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The DEITY System


This is an RP, or roleplay- a collective story told by many people (as many that sign up), who each control a single character. They tell the story of their character as the characters interact with each other and the world, moving the story forward- sometimes toward a finish, sometimes not.

Only participate if you like to write ;D


Welcome to Epsilon, a world consisting of a tropical sea scattered with small islands. These islands, also tropical, are known as Epsilon-1, Epsilon-2, etc, all the way up to Epsilon-27, a sandbar off of Epsilon-26.

Nobody living in Epsilon decided on that, or the name of their world. They just know that's what it's called. Some of the islands are close enough together that you can see an island from the beach of another- the people there don't have the curiosity nor innovation to build a boat and explore- not yet, anyways. And nobody living on (for example) Epsilon-21 is curious that there may be 20 other islands, and maybe more... not yet, anyways.

The inhabitants are thus restricted to their own islands, all isolated from each other, where they make their living- a pleasant living. The weather is almost always good, except for the occasional monsoon. There is plenty of fish in the sea, fruit in the trees, and meat running around the jungle. Most of the islands have set up a sort of tribal leadership and community, living peacefully in beach huts or jungle houses, pretty sanitary too, though all the islands vary. Some are worse off than others. The people are usually very pacified.

This proclaimed "unrealism" is denounced by the mysterious DEITY System- the apparent boss of the world. It represents a god to the people of Epsilon- they know it exists, just as they know that they are living a place called Epsilon, just like they know their own island number. They also know that the DEITY System resides on the island Epsilon-0.

I say "apparent boss of the world" because the DEITY System does not interact with its world- not directly, anyway. The people fend for themselves. It does not interfere, for good or bad. It does not see the future. The people don't pray to it. But it is their god, their ruler - they just know that. I said "not directly, anyway"- and by that, I mean the DEITY System's propoganda. Yes, it interacts through propoganda- strange creatures known as Heralds may appear on the horizon, a couple of them in a long boat, using long paddles to bring themselves to shore. The people of whichever island the Heralds are visiting gather around, offering them food, drink, shelter. But Heralds don't eat, nor drink, nor sleep. They have no need. They are just there to give messages of the DEITY System, to spread propoganda. Slogans such as "Adapt. React. Be Independent. Be REALISTIC!"... or pictures of tribesmen gathering together, working in groups, or thinking of new ideas- or discovering new things, creating new inventions. Once the Heralds have given their message successful, whether it be verbal, a sand drawing, or an object they had taken with them, they depart as they had come, disappearing into the horizon.

It seems to you or I that Epsilon is a very strange world- but not so to the people that live there.

Epsilon does not really exist as you or I think of "existing"- it is inside a computer. It is the testing realm for an artificial intelligence computer system that its programmers call the DEITY System. The two programmers/scientists that made the DEITY System are currently in the fifth cycle of testing, terminating the world and starting over each time after a "failure". The cycle is a "failure" if a "success" is not reached within the 99th generation of the Epsilon inhabitants- a time span of a few hours in the real world.

The programmers are hoping that the inhabitants of Epsilon will form communities, they want leaders to emerge, they want diversity to spread, they want Epsilon-ians to develope the curiosity and skill to travel their world, they want them to adapt, to become more and more "realistic", as the DEITY System urges. And, of course, they want a "success"- not another "failure". If this fifth cycle is a "failure", their project will lose its financial support, and be over. So they want a "success" very much- it would also be a huge breakthrough in Artificial Intelligence (AI), which is the main goal.

So what is a "success"?

A success is when a member of the world of Epsilon develops the desire to seek out the DEITY System- tp find the island of Epsilon-0, where the Heralds come from, where the DEITY System abides. When that happens (when an Epsilon inhabitant reaches Epsilon-0) it is declared a "success", a major breakthrough in AI, and the cycle will be terminated- and the DEITY System will continue to be worked with by the programmers to continue their artificial intelligence program. That is a "success".

Spoiler for a moral question to consider:

If a "success" is declared, it means the 'AI' really is just 'I'. It means the people of Epsilon, Cycle 5, or at least some of those people, could truly be seen as living beings, capable of everything we are. Would it be wrong to just pull the plug after a success, to terminate their world once they reach Epsilon-0? To just end Epsilon, Cycle 5, and start a new cycle with even more goals? Think of that in the background- it's a long way off from now (at least in the point of view of someone living in Epsilon)

Intrigued? Want to join?

