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Princess Bride Mafia


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I assume that things aren't going to make a drastic swing to another candidate...so Professor it is. I hate to make the post without Mekal's vote, but I've got it ready...is everyone okay with me posting it early?

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  puzzlegirl said:
I assume that things aren't going to make a drastic swing to another candidate...so Professor it is. I hate to make the post without Mekal's vote, but I've got it ready...is everyone okay with me posting it early?

Wait, I can feel a resurgance coming on. I think I can make a come-back. I'll have to change my vote.

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  itachi-san said:
me too! you, Bb and ST fill out the other 3 baddies nicely. ;)

Since when was I labelled a baddie? Did I say something??? *bangs head against desk, major lack of sleep*

Before I go crazy from lack of sleep and overdose of school, would you mind explaining how you somehow concluded that I was a baddie, Itachi?

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  star_tiger said:
Since when was I labelled a baddie? Did I say something??? *bangs head against desk, major lack of sleep*

Before I go crazy from lack of sleep and overdose of school, would you mind explaining how you somehow concluded that I was a baddie, Itachi?

because you just fell for my trap. laying low and saying little until someone points the finger at you ;) There's a 3rd baddie after prof. t gets lynched who was hiding under the radar and before, it was between you and FIF IMO. now that FIF is cleared (and dead sadly), all signs point to you

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  itachi-san said:
because you just fell for my trap. laying low and saying little until someone points the finger at you ;) There's a 3rd baddie after prof. t gets lynched who was hiding under the radar and before, it was between you and FIF IMO. now that FIF is cleared (and dead sadly), all signs point to you

So does that mean that I have been cleared? Or am I still vizzini?

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  itachi-san said:
because you just fell for my trap. laying low and saying little until someone points the finger at you ;) There's a 3rd baddie after prof. t gets lynched who was hiding under the radar and before, it was between you and FIF IMO. now that FIF is cleared (and dead sadly), all signs point to you

I was not hiding under the radar! To tell you the truth, I had nothing intelligible to say <_< Most of what CL and PT and everyone else is saying about who's who makes hardly any sense to me, so I don't want to ask something that everyone seems to know, making me look like I'm a baddie protecting a baddie or something along those lines... The only reason I said something is because I'm innocent and since you are a goodie, other people might also begin to accuse me, and I shall end up dying which will lead to all of you feeling guilty since I'm an important innocent that will benefit the goodies very much, and you definitely do not want to lose me. (Yes, I know that was a run-on sentence).

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  star_tiger said:
I was not hiding under the radar! To tell you the truth, I had nothing intelligible to say <_< Most of what CL and PT and everyone else is saying about who's who makes hardly any sense to me, so I don't want to ask something that everyone seems to know, making me look like I'm a baddie protecting a baddie or something along those lines... The only reason I said something is because I'm innocent and since you are a goodie, other people might also begin to accuse me, and I shall end up dying which will lead to all of you feeling guilty since I'm an important innocent that will benefit the goodies very much, and you definitely do not want to lose me. (Yes, I know that was a run-on sentence).

If you're an important innocent, why do you have nothing intelligible to say?

Edit: You have some time not to get lynched though. PT will go down this time, cp next, then you'll have to convince us. ;)

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Day 3: Have fun storming the castle!

An angry mob of Florin commoners banged on the castle’s gate. The guards shook in fear; one soiled himself.

“Who has the key to this gate?” Star shouted at them.

“It’s h-h-HIM!” stuttered the one that reeked of his own urine; he pointed at the other guard opposite of him at the gate.

“Give us the gate key!” Cherry Lane demanded and held out her hand to receive it.

“I have no gate key,” the guard said playing innocent.

“Fezzik, tear his arms off!”


“Oh, this gate key…” the guard reached into his vest and pulled out a large metal ring with a thick key dangling from it.

CP snatched it and turned the lock. One mighty shove from Y-san and the gate flung open. The mob rushed inside the castle walls and up to the Prince’s chambers.

Humperdinck heard them coming and tried to hide behind the large draperies that blackened out all sunlight from his suite. He could see nothing, but he heard the pounding followed by a crack and a loud crash.

“We know you’re in here, Humperdinck!” Buttercup shouted, “Show yourself, you coward! And when I say you are a coward, that is only because you are the slimiest weakling ever to crawl the earth!”

From the behind the draperies came an angry reply; “I would not say such things if I were you!”


Itachi pulled back the drapery to find the Prince red-faced and snarling, a large scab drawn between his eyes. He grabbed at his hip and began to draw his sword.

Westley, who was already wielding his weapon stepped up; “Drop…your…Sword!”

Humperdinck may have considered challenging Westely in a duel, but with the mob also jeering at him he realized he was hopelessly outnumbered and placed his sword on the floor.


