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Everything posted by k-man

  1. k-man

    You probably missed this: "If they ate 3 Apples,4 Grapes,8 Oranges,and 6 Bananas. Find their arrengement around the table". There is only one arrangement that will result in the quantities of eaten fruit specified in the OP.
  2. k-man

    So, I gave it some more thought and my initial thoughts were correct, although I rushed and came to incorrect conclusions. Here is my final answer
  3. k-man

    I just came back to think about this problem and read my post again. I clearly didn't think it through. Ignore that post...
  4. k-man

    marking it as solved
  5. k-man

    Excellent job, superprismatic!
  6. k-man

    Inspired by superprismatic's puzzle here is a slightly different version Place 7 points inside a square with a side length of 1, to maximize the distance between any two points. What is that distance? Points placed on the edge of the square are considered to be inside.
  7. k-man

    If 2% of sunlight produced by the Sun fell on Earth the Earth would be nothing but a hot burning desert. No, I take that back, it would be an inferno. Only approximately 0.000000724654% of sunlight reaches the Earth and I don't believe the question is related to the amount of sunlight reaching the Earth. It's that the 2% of sunlight that hits the plants is absorbed by them, while 98% of it is reflected.
  8. k-man

    Hmm... so when I exit the room, and there is no one else in the room, then everything in the room ceases to exist -disappears? But when I come back everything is back in its place exactly as I left it? Wouldn't the content of the room be subjective to the observer in this case? Kind of like a dream? Different people would see different things when they enter the room?
  9. k-man

    I think I covered my bases
  10. k-man

    Yeah, I didn't think it through when I posted this, so I stand by my original answer for any ODD number of cards. For odd number of cards you can't force a win or a tie. But if the number of cards is even, then...
  11. k-man

    There isn't a strategy that guarantees a win to the first player regardless of how the numbers are arranged. For example, if all cards alternate 0s and 1s like this 0, 1, 0, ... 0, 1, 0 then the first player will always lose by getting 0 points. The second player will collect all the 1s. However, there likely is a strategy to maximize the score given the layout. I will think about that...
  12. k-man

    The shortest day of all planets in the solar system is on Jupiter and is just short of 10 hours. Uranus, Saturn and Neptune all have days shorter than 24 hours. Neptune is the only planet that is not a solid object and different parts of the planet are rotating with different speeds causing the length of the day to vary depending on your location on the planet. Cool, isn't it? EDIT: spelling
  13. k-man

    Not really! While a year (defined as a period of rotation of the planet around the Sun) on Mercury and Venus is shorter than Earth's year, a day (defined as the period of rotation of the planet around its own axis) is much longer on those planets. A day on Mercury is equal to 176 Earth days, while on Venus a day is equal to 243 Earth days. An interesting fact that on these 2 planets a single day lasts longer than a year!
  14. k-man

    [spoiler=That's easy ] The volume of a tetrahedron with the edge length a equals a3*sqrt(2)/12 a is a diagonal of a square with the side of 6", so it equals 6*sqrt(2). Plugging the value of a in the formula of the volume we get the volume of 63*sqrt(2)3*sqrt(2)/12 = 216*4/12 = 72 cubic inches. The get the square section of the tetrahedron we need to slice every side down its middle, so the side of the square will be a/2, and therefore the area of the square is a2/4. Pluggin the value of a we get 36*2/4 = 18 square inches.
  15. k-man

    LOL. It sounds like YOU are the boy in fifth grade. If you are half way to the bus stop and will get the cold by going to the bus stop you will also get the cold if you turn back as you have to cover the same distance. Sounds like you're out of luck especially that your parents already left for work
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