Before I post how to join and how to get started, I just want to see a show of hands of how many people are interested, if any. So post here if you're interested :P

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okay... I see what you mean, and that could work... we'll try your way out then :P

alright, from hereon out, for the whole RP, the countering-proces is acceptable.

These will be some things people will NOT be allowed to powerplay:

* the other character's death

* the other character killing someone else (unless in a large battle where this would be common)

* the other character doing something they would DEFINITELY not do, especially in the circumstances

* showing a LOT of a particular emotion, this should be up to the writer of the character

and an important one:

* do not "think" for the character... keep it from your own character's POV, but you can make the other character talk/act/etc, but not think


sound good, everyone?

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"One thing about me Drone... I never leap before I look, even if I've leaped the ravine a thousand times before. These heralds you spoke of, I'd very much like to meet them."

Drone looked at Zetsu, confused. "Did you hear what I just told you?" he snapped, somewhat taken aback by Zetsu's peaceful sitting-on-the-sand. His rant contined, his voice steadily rising throughout: "I don't think you fully understand the situation, mate. The Heralds on their way here right now, and when they find you, they aren't going to be ones for talking. They'll kill me, then drag you down beneath The Origin- that's their little ancient-dome-with-pillars-and-towers-and-crap up there on the volcano... they'll make you touch the Crystal, and if you refuse, or if it doesn't work, which it won't, because there's a virus, they'll throw you and your little apprentices into a giant pit of lava!!!" Drone finished in a desperate yell- nothing more than a hoarse shout- then he collapsed on the sand, curling on himself, shaking with sobs of grief and regret. He would never see his brother ever again. Ever again!!! He remained in that position, no longer caring if the Heralds found them. He didn't expect Zetsu to understand... until now, the old man had been ignorant of what his world really was. He was probably trying to process the information, not thinking it was a big deal.

It was.

But Drone no longer cared. If Zetsu didn't want to move, to run... then neither would Drone. He would stand and fight, for however limited seconds he would survive against the mighty Heralds. He thought of them: humans like himself, but taller, fairer skinned, as if they did not live under the Epsilonian sun... a light shone on them from as if from some other, invisible source. 3-D tags, his mind flickered, revealing new information. So that the programmers can identify the Moderator Creatures from their 3-D viewpoint. Drone didn't know what that meant. But he did know that the Heralds were strong, unnaturally strong, (The physics emulator of the program regards them specially, his mind offered, but Drone took no notice) and he knew that they had technology that he had never seen before- hard gloves of some strange bronze-orange metal that gleamed in the sunlight and crackled with electricity... they commanded robot assassins, lithe and white and sinewy, like mechanical acrobats... he knew he didn't stand a chance.

But if Zetsu wanted to meet the Heralds, he would meet them all right.


"You look you've been through a lot," Zetsu commented, still sitting peacably on the sand.

Drone glared at him. "You think?" Zetsu had struck a nerve. Drone knew that they would die if they stayed, but he saw no way of talking this adamant old man out. Finally, he caved in, exhaling and sitting down by Zetsu. "What do you propose we do when they arrive, then?" Drone asked. "You look like a smart guy. These Heralds... they're... uber." (the word just came to him, one of those computer words that had been downloaded into his mind). "It's like they're hackers" (he didn't know what that meant, and neither did Zetsu) ", but they were put there for on purpose by the programmers to oversee the program and make sure Cycle 5 is a success" (again, he didn't understand some of the jargon) "... that's why they'll want you, and Neji, and Hinata," Drone finished. "They already tried me, they forced me to touch the Crystal and it didn't work- there was a virus. So they tried to exterminate me- probably thinking it's just me that's the problem. And maybe they're right- they know more than me. So that's why they'll kidnap you and your apprentices, and take you down to the Crystal. And if it works... if Cycle 5 ends as a success... we all die."

There was a hefty pause.

"So," Drone continued. "I ask you again... what do you propose we do?"

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Lots of time is passing so I'd like to make sure Frog's story knits in with Nez, Brodi and Josh.

Let's say Frog arrived on the night you all slept at Brodi's place (west) after chopping the tree down. He arrived from either north or south (not sure how the Ep islands are oriented) made his way round to the east to hide his boat, and he's been lighting fires on the strip of beach in between. You floated the tree round that side, but didn't spot the remnants of the fires. His boat is hid not far from Nez's cave though he hasn't noticed yet...

