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I had actually been thinking of making this topic for a while, but I never really got around to it. But considering how much people have been discussing Heroes in the Mafia Discussion thread just because I said I made a game based off of Heroes, I figure I might as well post it. So those of you that were discussing there, start discussing here.

This topic is for everything Heroes: favorite heroes and episodes, ideas, predictions, etc.

A couple rule type things:

- Don't insult people's opinions. You may disagree with someone's opinion, but don't argue about it.

- For spoilers, predictions, etc. please use spoiler boxes. This should be obvious, but it's important, no one wants the show ruined for them.

Anyway, discuss! There is a lot to talk about with Heroes. And if there are any ideas for what to discuss, feel free. I kinda just put this together in the last 10 minutes, so it's not incredibly well thought out. Oh well. :P

Oh yeah, and Season 3 starts at 8PM TOMORROW NIGHT! WOO!

I can't wait! B))

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Wow, no new posts and its already been over for half an hour. It was...interesting. :P

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it was pretty obvious that Sylar saved Peter there at the end.

I'm bad at thinking of stuff to say on here, waiting for more replies to tonight's episode. B))

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*sigh* Wasn't that great/exciting an episode...please don't dissapoint me again Heroes! Although it was QUITE obvious that Matt was using his mind tricks on the fear eater guy (does he have a name? I forget...) Can't wait to see Hiro's spirit walk, those interest me :D And so does Hiro :lol:


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Hi guys. I’ve been following the show but they're still showing season 2 here. I'm going to have to wait a while before I get to watch the new season...

Can any1 summarize what happened in the last episode for me? I think the episode title was “Eris Quod Sum”


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OK yeah, so for some reason Daphne looked hotter in this last episode than she has the whole season.

Elle, well she just had me laughing every time she jolted herself. And what's this little hint of connecting between her and Claire? ;):P

Hiro - his is probably gonna be a spaztacular spirit walk....I wonder what his animal will be?

Matt - yeah, so obvious that he was using his 'brain mojo'

Patrelli Family - I swear this is becoming a superpowered (minus Peter...or is it) family feud.

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Season One of Heroes was great, excellent even, because they had direction and a good plot line. They had an arching story arc that covered the whole show and neatly fit everything together with the final conclusion, in which Nathan saved the nuclear bomb, Peter, from blowing up in the sky, and Hiro stabbed and 'killed' Sylar like was his destiny. Season One was perfect.

After that, it fell apart. With their main plot "save the chearleader, save the world" over with, the writers had no direction, and seemingly no ability to create new good plot (the writer's strike probably affected it too). Everything they did in Season Two was unoriginal, and was basically smattering stuff from Season One and even some Prison Break elements in there (in the way they handled 'the Company' at times and made it uber-confusing in season two). S2 basically sucked... and the conclusion was short-coming and anticlimatic. Nothing was achieved or discovered, and there was no character development other than cramming in a bunch of boring new characters, most of them who got killed or disappeared quickly in the beginning of season 3. Needless to say, I was disappointed by season 2 :P Some of the elements were still good, and I liked how they handled some of the things, but it just became so complicated. Everyone's "original" destiny from season 1 suddenly became scattered and random as the Heroes drifted apart from their collective destinies at the end of s1 and just got caught up in random plotlines that soon became tangled with paradox-ignoring time loops and endless 'visions of the future' and all kinds of BS. There was so many loopholes... and cheapness. Like, bringing someone back to life just by dripping an invincible person's blood onto them. Cheap! And they did that at least 3ish times. Talk about a copout

Anyway, I was hoping season 3 would be better... they made a good plot attempt with the escape of villains from the 'hero prison', but now they've made it so tangled up with all the visions of the future and "destinies" and possible time travel scenarios and fogged up with 'family feuds' and "Primatech vs Pinehearst", where Primatech for the first two seasons was the bad guy, and suddenly is okay now, and everyone's switching 'sides' from one to the other and.... well anyway my point is that season 3 hasn't fixed the tangled confusion of season 2

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I just saw the latest episode (which was awful btw) and totally agree with unreality. This show is going back downhill really fast. Season 2 was awful, but Season 3 started off very promising so I was willing to give it another shot. But it's totally disintegrated into the same things happening over and over. Everything is very unoriginal and the "tricks" are very obvious. I'd call the writing since Season 1 "a disaster". Season 1 was great (one of the best seasons of anything I've ever seen actually), but like unreality said: the direction and purpose were thrown out the window like Peter, who's acting has been nothing short of terrible since Season 1. For a main character, his acting is really unacceptable. His angry-loud whispering way of talking is laughable.

