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Let's get the book club started! ~for once ;) First book that gets 5 votes will be our first book to read and discuss. If you really want another book that isn't listed in the Poll, then post it and if 4 other people post that book as well, then that will be the one we read. I'm not sure how long it takes everyone to read, also these books vary greatly in length, so I guess just start discussing when you're done. When we've beaten the book to death, we can move on to the next one B)) and have a new poll and new topic for it. Here's to BD's Book Club! *cheers*

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I would partake in this, but I enjoy reading on my own schedule, and I am in the middle of a book right now, and a series.

Although, I would find it very enjoyable to discuss a book, I read about 3-5 books a week, so I am used to my own schedule. I will eventually read all of these books I am sure, because it seems like I can read them faster than Barnes & Noble can stock them. :P I will join this if we read GEB, but that's the only way. I'm selfish, I know. (It might have something to do with the fact I went and bought this book :D ). But dont worry about me. Read your books and have fun, I'll join next time around. Maybe ;)

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  Izzy said:
Hmm. Just throwing this in the air, but would any of you be interested in reading Ender's Shadow instead of Ender's Game? I thought I had Ender's Game, but apparently I don't.. I'd be fine with buying/borrowing it though.

Nope... not translated to Serbian. Ender's Game is translated! Of course that doesn't mean that I'll be able to find it <_<

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  unreality said:
nothing is final until a book gets 5 votes :)

Well I said I'd move my vote from GEB to Ender's Game since GEB is so far behind (it only had 1 vote at the time). Which would make 5 for Ender's Game, but I also said if people had reservations about vote switching then we could just wait for 5 votes on the poll. I'm probably not going to read a Dan Brown book though and just read one of the other ones. :P If A&D gets selected I'll discuss GEB with Jrod ;)

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  Kathleen said:
Well...I can probably get it by tomorrow...is there a deadline? *Looks hesitantly at exam schedule* I might be a bit slower than I usually am at reading...:unsure:


I think you have to get the book in.. a week?

and you have to read the book in.. two weeks?

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  Kathleen said:
Well...I can probably get it by tomorrow...is there a deadline? *Looks hesitantly at exam schedule* I might be a bit slower than I usually am at reading...:unsure:


Ooh...I just came back from Chapters yesterday, and can't go back until the summer :rolleyes: I'll see if I can break into the library...so, we got 2 weeks?

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  Kathleen said:
*Pokes self* I'm a someone! XD It did help, thanks...it was a toss up between Angels and Demons, and This is Your Brain on Music...I eventually voted for A & D because I'm more of a fiction person...anyway, I'd better get to the library soon...*glances at "closing for maintenace" sign* o.O Why do libraries always close when you don't want them too...?


well in the US it is becuase ppl dont want to pay a measly 2 cents more a year to fund them. I am serious as my partner is a public librarian.

Her favorite question asked by library patrons...

"do you have any books?''


"no these are just for show"

Jane, Go to your public library. If they dont have it they will have it delivered to your library from another and notify you when it is there.

You can even do this online! As long as you have your library card.

as for books..I have read angles and demons. It is better than divinci code. He is even accurate about where all the statues and art are placed!

I voted for slaughterhouse 5 as i have yet to read it. But just let me know what the book is and I will request it.

Edited by crazypainter
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I think I should be able to get Ender's Game tomorrow, though no guarantees :)

oh and I just thought of a book we could do for the next one - I can't believe I forgot it before!! :o It's called Fly By Night and at first glance seems for youngerish audiences, but it's very deep and incredibly well written. One of the best books I've ever read...

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  Izzy said:
Janes - most likely. I go to a relatively small school (only about 300 people in grades 6-8), and our library has it. It probably helps that we have a gifted teacher who's an Orson Scott Card freak, but we have it.

You want small school? How about 35 people in grades 6-8??

I think my school has it too though...

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  peace*out said:
You want small school? How about 35 people in grades 6-8??

I think my school has it too though...

:lol: , reminds me of one of the schools I know...8 people in one grade :P

Darn, my school has spiderman comics and an encyclopedia-sized book on Alaska, but it doesn't have Ender's game... :rolleyes:

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  peace*out said:
You want small school? How about 35 people in grades 6-8??

I think my school has it too though...

Dude, really? Okay, I meant small school for a relatively large area. The school across the street from us has about 3000 (6-8) people, and the one half a mile away has roughly 4000 people (high school).

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  peace*out said:
My school is on 1,498 acres of land... :P

...Well never mind then! Large area of people?

DMS: Heh, yeah, my school is K-8 too. We have like, idk, 2000ish kids in K-5, but the middle school bit is a magnet program that you have to test in to, so spots are limited.

I asked my friend, and he has Ender's Game, so I'll borrow it from him. :D

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