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Hey everyone :D I'm Unreality

I was one of the "original" people on BrainDen before its massive awesome boom, and I've seen it grow to this pwnage forum it is today ;D That's why I want everyone to introduce themselves... I was surprised that we don't have such a topic/forum/area/whatever :P

there's so many members, this'll be a good way to meet all of you

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I may be adopting.lol No money in my world.

Then you won't be adopting. We adopted our two boys (domestically, at birth, open-adoption arrangement) at about $20K each. If you adopt Internationally it can be as much as twice that amount. If you plan to adopt domestically, the cheapest way to go is foster-to-adopt. Depending on what state you live in, a private adoption (where you make direct arangements with the birthmother...no agency involved) can be as cheap as $5K. Kansas is a very adoption-friendly state as far as the red-tape and fees go. Unfortunately, one of our boys was born in Missouri and another in Colorado...whose governments are not NEARLY as helpful, so we were screwed! In the end, I may not be driving a Lexus, but I have to gorgeous boys who are worth their weight in platinum (I don't wear gold :) )

this link is only good until July 10: http://www.tdphoto.info/clients/WilliamsAlbum/

Aren't I blessed?!!

Wow, now you really DO know all about me! :blush:

Edited by puzzlegirl
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Then you won't be adopting. We adopted our two boys (domestically, at birth, open-adoption arrangement) at about $20K each. If you adopt Internationally it can be as much as twice that amount. If you plan to adopt domestically, the cheapest way to go is foster-to-adopt. Depending on what state you live in, a private adoption (where you make direct arangements with the birthmother...no agency involved) can be as cheap as $5K. Kansas is a very adoption-friendly state as far as the red-tape and fees go. Unfortunately, one of our boys was born in Missouri and another in Colorado...whose governments are not NEARLY as helpful, so we were screwed! In the end, I may not be driving a Lexus, but I have to gorgeous boys who are worth their weight in platinum (I don't wear gold :) )

this link is only good until July 10: http://www.tdphoto.info/clients/WilliamsAlbum/

Aren't I blessed?!!

Wow, now you really DO know all about me! :blush:

Am I too old to be adopted? I can give discount if you have kudos tokens but will accept airmiles too

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Hi, I'm ImWanted (lol) and therefore cannot tell you my real name NOT in a spoiler

you know I'm kidding...

and I play basketball (REAL basketball, not computer game basketball) and solve Rubik's cubes. I'm 13 years old and I'm live in... well, the Middle East.

Oh, and I'm an atheist.

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Hi there! My name's Jen. I live in the DC area in northern Virginia, am married, and have 2 kids -- a 3 yo and a 2 month old. I came upon BrainDen through a Google gadget and love the riddles!

I hope to eventually contribute to the mass of riddles that are here, but for now, I'm just taking stabs at solving them. :D

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Hi, I'm ImWanted (lol) and therefore cannot tell you my real name NOT in a spoiler

Oh, and I'm an atheist.

you know I'm kidding...
and I play basketball (REAL basketball, not computer game basketball) and solve Rubik's cubes. I'm 13 years old and I'm live in... well, the Middle East.

I forgot to mention, I snowboard in the winter, and as for music I like Weird Al Yankovic. (mainly because of the humorous contrast between the lyrics and the music of his songs.) The Middle East rocks! (Well actually not really, especially in Israel...)

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I forgot to mention, I snowboard in the winter, and as for music I like Weird Al Yankovic. (mainly because of the humorous contrast between the lyrics and the music of his songs.) The Middle East rocks! (Well actually not really, especially in Israel...)

Nice, I like Weird Al too.

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Actually, Oops, I Farted Again is not Al's song. It's somone elses and he just says he is Al :mad::blink: .

I am assuming you have forgotten/ haven't heard of Pancreas, Fat and Eat It!

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Then you won't be adopting. We adopted our two boys (domestically, at birth, open-adoption arrangement) at about $20K each. If you adopt Internationally it can be as much as twice that amount. If you plan to adopt domestically, the cheapest way to go is foster-to-adopt. Depending on what state you live in, a private adoption (where you make direct arangements with the birthmother...no agency involved) can be as cheap as $5K. Kansas is a very adoption-friendly state as far as the red-tape and fees go. Unfortunately, one of our boys was born in Missouri and another in Colorado...whose governments are not NEARLY as helpful, so we were screwed! In the end, I may not be driving a Lexus, but I have to gorgeous boys who are worth their weight in platinum (I don't wear gold :) )

this link is only good until July 10: http://www.tdphoto.info/clients/WilliamsAlbum/

Aren't I blessed?!!