“Tie him up!” Brandon ordered Fezzik; “And make it as tight as you like.”

After the Prince was bound securely into his chair, DMS approached him. “We’ve come to put and end to the terror you’ve caused for the people of Florin. No longer will you ruthlessly kill innocent people in order to start a war that they will have to fight. Enjoy your last few breaths, Prince!”

Mekal looked over at Westley with his sword still ready to strike; “Finish him!” he said.


“Gladly” Westley agreed. But just as his blade was about to finish what last night's dagger hadn't, Humperdinck’s head went limp, and his tightly bound body slumped in his chair.

A snicker came from the back of the mob and a little man pushed his way up to where Westley stood examining the Prince.

“No need to dirty your sword today, Friend, he’s already dead.”

“But, but………..how?” Westley looked confused.


“I put Iocane powder in the salve that the Albino applied to his wound,” Vizzini chuckled. “I knew it would take a while for enough to seep into his bloodstream, but once it did…well, take a look.” Vizzini lifted the Prince’s head; his eyes were already glazed over and his tongue beginning to dry in his mouth. He released Humperdinck’s head and it dropped like a rock to his chest.

“Uh, thanks??” Westley said…unsure of how to respond to his own enemy acting as an ally. “But you’d better run and hide, Vizzini, because I’m coming after you next!”

Host: S. Morgenstern

Akaslickster – lynched and found to be Miracle Max


Prince_Marth85 – dead, killed by Roberts


Frozen_in_Fire – dead, killed by Humperdinck


Woon – dead, killed by Vizzini


Cherry Lane

Prof. Templeton – lynched and found to be Humperdinck

Yoruichi-san – revealed as Fezzik



Night 4 begins now and ends Tuesday at the regular time - 8pm central

Rules and Roles

Intro – Can Death Stop True Love?

Night 1 - Just when you thought it was safe to reside in Florin...

Day 1 - One small step for Florin, one giant step for the goodies

Night 2 - The best laid plans of Florinian men oft go awry

Day 2 - Insanity at the Cliffs

Night 3 – You win some, You lose some

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Nice post, PG! What Vizzini did was quite strange though....does that mean that he hasn't been recruited by PT? :D

Glad we killed off a baddie! Good job, guys! :D:D:D

Edited by star_tiger
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Well, I don't know anything about star_tiger, but I can tell you that DMS is a baddie for sure. I know we goodies probably don't have any killing roles remaining, but just in case....he would make a great target.

Edited by Cherry Lane
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  star_tiger said:
Nice post, PG! What Vizzini did was quite strange though....does that mean that he hasn't been recruited by JS? :D

THANKS! :D Oh, and what Vizzini did or didn't do makes no reference to the players or the game...it's just a good story, that's all. There are no hints, so don't try to read things into it - especially who I chose to say what was perfectly random...it has nothing to do with their role.

Edited by puzzlegirl
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  Cherry Lane said:
Well, I don't know anything about star_tiger, but I can tell you that DMS is a baddie for sure. I know we probably don't have any killing roles remaining, but just in case....he would make a great target.

How did this ST-is-probably-evil trend begin? :huh:

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  akaslickster said:
Good try. It is far too early to be certain. Have some ghost supper with me. Frozen dinners tonight. :D

Also, I would be a better choice for a resurrection.

:lol: , I get it! Frozen dinners...like as in FIF...*cricket, cricket* Ok, not sure if that was suppose to be like that... :P

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  Cherry Lane said:
So both our killing roles are dead now? And Vizzini knows who his targets are?? This is not so good for us! I guess Prof T is still our best choice.

Haha...the ironic thing is...the fact that he doesn't (or didn't) know gives him away...

Sorry, Bb...but you were the only player who missed "I am Buttercup"...

But thanks for killing Woon for us ;P

Bb, would you be a dear and kill ST tonight? Merci beaucoup ;)

  Cherry Lane said:
not from me...I don't know who you are.

BTW, everyone, who should I learn about tonight? So far I'm two for three in picking the baddies. :D

Lol...I think you answered your own question...;P

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Bb, would you be a dear and kill ST tonight? Merci beaucoup ;)

That would be a very bad decision. Very, very bad. You and all the other goodies would need me a lot, especially after the Max incident. Killing me off will seriously harm our team very, very much. Yes, I do like the word very, but it is VERY important you don't kill me off <_<

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Haha...the ironic thing is...the fact that he doesn't (or didn't) know gives him away...

Sorry, Bb...but you were the only player who missed "I am Buttercup"...

But thanks for killing Woon for us ;P

Bb, would you be a dear and kill ST tonight? Merci beaucoup ;)

....... I can't kill

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