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As the fires continued to burn, Frog momentarily thought about where his priorities lay. He needed sleep, but that would definitely have to wait. Food was more urgent, but would take time to find. First things first. He had to extinguish the fires. He could not be sure that the island was uninhabited. It was still early morning, and he may have escaped detection for this reason. Best not to push his luck. He put out the fire he sat next to, throwing dirt over it. Quickly he moved down to the beach, spear in hand, and covered the fires there with sand, making sure to remove all signs of his presence. Wearily he made his way up to the last fire, treading lightly. He heard a noise. Frozen to the spot, he glanced around, spear at the ready. A rabbit ran past, right before him across the path. He didn't need a second chance. The spear throw was unhesitating and sure. Walking up through the forest, rabbit impaled on his spear, he smiled and thought that perhaps letting the last fire burn a little longer might be worth the risk. He had never cooked anything and was eager to try.

While the rabbit roasted on a spit, he gathered materials. This was the next part of his plan; to improve the boat and make it more stable for a long journey. His idea was to enlarge it using an outrigger on one side. He lacked the tools for working wood, and had to rely on finding things more or less the shape he needed. His spear was of some use, and he was experimenting with using it to hollow out a thick branch to use as a water container.

At last the rabbit was ready. He put out the fire and sat down to a feast. He had gathered some edible vegetation and fruits, and had a long, fine meal, undoubtedly the best in his life. After this, a short nap seemed to be the only way forward. Time was short, but he could only go so far without sleep.

Frog curled up in the shade, warmed by the heat of the day, and slept pleasantly.

A few hours later he awoke. It felt like late afternoon. Time to get some work done. He arose, intending to carry the materials he had found back to his boat. Looking out to sea through the trees, he saw a bizarre sight. The trunk of a large tree was proceeding through the shallows, accompanied by two young teenagers splashing along the shore line. On closer examination he saw a third, in the water, pushing it, and another creature, smaller and hairy, which jumped in and out of the water and yapped excitedly. It was no great surprise that the island was inhabited, but this seemed like strange work for such youngsters, barely more than children. No sooner had this thought crossed Frog's mind, than he realised that they were heading for his boat. No time to do anything about it, but now he would find out how well he had hidden it. Not very well, he suspected, last night's efforts had been rather hasty.

He trotted through the forest to the stream where he had pulled the boat inland, into some vegetation. To his relief, he saw the young people cross the mouth of the stream, paying no attention to what lay inland. They were far too concerned with keeping the tree trunk from being pushed out to sea by the current. But then they pulled the trunk ashore, within sight of the stream. This was uncomfortably close for Frog. How long could he hope to escape detection?

The next day Frog worked on his boat, but also found time to spy on the other inhabitants. It seemed as though they too were preparing a boat. All things considered, it seemed bigger and more stable than his own. Frog knew nothing about boat building, and suspected his outrigger might disintegrate at the first wave it came to. But, children or not, these people seemed to know more, and had fine tools to work with. Strangely, they seemed to be all alone. He never saw signs of any adults. He decided his best chance would be to steal their boat. If it came to a fight, the three of them would be no match for Frog. He was adept with a spear.

As evening fell, he stole closer to their camp to see what would be the best plan of attack. He heard the barking of the creature, but was unfamiliar with dog behaviour and didn't expect it to be a problem. Then all of a sudden, it burst through the undergrowth and stood there, confronting Frog with its yapping. This wasn't part of the plan. If he killed the creature, he would have to fight his way out and steal the boat now, and he didn't know if it was ready yet. Then again, how to get rid of it? It seemed intent on confronting him. A moment later things became more complicated still. A girl followed the dog through the bushes and then stood staring at Frog, a look of absolute horror on her face.

Frog readied his spear. It would be easy. The others would come soon, and then there would be violence. Best to kill the first one, then there would be only two to deal with. He tensed his muscles for the throw, but something inside him wouldn't let him do it. She wasn't threatening, just scared. But fear leads to violence. Frog knew this. The others would come, and he would be in their power. He had to kill her. And still he couldn't. The strength had gone from his arms, they seemed to rebel against his mind. He lowered the spear, turned, and ran back into the forest.

