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Redrum University was hosting its annual Fall Ball in the Great Ballroom of the Grand Iose Hotel. Y-san, who was not really a fan of dances (not counting DDR ;P), had decided to attend that year because she heard the catering that year would be done by a four-star chef and her gourmand side had overpowered her cynical-about-dressing-up-and-prancing-around side.

As Y-san stood at the buffet table, stuffing her 21st (or was it 22nd? She had lost count) meatball into her mouth when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and almost choked at who she saw standing there. The handsome face was familiar...too familiar. It was Patrick "Trick" Moriarty.

Y-san swallowed hard and then asked in a skeptical tone, "What are you doing here? Aren't the authorities still looking for you for that last murder you committed?"

"Oh, they probably are, but it doesn't matter...they'll never catch me. And I just had to see you again. Last time we met, I felt such a strange attraction to you." Trick gave her an artful grin and winked at her. "But enough about me, what about you? How have you been all these months since I've last seen you? Where's your date?"

Y-san shrugged. "No date...some guys asked me but none of them could solve the puzzle I gave them in reply, so I rejected them. And to be honest, it's been kind of boring lately...haven't found a dead body in quite a while..."

A piercing scream interrupted her sentence. The music stopped and a man ran down the gilded grand staircase in a frenzy.

Y-san sighed and muttered, "Nevermind..."

The body belonged to the pop star known as Misa Misa to her fans. She liked to dress in gothic styles and there were rumors that she was involved with the criminal organization known as IETNAT. But there was no real evidence to corroborate any connection.

Misa's body had been found in the foyer of the President's Suite, next to the door. Her keychain was attached to a band that was looped around her belt and was found lying on the floor. The door had been locked from the inside and the window was locked and bolted. It was an old building, so the metal key and keyhole were relatively large and round, and there was no way to lock the door without the key in the lock. The only other key to the room was with the hotel manager, and no one could have got to it.

The cause of death was a single gunshot to the head, in the left temple. The gun had been found lying next to her left hand.

Police Chief Leroy shook his head vigorously. "I can't believe it. These stars and their mood swings. One second they're on top of the world, the next they're suicidal. And I had just bought her latest album..." Looking up to see the bemused look on Y-san's face, he quickly added "...for my daughter, that is, she's a fan, a huge fan."

"That is not true." Y-san stated plainly.

The Police Chief's face reddened and he stammered, "Uh, what do you mean, of course it's true! It's not like I would be interested in these pop stars or anything..."

Y-san shook her head, suppressing a grin. "That's not what I meant. I meant that it's not a suicide. It was murder."

At these words, the Police Chief ceased his bustling and frowned. "But it was a locked room. The door was locked from the inside and the key was attached to the victim..."

This time Y-san did smile, and the Police Chief sighed in defeat. "Okay, okay...how did he do it?"

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That's a possibility but there's still no concrete evidence to say that this wasn't suicide...

But there's also no concrete evidence that this WAS suicide...Not to mention, figuring out how it wasn't suicide is the point of the puzzle <_<

Edited by Prince_Marth85
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The band attached to the key is elastic. So the murderer locked the door outside and let the key go inside through the large hole.

But there's also no concrete evidence that this WAS suicide...Not to mention, figuring out how it wasn't suicide is the point of the puzzle <_<

Yes you're right Prince. I had the same idea that "Nobody" had. just feel that we need to add more to the theory before we can call it the ans.

still tryin to figure it out... <_<

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How could anyone have found the body is she was locked in the suite? Perhaps the man who ran down the stairs was the manager, who had gone to kill the pop idol and make it look like he had just found the body?

But that seems too easy to figure out.

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How could anyone have found the body is she was locked in the suite? Perhaps the man who ran down the stairs was the manager, who had gone to kill the pop idol and make it look like he had just found the body?

But that seems too easy to figure out.

that could work.

If it were a suicide, why would the woman scream?

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Redrum University was hosting its annual Fall Ball in the Great Ballroom of the Grand Iose Hotel. Y-san, who was not really a fan of dances (not counting DDR ;P), had decided to attend that year because she heard the catering that year would be done by a four-star chef and her gourmand side had overpowered her cynical-about-dressing-up-and-prancing-around side.

Gourmand = Glutton (for punishment - he he!!)

As Y-san stood at the buffet table, stuffing her 21st (or was it 22nd? She had lost count) meatball into her mouth when she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and almost choked at who she saw standing there. The handsome face was familiar...too familiar. It was Patrick "Trick" Moriarty.

