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Everything posted by peace*out

  1. o.O wats a light rotation?

    nothing much...doing MUCH better in physics so im happy :) its long weekend for me, so i would just be chilling, but theres a thunderstorm. in the freaking middle of winter. and i think theres a chance i may have Astraphobia. I have more details of my wimpiness if you want them but other than that...yah. :P

  2. rainbow music pretty narrator aristocratic
  3. yes PLEASE edit your post so that goes into a spoiler if you can. but you got them right. sooo and yes, it says jenny
  4. ok, off topic, but this is why half of americans have no idea how much america is hated. "what they dont know wont hurt them" Back to the game, id bring him into custody. Mateo. Or shoudl we survellance his house too?? is there anything interesting on survelance of robbie's house?
  5. yep and to kafaye: you're right too
  6. but you got it right all the same
  7. peace*out

    1/6 of the way down, and my head is actually hurting. it ACTUALLY hurts - like migraine hurt. GAHHHHHHH
  8. can we put surveillance on the house for a few days...hidden of course.
  9. peace*out

    haha you were right, it did turn to lawyers~ funny!
  10. introduce yourself, and say that your looking for the boy because you think he may have been kidnapped. You're worried for his safety and you're trying to find him as fast as possible, so any information at all would be appreciated.
  11. SORRY!!!!! #3 is NOT correct. still unsolved. sorry!!!!
  12. once #2 is solved, ill say how.
  13. yes. and this riddle is OFFICIALLY solved by fabpig!
  14. you're the answer to #1, ys is the answer to #3
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