The dog followed, but only as far as the stream. Frog heard its noises growing fainter as he dashed into the depths of the forest. He was confused, and frustrated. It was clear what he had had to do to survive. Why could he not act decisively? The girl's face seemed to haunt his mind, taunting him with a power he had not experienced before.

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Love the map! I hate to nitpick, but from Frog's story you'd have to have e19 very tiny and e18 bigger (say half the size of e17). Oh, and different distances. e18 should be the nearest island to e19 (Frog swam that), with e17 being further from both. Though none of that matters for future story. Thanks for doing it. Much help with getting a realistic storyline.
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Nez stood frozen in place; except for her eyes which followed the man as disappeared into the thick of the forest. She was not entirely sure what had just occurred as it all happened so fast. “He was going to kill me!” she thought, her mind trying desperately to piece together the event. “But he didn’t. Why?” Her mind kept flashing pictures of his face. It was a sullen face that seemed riddled with fear. But his eyes, his eyes. There was something behind his eyes. They were big and dark and beautiful and no matter how menacing his stance, there was kindness in his eyes.

Just then Josh and Brodi broke through the thicket behind her. “Nez! Are you okay?” Josh shouted.

Brodi said between deep, gasping breaths, “When you didn’t return right away we got worried. Where have you been? Did you encounter a boar?”

“No,” Nez nearly giggled, “not a boar.”

“Then…” but Nez cut Josh off.

“A man!” she said giddily. “I saw a man!” She was trying desperately to recollect his features, but all she could remember were his eyes. She smiled shyly.

“I came face to face with him. I must have startled him as much as he startled me because he raised his spear. But…” she giggled out loud this time, her smile lifting her whole face “he turned away and ran off.”

The boys didn’t now what to make of this. It wasn’t all that long ago that each of them thought they were alone in the world, and now, like a miracle, they had found each other. Why should they then be surprised that yet another person had found them? Perhaps he was a loner like they once were? Perhaps that’s why he was so startled that he ran? Perhaps he could join their alliance?

“Well, what are we waiting for?” yipped Josh, “Let’s find him!”

“Maybe he knows how to make a boat!” said Brodi, having caught his breath.

Nez stood in the same place just smiling to herself.

“Nez?” one of them said

“Yes. Let’s find him.” She replied.

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puzzlegirl: e17 can definitely see other islands, all of the islands can from one direction or another, except possibly Epsilon-0 ;D

octo: whoops :D I didn't make the map with anyone's story in mind, I just made it based on my OP and that you could see Epsilon-0 from Mystic Mountain on Epsilon-13... I'll make the changes right now and re-upload it ;D

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Unreality- at the beginning of your first post, you said some of the islands are close enough to see another island from at least one direction. That is why I said Ilyta could only barely see another island. I assumed that not all islands could see another island.

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I am Nez. I also live on Epsilon 17... I can see no other islands.

Brodi and I have never seen another island from the shorelines of our home.

Unreality - I was just saying that according to our previous stories, our characters cannot see any other islands from e17. But truly I suppose it's no big deal to rewrite that part if it doesn't gel with the map.

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i travled across the "world" dang!!!!

No kidding! You should have washed up onto at least 3 other islands before hitting e17! That must have been some current to carry you from 23 to 17 in just 3 hours! ;) perhaps you could just say that you originated from e16 (if that was otherwise uninhabited.)

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there are plenty of currents... for example, a current carried Drone and Kelrod's raft from their home on Epsilon-1 to the shore of Epsilon-0. Since it has to skirt the reef, it's about half as long as 23 to 17, so it's not that bad, trust me :D

and I think everyone's misjudging the distances... I can't make a giant map that overloads the screen. The distance between an island may be an inch, that doesn't mean the characters perceive it as an inch lol :D it's called scale... jeez

I can make a new map if you guys want, and make all the Islands really really far apart, but it would be the same exact thing, just blown up more ;D

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“It was pretty much the same thing as the previous day… They finally snuck away… to the clearing. When the sun was at its highest in the sky, Ilyta said she would return to the village for more food… ‘Ill be back soon’ she told Oyate as she headed into the forest… Oyate had the strange feeling that someone else watched Ilyta leave.”

Hector, Ilyta and Oyate: Epsilon-4

Hector and Oyate watched as Ilyta left.

Minutes later, Hector heard a rustling in the bushes….

