have been checking here often and sent a PM to reay when I first got my role. It must not have worked because of dial up speeds. I have pm'ed now. I will be paying more attention today.

Thank you for sticking up for me PM and ST.

I am unable to get on my email at work so I was unaware that there was a post to my profile. Send me a pm to get in contact.

Edit: Thanks Randro for getting my attention

no problem im glad to help. B))

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