Wow, now you really DO know all about me! :blush:

That's awesome, puzzlegirl. Your kids are beautiful (and I wouldn't say that unless it were true!). I've always wanted to adopt. It's not going to happen anytime in the next several years, but I'm not going to let go of that dream (Psalm 37:4). I've gotta find myself that husband first, and when I find him, I'd also like him to consider adopting my boys. Although I'm not sure about that, since I promised their father's parents that I wouldn't change their last name when he passed away.

I've actually heard that international adoption is cheaper, something that never made much sense to me.

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hello peeps!

I'm Ploper, rather needless to say, and like unreality, I've been here since before the recent big boom of people joining brainden, though probably just by a month or so.

I like playing guitar, and animating, and other... things?

I enjoy trying to work out my own interpretation of philosophical questions, and coming up with my own.

Oh, and I can get any girl I want, but can't hold a relationship for more than a month <_<


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I love eat it and fat. :D Haven't heard Pancreas yet though. -_-

I catch he^^ for "I'm white and nerdy" 'cause I'm a Segway instructor trainer for my company. I get it all day long from my students. That's probably why I don't wear that stupid helmet anymore... :lol:

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I know what you mean, there were a few in Florida, but since then, I haven't met anyone I liked

well, I've been in four relationships, and the ending of 2 of them was my fault (as far as I know)

girl #1, (Christine, black haired, brown eyed) I was young, stupid, immature, just generally not ready for a relationship, she broke up with me

girl #2, (MJ, red hair, brown eyed, (MJ is a nickname, short for Mary Jane, she looked like Kirstin Dunst)) We just weren't right for each other, we had different interests and couldn't really relate, it was doomed from the start, lol, she broke up with me a** well

girl #3, (Alyssa, blonde hair, hazel eyed)I really thought things were going well, we were each other's first kiss, and well, I really thought she loved me, but one day she just broke up with me, said that she was having troubles at home, and it wasn't the best time for her to have a boyfriend, not entirely sure I buy it, but maybe I'm just becoming paranoid

girl #4, (Katie, brown haired, brown eyed)This time, I actually think I found love, we were perfect for each other, but as luck would have it, I moved away from Flordia...

I also just noticed I dated all four natural hair colors

and I have no idea why I gave descriptions of all of them

sorry, didn't mean to tell my life story, lol, my bad

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I also just noticed I dated all four natural hair colors

hehe, it's quite an accomplishment

sorry, didn't mean to tell my life story, lol, my bad

that's what this topic is here for :P your track record doesn't look too disastrous ;D not like some of my friends lol

just curious, how does your atheism fit into the scheme of things?

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hehe, it's quite an accomplishment

yeah, I'm proud, I'm gonna make myself a trophy

that's what this topic is here for :P your track record doesn't look too disastrous ;D not like some of my friends lol

well, sounds like you have some interesting friends :D

what makes it worse for me, is that I fall SO deeply in love with all of them, even MJ, whom I couldn't really relate to

so when they break up with me, it really hurts

it took me forever to finally let myself love Katie (number 4) by then it was too late.

just curious, how does your atheism fit into the scheme of things?

um, my atheism hasn't really effected my relationships, if that's what you're asking

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I also just noticed I dated all four natural hair colors

Ahh I wish I could just have my natual hair colour. Too much grey showing through these days. I don't want to change from Nasty Mama to Witchy Mama :o

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Well, my name might be Nasty but I'm not really. I love all, make that most, animals. Addicted to reading, if there's nothing to read I'll read the road map. Love horse riding and am a proud mum of two cheeky boys that run rings around me. I work part time and have a wonderful hubby, who is amazing with his patience for me.

Loved viewing the BrainDen on google for a long time before I finally decided to join. Hubby thinks I'm mad. He can't understand why I'm not doing his bookwork instead of enjoying not being able to work out the riddles etc.

Would love to go to black tie event, but being in Oz the cost would be too prohibitive.

Oh, and I can't stand people that are incapable of laughing at themselves.

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Hi, I'm Cherry Lane. I just posted my first puzzle. I'm rather proud of it, but that may change depending on whether anyone gets it....and when! I'm working on another one that relates to my name, but didn't want that to be the first - that would be a *bit* too self-centered. Maybe after I have a few more under my belt.

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