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Star Wars Mafia III


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@Darth Legion - Not trying to influence you, but someone has to say it:

(1) waiting for an inactive is not usually good. You end the night without their action and replace the inactive with a backup or not. Waiting on inactives is a passive form of encouraging it.

(2) the fact that you told us you're waiting for Fett to choose sides is actually very bad.

People can't stop themselves metagame who was inactive enough to not choose sides on time. I know I can't.

And Fett is a crucial role, so narrowing it down due to metagaming kinda spoils the balance.

In my opinion, you should have randomed the side Fett joins and hidden the whole incident. Either way, never tell things like that in the thread. They give away too much information. :(

Edited by araver
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Okay, sorry about that. Trying to get back into the swing of things. Stayed up till 3:00 last night just talking with a friend, so I'm rather out of it. Redistribution tomorrow. I apologize to all whom this has affected. I gathered a lot from this accidental false start, tomorrow should, theoretically, run smoother than last time. Thank you all for not completely blowing me off about this.

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:) and perhaps everyone should start thinking about what side they'll choose if assigned to Fett, so there isn't any waiting involved. (unless you're changing it to randomly assigning sides for the Mandoa)
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Excellent plan Shadow7...it would be very nice to not have to wait for that...and just as a small suggestion for DL: If you don't randomize right off the bat (a good idea IMHO) please just give the player until end of night phase...if no response is forthcoming from the chosen Fett then just randomize then.

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Host: Darth Legion

1: Araver

2: Vineetrika

3: Hirkala

4: maurice

5: young

6: MiKi

7: Segul

8: curr3nt

9: Aaryan

10: Shadow7

11: Phaze

12: sayalzah

13: Framm

14: Lionheart

15: golfjunkie

16: Darth Mask

17: Blablah

18: Molly Mae


1: Marq



New roster after dropout.

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Host: Darth Legion

1: Araver

2: Vineetrika

3: Marq

4: maurice

5: young

6: MiKi

7: Segul

8: curr3nt

9: Aaryan

10: Shadow7

11: Phaze

12: sayalzah

13: Framm

14: Lionheart

15: golfjunkie

16: Darth Mask

17: Blablah

18: Molly Mae


1: Hirkala



Hirk's account won't let messages through for some reason. Replaced with Marq.

N1 ends 6:00 pm EST time unless not enough actions are turned in.

Edited by Darth Legion
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Host: Darth Legion

1: Araver

2: Vineetrika

3: Hirkala

4: maurice

5: young

6: MiKi

7: Segul

8: curr3nt

9: Aaryan

10: Shadow7

11: Phaze

12: sayalzah

13: Framm

14: Lionheart

15: golfjunkie

16: Darth Mask

17: Blablah

18: Molly Mae


1: Marq

2: solman


New roster after dropout.

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Host: Darth Legion

1: Araver

2: Vineetrika

3: Marq

4: maurice

5: young

6: MiKi

7: Segul

8: curr3nt

9: Aaryan

10: Shadow7

11: Phaze

12: sayalzah

13: Framm

14: Lionheart

15: golfjunkie

16: Darth Mask

17: Blablah

18: Molly Mae


1: Hirkala

2: Solman


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I hoped that Hirk would teach me how to play, but no such luck. All he told us was how to hint. The problem is, Everyone will kill me. Don't think I won't hold a grudge. You guys wouldnt hurt a newbie, right? I would hope not. Not that it's worrying me, but you know... Got to go now.

Edited by Aaryan
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I'm not sure what happened. I had room left in my inbox so I don't know why it didn't send...

I tried to send it four times. It repeatedly told me you are not allowed to receive PM's trying to send you one now.

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