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um the pi=>9 thing

could you mean that we should use the numbers for pi and up till 9? or do we like take pi and it's first 9 decimal digits ? or does it like relate to the sequence of number 9's in pi?:S

and (this i find unlikely) but like the way we use => in math and stuff is in the meaning of "implies":S

.... still got nthh on this one.. gd one. really got be stumped

Edited by guppy
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  On 11/26/2011 at 10:23 PM, guppy said:

um the pi=>9 thing

could you mean that we should use the numbers for pi and up till 9? or do we like take pi and it's first 9 decimal digits ? or does it like relate to the sequence of number 9's in pi?:S

and (this i find unlikely) but like the way we use => in math and stuff is in the meaning of "implies":S

.... still got nthh on this one.. gd one. really got be stumped

your on the right track but no => is not "implies"

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Hello, first time posting, so salutations to all!

I'm not sure I'm on the right track, can you confirm I have the first letter right?

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Fun puzzle so far, still trying to crack it!

Edited by Cuken
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  On 11/28/2011 at 4:48 PM, Cuken said:

Hello, first time posting, so salutations to all!

I'm not sure I'm on the right track, can you confirm I have the first letter right?

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Fun puzzle so far, still trying to crack it!


  On 11/28/2011 at 6:34 PM, SMV said:

Does the key mean something like

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Look after 9th digit of pi? (or look after the digit 9 in pi?)

nope, but quite close

Can you think of what => can mean other than "implies" or ≥, try to look at this from a more artistic point of view, like a drawing, => is a drawing of .....

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  On 11/28/2011 at 7:49 PM, mewminator said:

Can you think of what => can mean other than "implies" or ≥, try to look at this from a more artistic point of view, like a drawing, => is a drawing of .....

I know! => is a spy vs spy guy without his hat smiley.


Edited by curr3nt
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I've tried a couple of variations on this but I'm still not seeing a pattern.

Obviously the key to the puzzle is the solution but I'm not seeing how it relates to pie;

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Assuming this is a shift cypher;

A = 1 . . . Z = 26

Variation 1;

Take the numerical value of the letter and advance that many spaces, down the numeric chain returning to 1 if you go past 26. With the inclusion of pie => 9, take the 9th number of pie and use that as your shift.

Example: A(1) + 5 = E(6)

That doesn't really give me a workable pattern in the first few letters.

Variation 2

Advance forward then backwards for each digit in pie as you progress 9 digits into pie.

Example: A(1) + 3 -1 +4 -1 +5 etc. That too didn't give me a workable pattern.

Variation 3

Literally interpret pie into 9 and take it as divide 9 by pie? which gives you 2. something?

I'm not seeing the key correctly, or else I'm close and it's not a shift cypher and I'm way off base lol.

I know too much more of a hint would give the entire solution away, but can you give us the first letter?

Or are we right in assuming that => is an artistic representation of an arrow?

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  On 11/28/2011 at 9:43 PM, curr3nt said:


I figure you are trying to get us to say arrow...but that isn't helping me any.

that's correct

  On 11/28/2011 at 11:41 PM, Cuken said:


I've tried a couple of variations on this but I'm still not seeing a pattern.

Obviously the key to the puzzle is the solution but I'm not seeing how it relates to pie;

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Assuming this is a shift cypher;

A = 1 . . . Z = 26

Variation 1;

Take the numerical value of the letter and advance that many spaces, down the numeric chain returning to 1 if you go past 26. With the inclusion of pie => 9, take the 9th number of pie and use that as your shift.

Example: A(1) + 5 = E(6)

That doesn't really give me a workable pattern in the first few letters.

Variation 2

Advance forward then backwards for each digit in pie as you progress 9 digits into pie.

Example: A(1) + 3 -1 +4 -1 +5 etc. That too didn't give me a workable pattern.

Variation 3

Literally interpret pie into 9 and take it as divide 9 by pie? which gives you 2. something?

I'm not seeing the key correctly, or else I'm close and it's not a shift cypher and I'm way off base lol.

I know too much more of a hint would give the entire solution away, but can you give us the first letter?

Or are we right in assuming that => is an artistic representation of an arrow?

you're thinking way to complex

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Can I buy a vowel? If not, how about the first letter.


I spent some time looking up Jake Hunter for some hints... I think it comes from Memories of the Past but I couldn't find anything that provided more info about the puzzle in that game.

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  On 11/29/2011 at 5:39 PM, curr3nt said:

Can I buy a vowel? If not, how about the first letter.


I spent some time looking up Jake Hunter for some hints... I think it comes from Memories of the Past but I couldn't find anything that provided more info about the puzzle in that game.

yes, it's from memories of the past

fine here's the first letter: m, hopefully that didn't make it to easy

in the game it was much easier because the character did most of the thinking, but it was a good riddle nonetheless, so I introduced a modified version of it here

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