Hector stood still as the rustling came closer, soon he saw a figure in the woods. Someone was standing there, watching. He did not know who it was, only that it was not Ilyta. Hector called him/her to come out into the open, but the figure still stood there motionless. Oyate unsurely backed away, and ran away from the clearing and to the shoreline.

Hector watched as the figure revealed itself. He was no taller than Hector, and skinny as a twig. Standing before him was the dark-sun beaten skin of a laborious islander. Hector’s head began to hurt, then he blacked out.

Moments later, as Oyate walked up the coastline she heard a distant moan, and then silence. She had no idea what was going on, only that she was scared. As she walked, she eventually came back to the general area where she and Ilyta had found Hector. As she looked up from her thoughts, in the distance, she saw a shape by the water. As Oyate approached she saw that a craft washed up on the shore. In the shadows cast by the setting sun she saw that it was a fishing boat, but much, much smaller. It was hand carved, with a large hole in the bottom, and it had room for only one person. Suddenly, she put it together, and with a swift motion she turned around… to find a large figure standing behind her.

“Hector, what are you doing!?:” she gasped. “My name is not Hector, my name… is Andrell.”, said the dark looming figure before her….. Moments later, Oyate lay on the ground, motionless, breathless, and lifeless.

After what seemed to be hours, Ilyta finally came back to the clearing with food for the journey, only to find Hector lying in the clearing, alone. She quickly kneeled down beside him and shook him violently.

Ilyta: Hector! Wake up! What is going on? Where is Oyate?

Hectors eyes popped open. “An attack! Someone came out of the woods, I blacked out.”

Ilyta: Attack!? Who was it?

Hector: I’m not sure, I think someone from the village followed Oyate to this place. Wait, where is Oyate? We need to find her!

Ilyta and Hector quickly glanced around the clearing but did not find anyone. The only unusual thing they were able to find in the moonlight was a thick black liquid on the ground near where Hector had been laying. They did not know what it was and moved on to the shore. They walked up the coast and in the moonlight they saw a figure on the ground. Right out in the open, lying next to a piece of driftwood was the lifeless body of Oyate. Ilyta gasped, and ran up to Oyate, but found no signs of life. Ilyta sobbed as she held the body of Oyate. Her body was covered in her blood, which shown and eerie black color in the moonlight.

“We need to go... NOW!” said Hector. “We have two days of food for three people being split between the two of us. That will have to do. We need to get on the water soon. Someone knows that I am here.”

Ilyta: You’re right… (looking in her arms at the body of Oyate, she speculated…). Someone is willing to kill in order to conceal that there are others out there.

Ilyta pulled a flower from her hair, laid Oyate’s body down, and placed the flower on her chest. “My best friend, I will miss you.” She said.

Hector grabbed his oar as he and Ilyta headed to the fishing boats up the coast. The moon was high in the sky, and the only thing that could be heard was the sound of waves lapping on the shore. It was surely too late for anyone to be out using the boats. They found them, and quickly untied a vine that tethered a boat to the shore. Hector and Ilyta grabbed the end of the boat and together dragged it up the shoreline, back to the clearing. They loaded the boat with the food they had been saving, and with a long strong stick they pushed the boat out into the dark waters. They slowing rowed away from the island, with each stroke of the oar leaving a black streak behind it in the water.

As the sun came up, Oyate’s eldest brother Trylo began a rampant search for her around the village. After a few minutes he realized that Copernicus was also missing. After notifying the elders, and assembling a search team, they finally found the clearing in the woods. In the clearing was a pool of blood, whatever had been there was certainly dead at this point. Trylo then noticed a trail, drag marks leading away from the pool of blood. He and his search party followed the trail to the beach, but were abruptly halted from their pursuit of the trail, by the sight of Oyate’s body on the beach. She had been brutally beaten, and she had a beautiful flower laying with her. Trylo was horrified, not only because of the loss of his sister, but because of what he saw next to her. The drag marks went past Oyate, and over to what at first appeared to be merely driftwood, but it had certainly been shaped by hand. Washed up on the shore, only a few feet away was a very small, upside-down hand carved boat. It was unlike any of the fishing boats on the island. Upon closer observation he saw a large hole in the bottom of the boat. And with a frustrated scream he stomped onto the area around the hole, collapsing the front of the boat. Then horror filled Trylo’s eyes again as he looked down and saw a hand. The drag marks belonged to his brother Copernicus. He was dead and hidden under the boat next to his sister.

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