In England 21st = 21 stone (weight - neraly 300 lb,) - you gained some since we last spoke - comfort eating ??? :D

Y-san swallowed hard and then asked in a skeptical tone, "What are you doing here? Aren't the authorities still looking for you for that last murder you committed?"

"Oh, they probably are, but it doesn't matter...they'll never catch me. And I just had to see you again. Last time we met, I felt such a strange attraction to you." Trick gave her an artful grin and winked at her. "But enough about me, what about you? How have you been all these months since I've last seen you? Where's your date?"

Y-san shrugged. "No date...some guys asked me but none of them could solve the puzzle I gave them in reply, so I rejected them. (guess your weight) :lol: :lol::lol::lol::lol:

And to be honest, it's been kind of boring lately...(I missed you too x x x :wub: ) ...haven't found a dead body in quite a while..."

A piercing scream interrupted her sentence. The music stopped and a man ran down the gilded grand staircase in a frenzy.

?Where has the scream come from and who ???

Y-san sighed and muttered, "Nevermind..."

The body belonged to the pop star known as Misa Misa to her fans. She liked to dress in gothic styles and there were rumors that she was involved with the criminal organization known as IETNAT. But there was no real evidence to corroborate any connection.


Misa's body had been found in the foyer of the President's Suite, next to the door. Her keychain was attached to a band that was looped around her belt and was found lying on the floor.

??? Was she waring the belt, was the key on the chain or in the door? Actually, below you answered it sort of - see underlined

The door had been locked from the inside and the window was locked and bolted. It was an old building, so the metal key and keyhole were relatively large and round, and there was no way to lock the door without the key in the lock. The only other key to the room was with the hotel manager, and no one could have got to it.

? Copied on his day off ? The managere did it - Ah_hA!

The cause of death was a single gunshot to the head, in the left temple. The gun had been found lying next to her left hand.

?Woman usually do not end their own life violently, pills preffered?

?Was she left handed? check witch wrist her watch is on?

?Did anyone hear a gun shot?

Police Chief Leroy shook his head vigorously. "I can't believe it. These stars and their mood swings. One second they're on top of the world, the next they're suicidal. And I had just bought her latest album..." Looking up to see the bemused look on Y-san's face, he quickly added "...for my daughter, that is, she's a fan, a huge fan."

Is she has huge as Y-san ?

"That is not true." Y-san stated plainly.

The Police Chief's face reddened and he stammered, "Uh, what do you mean, of course it's true! It's not like I would be interested in these pop stars or anything..."

Y-san shook her head, suppressing a grin. "That's not what I meant. I meant that it's not a suicide. It was murder."

At these words, the Police Chief ceased his bustling and frowned. "But it was a locked room. The door was locked from the inside and the key was attached to the victim..." ? Who ever locked the door from the outside

This time Y-san did smile, and the Police Chief sighed in defeat. "Okay, okay...how did he do it?"

Are we to think it was a HIM? Are we to think Patrick was up to his old tricks again.

.......... that I have no idea

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Lol...welcome back LIS...

And no, the key cannot go through the keyhole, it goes in the keyhole. Like all keys, the part inserted in the keyhole fits the keyhole exactly and the rest is larger than the keyhole. And as the OP states, the door was locked from the inside, and the manager's key was not used.

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And no, the key cannot go through the keyhole, it goes in the keyhole. Like all keys, the part inserted in the keyhole fits the keyhole exactly and the rest is larger than the keyhole. And as the OP states, the door was locked from the inside, and the manager's key was not used.

Is it the kind of lock that just locks so you can't move the knob? or the kind that pushes a metal bar into a slit?

Am I on to something here? :huh: Or does it not make the slightest difference? :lol:

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Am I on to something here? :huh: Or does it not make the slightest difference? :lol:

Is it the kind of lock that just locks so you can't move the knob? or the kind that pushes a metal bar into a slit?

No, it's a normal lock, except that the key and the keyhole is slightly larger than normal.

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the killer put the key in the hole and leaned her up against the door as it closed. when her body fell, it was positioned so that her weight would turn the key, locking the door, since it was attached to her belt and then it would be pulled out of the hole before she hit the floor.


if the key wouldn't be pulled out by her weight, he could push it out from the outside with a nail after it locked since the hole is so big.

