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I had actually been thinking of making this topic for a while, but I never really got around to it. But considering how much people have been discussing Heroes in the Mafia Discussion thread just because I said I made a game based off of Heroes, I figure I might as well post it. So those of you that were discussing there, start discussing here.

This topic is for everything Heroes: favorite heroes and episodes, ideas, predictions, etc.

A couple rule type things:

- Don't insult people's opinions. You may disagree with someone's opinion, but don't argue about it.

- For spoilers, predictions, etc. please use spoiler boxes. This should be obvious, but it's important, no one wants the show ruined for them.

Anyway, discuss! There is a lot to talk about with Heroes. And if there are any ideas for what to discuss, feel free. I kinda just put this together in the last 10 minutes, so it's not incredibly well thought out. Oh well. :P

Oh yeah, and Season 3 starts at 8PM TOMORROW NIGHT! WOO!

I can't wait! B))

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hehe, well I don't mind an episode about the past or a slow-paced episode. I mind awful writing and deconstructing well established characters and scenes ;) .

LOL! sadly... I agree -_- (not sadly to agree, but sadly, that it is occurring)

I wonder if they replaced the old writers? Also, on a side note, wasn't Stan Lee in an episode at one point? Or am I getting confused with something else?

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LOL! sadly... I agree -_- (not sadly to agree, but sadly, that it is occurring)

I wonder if they replaced the old writers? Also, on a side note, wasn't Stan Lee in an episode at one point? Or am I getting confused with something else?

Oh, yeah, I thought I saw him too... B))

But on tonight's episode:

Awww...Sylar and Elle...

Awww...Matt and Daphne...

Awww...Nathan and Tracy...uh...kinda...

Awww...Peter and Claire...(yeah, it's wrong, but can't you sense the on-screen chemistry? XP)

Yeah...basically...nothing interesting...the Hiro becoming 10 mentally thing is just annoying...

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Yeah...basically...nothing interesting...the Hiro becoming 10 mentally thing is just annoying...

Yeah... Now we gotta go through his power discovery thing again... just in time to see him cry like a 10yr old when he loses them.

Couldn't Hiro just skip the eclipse? Time travel to just afterwards so that he is not effected by it?

Oh, and about Peter and Claire... what if the puppetmaster turns out to be Claire's real father? :huh:

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Oh, yeah, I thought I saw him too... B))

But on tonight's episode:

Awww...Sylar and Elle...

Awww...Matt and Daphne...

Awww...Nathan and Tracy...uh...kinda...

Awww...Peter and Claire...(yeah, it's wrong, but can't you sense the on-screen chemistry? XP)

Yeah...basically...nothing interesting...the Hiro becoming 10 mentally thing is just annoying...

Yeah the Hiro thing bothered me.

I liked the sylar an elle thing it shows who his future son's mother is.

the mat and daphne thing was adorable.

Yeah... Now we gotta go through his power discovery thing again... just in time to see him cry like a 10yr old when he loses them.

Couldn't Hiro just skip the eclipse? Time travel to just afterwards so that he is not effected by it?

Oh, and about Peter and Claire... what if the puppetmaster turns out to be Claire's real father? :huh:

that would be highly awkward.

edit: typos

Edited by Impervious
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It was kinda...weird...I don't get what's up with Hiro, I mean you can't like HALF take away power can you? And if you do, why would that make him think he's ten? Also, when Elle was constantly electricuting Sylar, why did his shirt burn off and his jeans and shoes remain intact? Not that I wanted to see that...:blink: But it just sorta was bothering me...:P


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Yeah... Now we gotta go through his power discovery thing again... just in time to see him cry like a 10yr old when he loses them.

Couldn't Hiro just skip the eclipse? Time travel to just afterwards so that he is not effected by it?

Oh, and about Peter and Claire... what if the puppetmaster turns out to be Claire's real father? :huh:


But maybe that's why Hiro had to lose his memory...

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It was kinda...weird...I don't get what's up with Hiro, I mean you can't like HALF take away power can you? And if you do, why would that make him think he's ten? Also, when Elle was constantly electricuting Sylar, why did his shirt burn off and his jeans and shoes remain intact? Not that I wanted to see that...:blink: But it just sorta was bothering me...:P


I think Mr. Patrelli took the Haitian's ability, if you notice we haven't seen him for a few episodes. Except for that one when the Peters went into the future. So he totally did a mind wipe.

