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Now, this one is based on legendary Hindi movie Sholay. That movie seems to have borrowed from a lot of western and Korean flicks. Still, the end result was so awesome that you can count on almost every living Indian between the age of 8 and 80 to have seen it. :D


Dacoits - NightKill(Attributed to Gabbar) + All BTSC & Power play (WinCon: majority)

Gabbar - Leader of the dacoits. Legend is that when children cry at night anywhere within 100 miles of Ramgarh, their mums say: "quiet! lest you will attract Gabbar to our home". He leads a group in looting and plundering the villages in the region of Ramgarh. He has a sadistic personality and insists on killing whenever required to continue his status and to take revenge on his enemies. (Appears as a random vanilla goodie when spied)

Kaalia - He is the key person that helped Gabbar establish his terror over Ramgarh and surrounding areas. Not good with a pistol, still he can always knock a villager down. (Block)

Sambha - He is the eyes and ears of Gabbar to the outer world. He sits atop a mountain, chewing tobacco all the time, and watches all the passerby. He is famous for speaking only two words ever - "Fifty Thousands" [the reward declared by govt. for capturing Gabbar] (Spy)

Villagers (WinCon: Eliminate dacoits)

Thakur - An ex-cop he lost his arms at the hands of Gabbar. However, he has a booming voice, and commands respect of all villagers. (Self Vote Manip - x0-x2)

Jai & Veeru - Ex-cons hired by Thakur coz of their tender heart and willingness to support good in their own way. The more jovial and naughty of the two friends, Veeru is known for his muscles (RID block). While Jai is the calmer and more thoughtful of the two, he is yet to make a name for himself despite his ability of knowing all that goes around (Spy). Inseparable friends, they have BTSC with each other.

Jailor - Always being fooled by Jai & Veeru, he is in-charge of the only jail in the area. He decides who spends a night in the cell, except himself. (Trap = Block + Save)

Radha - A quiet girl who is the Thakur's widowed daughter-in-law, she has basic knowledge of medical science. Jai loves her, but she never betrays her emotions to him. (Save)

Basanti - Love interest of Veeru, a talkative girl who is the coachwoman for the only horse-carriage in Ramgarh. She is often damsel in distress when captured by dacoits, and hence more of a distraction than a help. (Vanilla)

Soorma Bhopali - Known for his gassed up talks, he had betrayed Jai & Veeru once, and was betrayed by them in turn. You cannot count on him for any help except for speaking up. (Vanilla)

Ramlaal - He assists Thakur in all his daily chores, details of which no one wants to discuss. He has seen all the events along with Thankur, including the rise of Gabbar. However, he is quite powerless. (Vanilla)

RID Block > Trap > Block > Save > Kill > Spy

Vote tie = Gabbar style lynch (all die, except on day 1 when tie means no lynch).

NK transfer: Gabbar > Sambha (SpyKill) > Kaalia (Kill + Block)

NOTE: The game won't start until TMM V reaches N2.

Edited by KlueMaster
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Host: KlueMaster and Auramyna


Z(ero). flamebirde

1. MiKi

2. TheCube

3. Bong


5. Zweefer

6. Medji

7. Nana7


9. Hirkala

X(10). yoDell





There. Some nerd pointed it out.

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Hosts: KlueMaster and Auramyna


Z. flamebirde

1. MiKi

2. TheCube

3. Bong


5. Zweefer

6. Medji

7. Nana7

8. darth nox

9. Hirkala

X. yoDell


A. Thalia

B. Anon26


Nox had bowled a couple of pins out :P

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Proposing cycle times as below:

Cut-Off for action/vote submission: 8:30AM IST (11:00PM EDT)

Post-time: 9:00AM IST (11:30PM EDT)

Let me know if someone cannot manage with the proposed cycle times. Also, drop me a PM with a new proposed cycle time.

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