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...he can redirect every Kill attempt at night.

And if I did that, I wouldn't be able to redirect pairings.

It would appear that we are at an impasse, one that I have acknowledged since before I outed myself.

Edited by Molly Mae
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Oh, but you still can... can't you?

And then I'd be lynched.

The only thing I have to worry about is

1. A goodie killing me at night (goodie's doom)

2. A nemesis pairing showing in the post (that I didn't do)

In the event of 1, the baddies will almost surely win. *Shrug* I don't care about that at all. (EDIT: If the goodies betray me in this way, I hope they lose. END EDIT)

In the event of 2, you have to lynch me. I'm sympathetic to that. I understand it even if I don't condone it. Unless the pairing is one that's already happened, of course (there will be those--Henery to Foghorn N3, for example).

Edited by Molly Mae
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And then I'd be lynched.

In the event of 2, you have to lynch me. I'm sympathetic to that. I understand it even if I don't condone it. Unless the pairing is one that's already happened, of course (there will be those--Henery to Foghorn N3, for example).

That's where the problem is. And that problem is your secret ability.

What if for some reason you are non-lynchable on D3? You win, and we lose. I am not willing to take that risk.

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Just got confirmation from curr3nt, so I'm posting the same question here:

1. I know I'm stretching here, but if there are 2 goodies, 1 baddie, and Taz--we lynch or kill the last baddie. There are 3 left. Taz' wincon is achieved, but so is the Goodies' wincon (eliminate the baddies). Can that be a tie? =P

Reworded based on generalisation.

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Yall are going to fast for me with all this posting crap. Its TOO fast.

OH, Enough of it Cubie. At least 4 people have posted the same hint for just 2 roles. It doesn't have any credibility any more. :angry:

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1. Maurice's question. If Taz is lynched then ... what exactly are you expecting to happen other than him getting lynched?

2. Molly's question about wincons. Although each team's wincon ends the game it is possible for wincons to finish at the same time causing a tie.

Edited by curr3nt
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@Cube, sorry... I got frustrated of people's hardheadedness.

If you still want to take a risk despite knowing that Taz's secret ability can be a role/ability swap which would make him unlynchable on Day 3, then your wish. But, if you have any desire to win the game, then I recommend to get Molly lynched today.

I am going to sleep now. Good night.

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Hey Yuli...do you know who I am?

Yes. Bet you don't know how I know, though. =P

@Cube, sorry... I got frustrated of people's hardheadedness.

If you still want to take a risk despite knowing that Taz's secret ability can be a role/ability swap which would make him unlynchable on Day 3, then your wish. But, if you have any desire to win the game, then I recommend to get Molly lynched today.

I am going to sleep now. Good night.

Good night, sweet prince.

See you tomorrow.

Bringing this forward again, along with my comment to EDM.

1. Aaryan-voting for OtherMedji

2. Hirkala

3. Molly Mae - voting for OtherMedji

4. Anon26 - Voting for OtherMedji

5. KlueMaster - Voting for MollyMae

6. EDM(Peace*out) - voting for MollyMae

7. Auramyna - voting for MollyMae

8. flamebirde - Lynched and found to be Pepe Le Pew

9. (Other)Medji - voting for MollyMae

A. Akriti - voting for OtherMedji

B. Thalia - voting for MollyMae

C. TheCube - voting for OtherMedji

D. YoDell

E. Hidden G

F. maurice - voting for OtherMedji (and any other Medji I can get my hands on)

G. Darth Nox

EDM: I strongly encourage you to change your vote. A baddie flash vote on me will kill me. With 2 RID kills a night, the goodies will very quickly be outmatched. Even if you lynch one of them during the day, the RID kill passes on. If WEC rolls a kill, your doom comes quicker yet. *Shrug* You need me more than I need you.

Edited by Molly Mae
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1. Maurice's question. If Taz is lynched then ... what exactly are you expecting to happen other than him getting lynched?

2. Molly's question about wincons. Although each team's wincon ends the game it is possible for wincons to finish at the same time causing a tie.

rephrasing...at the end of the day and after vote mods, if Taz has the most votes, what happens

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@maurice I'll have you know I lost both my pinky fingers in a freak industrial accident.

Would you like me to get Araver to answer the question for you?

only if he has at least 1 pinky :lol:

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pinky swear?

I really don't understand what you don't understand about a secret ability part and the NO COMMENT hosts usually employ when dealing with roles with secret abilities.

If there were a secret ability dealing with lynching the Indy, the answer would be the same.

If there were not a secret ability dealing with lynching the Indy, the answer would be the same.

Secret Ability = NO COMMENT from hosts on any scenario.

EDIT: Or more accurately: SAME COMMENT on all scenarios.

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I am telling everybody to vote for OtherMedji.

The only possible scenario I see where that would be devastating is if Molly Mae, TheCube, AND Akriti were baddies, all claiming MM to being Taz.

Huh...this scenario seems to be making more and more sense. IF MOLLY MAE ISN'T TAZ., TAZ PLEASE STEP FORWARD.

But maybe Akriti is Taz, said it was Molly Mae, and MM took the opportunity to claim Taz, making her and TheCube baddies. This is too unlikely.

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@Aaryan (and anyone else) Are you on a phone or other means of browsing that prevents you changing your own vote? If so I do not mind but if not you really should do it yourself.

Conversations can *really* pick up and requests to change vote can be easily lost. So anything to prevent that would be great. Please?

Edited by curr3nt
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