As for the sylar things, i don't think anyone wants to see him with his pants off....

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I think it's really stupid that they had the eclipse take away the heroes' powers. Aside from the fact that it makes little logical sense, it defeats the whole purpose and plot line of the show. Where do they go from here?

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Wow...that was...painful...

I have no idea what Sylar is right now...except maybe whipped...:P...seriously though, he just seems to listen to whoever is there at the moment...Arthur, Elle...and then there was the whole Bonnie and Clyde thing that started before the eclipse...uh...last episode it seemed both were going to get serious, but it seems like they're both back on the evil henchmen gig... :rolleyes:

The Daphne situation was kind of sad though...although the way they did it was terrible...XP

Peter and Nathan's brotherly quarrel was annoying and out of place...

And Claire and HRG...well...I don't even want to comment on that... -_-

And the preview for next week...definitely doesn't leave me excited...XP

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GAH My recording didn't tape until the end...I only got to where Monhinder was pushed against a wall...and it ended -_- Did I miss anything important interesting remotely worth watching at all?


Edited by Kathleen
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Aside from one of my favorite characters being ruined forever (Sylar, which was happening already anyway this season) I didn't think that last episode was so bad. I'm glad they're all powerless. They were getting so powerful it was kind of stupid. I kept thinking "Why does Mr. Petrelli need a gang when he can do anything himself? Why doesn't he just take over the world?" Now everyone knows his power (assuming he gets it back) and they will stay away from his powerdrain-grip :D

Frost, I know the eclipse makes no sense... but so does the whole show ;) I mean, it's based off super powers that have no scientific bearing, why should the eclipse have to be reasonable? :P

Y-San, I saw the Daphne thing coming, but was thinking wheelchair.. either way you're right, they did it horribly. It was more comical than sad. Written well, it could have been somewhat emotional, but that wasn't the way :rolleyes:

All in all, I think the only way to save the show was to start over, so they're doing the right thing IMO.

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All in all, I think the only way to save the show was to start over, so they're doing the right thing IMO.

I totally agree, I'm just curious how they'll play peter, sylar and arthur's characters, since all the episodes we see in the future peter has all the same abilities and sylar explodes...

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Aside from one of my favorite characters being ruined forever (Sylar, which was happening already anyway this season) I didn't think that last episode was so bad.

Yeah, Sylar WAS my favourite character (along with Hiro) until they made him...*gasp* SENSITIVE! It was all wrong <_< We need a cold blooded killer in these shows...(have I been playing too many mafia's? :blink: :blink:)


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Finally got around to watching it last night. I thought some of the funniest parts where when people tried to use their powers and had none. Like Matt and his head tilt, "Why, are you looking at me sideways, boy?" and Sylar with his finger wave that had no effect. :lol: The gestures do look silly when they don't do anything. Thanks Y-san for the last 10 seconds, my DVR also chopped that off.

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Finally got around to watching it last night. I thought some of the funniest parts where when people tried to use their powers and had none. Like Matt and his head tilt, "Why, are you looking at me sideways, boy?" and Sylar with his finger wave that had no effect. :lol: The gestures do look silly when they don't do anything. Thanks Y-san for the last 10 seconds, my DVR also chopped that off.

Oh yeah, those moments were pretty hilarious.

the look on HRG's and Sylars faces were hilarious, then HRG pwned sylar.

Nathan had me laughing when he told the Haitian to stop using his Juju on him. :P

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wow... I think this thread has reached the point of "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" :P

ooh i'll say something nice!! ive just started watching Heroes... (i'm actually surprised that episode-wise, we're only a couple of weeks behind the US) ive seen a few epsiodes and its pretty interesting especially Hiro's story imo....... people get killed off way too fast though...... it's like one minute they're alive and well, and the next *BOOM* the whole storyline direction has changed

hmm i haven't decided whether ill stick with watching the show.... but it looks pretty good so far... we're coming up to season three in a few weeks i think.. i dunno if the BBC will take a break for the bit with the whole writers' strike thing.....

Edited by lemonymelon
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wow... I think this thread has reached the point of "If you can't say something nice, don't say anything at all" :P

Edit: If only the show could just jump straight to season 1.1 ;) now THAT's entertainment!

lol, yeah, that would be awesome. :D

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