Since no one has taken up the mantle, let's review
Step 1) (18.2, 21.2, 14.1, 34.3, 31.1, 44.2, 18.1, 33.2, 34.3) ~I'm sure you'll know where to find it.
Step 2) (23-21, 21-20, 17-16, 36-35) ~entering this code will change the fingerprint recognition on my master library door to match yours.
Step 3) Just add those 4 numbers up when you enter my library. There are 33 bookcases. Go to the corresponding bookcase. There you will find one of my favorite books (Just be sure to use the first step when deciphering this next one. It differs somewhat):
Step 4) (5.2, 32.2, 22.1, 45.2, 14.3, 7.3, 37.1, 41.1, 36.3) ~we both loved this one, just not the middle of the title (we'd always just gloss over it)
Step 5) Once you pull the book down, note when it was published. Add to that date, the sum of the code you used in the second step. Then just decipher:
Step 6) JGI XCLFDCT EQFDV GDR JGI RDFI LVLJLDHR DR JGI NLHHIC ~and you'll surely know who to arrest!
So we need step 4 to be completed before we can continue.