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if the key wouldn't be pulled out by her weight, he could push it out from the outside with a nail after it locked since the hole is so big.

the killer put the key in the hole and leaned her up against the door as it closed. when her body fell, it was positioned so that her weight would turn the key, locking the door, since it was attached to her belt and then it would be pulled out of the hole before she hit the floor.

Wow...that's a good one :)...but no, the body will was not in that position, and the gun was found next to her hand, so it had to be put in position while the body was already on the floor.



the room had one of those
food elevators?! And that's how the killer escaped...


There's a hint in something Trick said...;P

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Trick is really a ghost and since you said "she liked to dress in gothic styles" maybe she summoned him and then he killed her, well he possessed her body and made her shot herself... Besides Trick said that police will never catch him!!! Police will never catch him because he's dead! The meat balls are referring to catch 22 maybe??


Edited by andromeda
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This is what

Wiki says about Catch-22 - a term coined by Joseph Heller in his novel Catch-22, describing a false dilemma in a rule, regulation, procedure or situation, where no real choice exists. In probability theory, it refers to a situation in which multiple probabilistic events exist, and the desirable outcome results from the confluence of these events, but there is zero probability of this happening, as they are mutually exclusive.

So does this mean that there's no solution to your riddle, or the solution is a bit out there...


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Wow...that's a good one :)...but no, the body will was not in that position, and the gun was found next to her hand, so it had to be put in position while the body was already on the floor.

I realize it's not the intended answer, but in addition to what I said, he could have had her dead left hand holding the gun, so when she fell it landed near her hand... just completing the thought. I'll think about "Trick" now though ;)

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Trick is really a ghost and since you said "she liked to dress in gothic styles" maybe she summoned him and then he killed her, well he possessed her body and made her shot herself... Besides Trick said that police will never catch him!!! Police will never catch him because he's dead! The meat balls are referring to catch 22 maybe??

This is what


Wiki says about Catch-22 - a term coined by Joseph Heller in his novel Catch-22, describing a false dilemma in a rule, regulation, procedure or situation, where no real choice exists. In probability theory, it refers to a situation in which multiple probabilistic events exist, and the desirable outcome results from the confluence of these events, but there is zero probability of this happening, as they are mutually exclusive.

So does this mean that there's no solution to your riddle, or the solution is a bit out there...

Haha! That's great and really creative...but about the meatballs...

...are tasty!


But seriously, that's just part of the story and has no influence on the answer...what does is the hint in something Trick said...;P

I realize it's not the intended answer, but in addition to what I said, he could have had her dead left hand holding the gun, so when she fell it landed near her hand... just completing the thought. I'll think about "Trick" now though ;)

Well, assuming that the lock is at normal height, if her body were propped against the door her hand would be on the ground next to the door...so the gun would be next to the door and when the police opened the door it would knock the gun away...

But it's a good idea...I'll be sure to keep my eye out for news of some murder committed that way...;P

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? Lol...did he say that? It's just a coincidence...;P

So it is just a coincidence. I thought because

Y-san swallowed hard and then asked in a skeptical tone, "What are you doing here? Aren't the authorities still looking for you for that last murder you committed?"

"Oh, they probably are, but it doesn't matter...they'll never catch me. And I just had to see you again. Last time we met, I felt such a strange attraction to you." Trick gave her an artful grin and winked at her. "But enough about me, what about you? How have you been all these months since I've last seen you? Where's your date?"

Y-san shrugged. "No date...some guys asked me but none of them could solve the puzzle I gave them in reply, so I rejected them. And to be honest, it's been kind of boring lately...haven't found a dead body in quite a while..."

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So it is just a coincidence. I thought because

Y-san swallowed hard and then asked in a skeptical tone, "What are you doing here? Aren't the authorities still looking for you for that last murder you committed?"

"Oh, they probably are, but it doesn't matter...they'll never catch me. And I just had to see you again. Last time we met, I felt such a strange attraction to you." Trick gave her an artful grin and winked at her. "But enough about me, what about you? How have you been all these months since I've last seen you? Where's your date?"

Y-san shrugged. "No date...some guys asked me but none of them could solve the puzzle I gave them in reply, so I rejected them. And to be honest, it's been kind of boring lately...haven't found a dead body in quite a while..."

Yeah...it's a very commonly used phrase actually...lol...I didn't even notice. You're very observant ;). But Sinistral had the right sentence...;P

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Trick also mentioned attraction - was he using the powerful neodymium magnet to lock the door from the outside and because the key was on the stretchy band it snapped back after he was done...

Was Trick the one who killed her at all??

Edited by andromeda
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