Also, they continue to undo Season 2's awfulness: Matt's Dad is dead and the Spanish girl lost her powers. That's almost every character that was introduced in Season 2 being dead or gone. But they're not replacing them with anything good, just a long drawn out version of a bad X-Men script.

Now all we have are lame rehashes and reusing of powers and the simple good/evil switches. I'm very disappointed, especially after the Season opener got me back into it. <_<

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Yeah, I'm still holding out for Heroes (isn't that a song? :huh:) just because I got so drawn in in Season One, I just have this hope that they'll be able to do it again...I think next week's episode will be a bit better, but I'll remember to take an advil before I watch (so confusing :wacko:)


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  Gambit said:
Hi guys. I’ve been following the show but they're still showing season 2 here. I'm going to have to wait a while before I get to watch the new season...

Can any1 summarize what happened in the last episode for me? I think the episode title was “Eris Quod Sum”


You can watch the new episodes here, enjoy! :D

Edit: And to Itachi, Unreality, Kat, and anyone else (including myself ^_^ ) that believes heroes is going down hill again... Where did you think this would go (really, I'm curious if we could come up with something better :D)? In season one they said where this was going to go, but then they didn't do it in season 2, instead they just blew it <_< .

ANYWAYS, remember the scene with Hiro and Peter on the subway (who could forget)? They foreshadowed that people were going to be joining up on a team of x-men'ish super heroes, and if I recall correctly... something about Peter being the leader of that team.

So what's the big surprise about where this season is headed? They gotta start somewhere, but I do agree this could be done better. I think clarity will come soon... I hope

Edited by Brandonb
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  Brandonb said:
You can watch the new episodes here, enjoy! :D

Edit: And to Itachi, Unreality, Kat, and anyone else (including myself ^_^ ) that believes heroes is going down hill again... Where did you think this would go (really, I'm curious if we could come up with something better :D)? In season one they said where this was going to go, but then they didn't do it in season 2, instead they just blew it <_< .

ANYWAYS, remember the scene with Hiro and Peter on the subway (who could forget)? They foreshadowed that people were going to be joining up on a team of x-men'ish super heroes, and if I recall correctly... something about Peter being the leader of that team.

So what's the big surprise about where this season is headed? They gotta start somewhere, but I do agree this could be done better. I think clarity will come soon... I hope

Lol...while I disagree with Itachi about Peter's acting :P, I do agree that it's getting muddled again...and there are too many super-super-powered characters that make the rest of the characters look boring. And with the addition of the power-giving serum and Peter's father the power stealer, it looks kinda like they're going to be tossing powers back and forth...(lol...visions of Mr. Petrelli playing keep-away with Peter flashing in my mind)...which is not very promising. I for one hope Peter gets his powers back and uses them like the future Peter in season 1 did...that guy was awesome :D.

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  Yoruichi-san said:
Lol...while I disagree with Itachi about Peter's acting :P, I do agree that it's getting muddled again...and there are too many super-super-powered characters that make the rest of the characters look boring. And with the addition of the power-giving serum and Peter's father the power stealer, it looks kinda like they're going to be tossing powers back and forth...(lol...visions of Mr. Petrelli playing keep-away with Peter flashing in my mind)...which is not very promising. I for one hope Peter gets his powers back and uses them like the future Peter in season 1 did...that guy was awesome :D.

OH yes, I'm hoping, he quits being an overgrown baby again. I was beginning to like him when he was taking care of business....I'm curious as to how he'll get his powers back though....possible injection?

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  Impervious said:
OH yes, I'm hoping, he quits being an overgrown baby again. I was beginning to like him when he was taking care of business....I'm curious as to how he'll get his powers back though....possible injection?

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Either an injection, or killing his father... something like his father dies and relinquishes all of the powers that he had stolen, back to the people that he had stolen them from (assuming that they are still alive

:P )
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  Brandonb said:
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Either an injection, or killing his father... something like his father dies and relinquishes all of the powers that he had stolen, back to the people that he had stolen them from (assuming that they are still alive
:P )

If that happened, I will laugh, because it would be SO predictable :rolleyes: But you know it's gonna :P


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Some parts are getting extremely predictable too. Like how Matt would use his power to make the fear guy think they were dead. And I can just see peter getting an injection or something and voila powers are back. You can just use Claire's blood to heal anyone that gets killed, and injections to return powers (I assume that's where they're going to lead). No one is doing anything new or innovative with their powers anymore, just more of the same we've seen.

I was a little disappointed how they just brought back Adam for the sole purpose of killing him. They're going kill-happy and just making the cast so small. I think they realized how crappy it was to have so many different plot lines. In season two this was a big annoyance, and hopefully they realized how much viewers disliked seeing 50 different characters. Like following Sylar's journey into America etc. It still is a little annoying, because it feels like not that much happens in each episode since they have to cover so many characters' stories.

I'm also kind of annoyed with Claire. She seems so moody and annoying this season, I want to just tell her to shut up and grow up.

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YAY! A Heroes episode I wasn't disappointed in! :D The decapitation at the end was a bit unneeded though...*shudder*

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:wub: Elle likes Sylar! Elle likes Sylar! :wub:

It also brought some things full circle, and still ended with you wanting the next episode! :D


Edit: Typo

Edited by Kathleen
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  Frost said:
Really? I don't know...I just didn't find that episode very exciting...

Well I admit it wasn't the most fast paced, but I liked it better than some of the episodes we've seen this season <_<


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[rant]What's with this show? That new episode was horrible. Rule #1 about t.v. shows: never inject new characters into old episodes. The fire in the first season was caused by Claire's new character Mom? Please.. and oh yeah, Mr. Petrelli was actually all over parts of the first season, the camera was just never on him... :rolleyes:

Also, the Sylar part was worse than bad, it ruins his image.. in the first season he was a cold-blooded serial killer with no regrets about stealing powers (because people weren't using them properly and he thought he had a higher purpose and was better than them) and it was awesome. Now, they've re-written his character basically, and had him hanging himself pre-season 1 because he felt bad and Elle was there so they could have emotional moments... wow. <_<

Last, but not least: Parkman has a Spirit Walk of his own future - makes sense, and was pretty good. Hiro has a Spirit Walk of the Petrelli's and Claire's Mom's pasts? How in any way does that make sense?? phew.[/rant]

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I know what you mean Itachi, I think if anything the last episode ruined some of the good parts of the show. Leaving things unexplained makes Heroes great, so explaining all these little things didn't really help very much. I would much rather have had a continuation of what was already going on than some flashback.

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Aww, sure it was slow paced... but if we hadn't seen the past then we would be asking why Mr. Petrelli was a bad guy. So I think that was kinda necessary. However, the un-demonizing of Sylar and Linderman was completely inappropriate. It reminds me of Spiderman 3 where the badguys (*coughsandman, *coughgoblin) weren't really bad, they were just misunderstood <_< It kills the whole story.

Now as for the [rant] post, I love that :lol: That tag should make the text look red and fiery :P

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  Brandonb said:
Aww, sure it was slow paced... but if we hadn't seen the past then we would be asking why Mr. Petrelli was a bad guy. So I think that was kinda necessary. However, the un-demonizing of Sylar and Linderman was completely inappropriate. It reminds me of Spiderman 3 where the badguys (*coughsandman, *coughgoblin) weren't really bad, they were just misunderstood <_< It kills the whole story.

Now as for the [rant] post, I love that :lol: That tag should make the text look red and fiery :P

hehe, well I don't mind an episode about the past or a slow-paced episode. I mind awful writing and deconstructing well established characters and scenes ;) .

The episode was framed by Hiro's Spirit Walk! Hiro's Spirit Walk should have been amazing and should definitely have been about him, Ando and preferably his father's past/future ..whenever :D . We don't even know what his father's power was. Also, like other powers, Hiro's will hopefully get more complex (like Parkman's for example), so the Spirit Journey could have been about how Hiro could get stronger too. The whole episode made no sense IMO and Claire's Mom and brother with Eric Roberts' in the past was unnecessary and awful. <_<

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